Committee Meeting Minutes

October 7, 2013

Attendance: Mike Puleo, Robin Pothier, Christopher Jenkins, Cheryl Froio, John Froio, Keith Brooks,

Lisa Anderson

·  Service Projects:

o  There will be a Veteran’s Day Ceremony in November, Mike will look into it further and offer to the scouts.

o  The sheds in the parking lot need to be painted. Will need to have adult volunteers for this project. Possibly this fall.

o  The scouts have requested to help the veteran’s by raking their yards. Mike will further look into this.

o  Lisa will look into the Food Pantry dinner to get more information if this is an opportunity for the troop to help out.

·  New Scouts: We have one scout join our troop and the potential of three more new scouts. Potential scouts will visit troop.

·  Fundraisers:

o  Popcorn fundraiser is taking place and orders and monies are due back October 23rd.

o  Robin and Cheryl will also head up the wreath fundraiser again. These will be preordered & paid for November 6-20. Pick up day will be November 30th and public sale will take place 9-1. Lisa will call town offices to get permission to use common.

o  Gift card sale will take place prior to the holiday season.

o  Flower sale will take place prior to Mother’s Day in May.

·  Trips:

o  Mass Jamboree is Columbus Day Weekend. Medical forms still needed.

o  Thanksgiving Rod and Gun Club November 15-17. Committee will plan. Cheryl will do the cooking.

o  Trip in April is undecided. West Point may be an option. Application for WestPoint is due October 15th. Discussion of a big trip vs. summer camp-more adult coverage would be needed for an event like this.

·  BSA has increased their registration fees for all registered. This fee will increase by $9 effective January 1, 2014. As a result, Troop 47 registration will increase to $60 in March at re-charter.

·  Boy Scout Website at has been renewed for one more year effective August 2013. Will also contact webmaster to renew Cub Scout site for Troop 47.

·  Pack 47 has had several changes to volunteered positions. To continue the success of the pack, discussion regarding Webelos II joining in on Boy Scout meetings to prepare them for the advancement.

·  Equipment updates: Keith purchased 2 stoves, 2 lanterns, 3 griddles. He also cleaned, sorted and stocked the chuck boxes with cleaning supplies. Recommendations for 3 frying pans and a propane tree were made. Tents will be researched at Mass Jam to replace some of our tents.

·  Discussion regarding succession of committee members. Many committee members will be leaving over the next years, and replacements will be needed to continue the success of the troop.

Next Committee Meeting is November 18, 2013 at 7 pm.

All are welcome to meetings!