Practice No.
306 / Version 3 / Page 1 of 2 / Last up-dated
February 2008
Reference: 10/06 / HCC AS 19/07
HCC AS 02/07
HCC AS 10/06 102
HCC AS 10/06 150
HCC AS 10/06 423 / The Lord Chancellor’s Code of Practice on the Management of Records – Freedom of Information Act 2000 S46 / NMC Code of Professional conduct
GSCC Code of Practice for Social Care Workers
NMC Guidelines for records and record keeping July 2007


It is imperative that All INCIDENTS AND NEAR MISSES be reported under the Hampshire County Council, Adult Service Department Incident Reporting System or the Hampshire County Council Accident Book. Incident reporting is mandatory.

As well as ensuring that the Employer complies with Health & Safety legislation, all incidents present an opportunity to learn from what has happened, in order to prevent a recurrence. Incident reporting is mandatory and is an essential contributory factor in the update of risk assessments, maintaining quality of care provision and designing safe systems of work.

To achieve a complete picture of our performance in delivering care services we record all incidents that occur during the provision of care to service users and employees alike. We accomplish that by utilising an IT based recording system for service users and staff directly involved in the delivery of care, and the HCC Accident Book for staff not directly involved in delivery of care. e.g. administrative support staff. Both systems feed a database which is used to fulfil legal obligations and inform best practice.

There are three categories of incident :-

Green - Not requiring additional investigation, but providing learning to be communicated to all staff. The Registered Manager will sign these off.

·  No injuries or obvious harm

·  Most incidents of harm to a person requiring simple first aid on-site

·  No loss of property or minimal value loss only

·  No significant likelihood of service issues arising from incident

Amber - Requiring further investigation, the Registered Manager will conduct and record an investigation.

·  Significant harm to any individual requiring more than simple first aid on-site.

·  Small fires which are readily controlled by staff on duty

·  Disruption to normal service activity

·  Significant damage or loss of property

·  Likelihood of wider service issues arising from the incident

Red - These are critical incidents and an investigation will be conducted by senior management.

·  Unexpected death

·  Allegations of abuse

All incidents are monitored by the Health & Safety Team and the Nurse Advisor, and followed up where necessary.

When an incident occurs

Please note that the procedure varies to some extent when the incident relates to office based staff.

1.  Incidents should be reported to the duty manager without delay.

2.  It is essential that a clear, contemporaneous record is made of the incident, including written statements, in the relevant system, IT or Accident book. Any evidence, and where possible, the site, should be preserved until any investigation has been completed, and a photographic record may be made where appropriate. Confidentiality should be preserved at all times.

3.  The Registered Manager will determine if an investigation should take place.

Reporting the Incident

Care staff and Service Users

1.  All incidents should be reported on the Electronic reporting form using the procedure in the ‘Incident Reporting Guidance Notes’, and the forms on the Health & Safety website in the ‘Health & Safety forms and guidance’ section.

Where staff do not have access to IT systems, this should be done on a

hard copy (handwritten) of the reporting form and must be entered into the system as soon as possible.

2.  All staff responsible for reporting and recording incidents must attend training on the use of the system.

3.  Electronic reports must be forwarded by e:mail to

4.  Copies of incidents recorded in the Accident book, must be sent to the local Facilities Manager in the area in which the unit is located.

Office Based Staff (Non Care)

1. All incidents MUST be recorded in the Accident Book and entries signed by the Duty Manager.

2. Copies of all entries MUST be sent to the Facilities Manager as soon as possible after the incident for monitoring and recording.

Investigating the Incident

1. The manager will investigate all incidents in accordance with procedures 19/07 and 02/07.