For people in the Rochester Diocese and beyond who care about family life.


Although it is still only February, Spring seems to have been in the air for a long time already – with just the occasional cold snap. Have you already got daffodils and crocuses out ? Spring always has the ability to wake us up, give us hope and get us back on track. Lent is following hard on Christmas this year and In Mothers’ Union we start anew as well. This year we will be looking forward to our new Triennial Period in Rochester Diocese and welcome most warmly our own JULIA JAMIESON as President.

PLEASE KEEP THE DATE FREE and come to our cathedral for a wonderful commissioning service on SATURDAY 2 APRIL at 1130

Also, in April, we hold our Spring Members’ meeting in Tonbridge on SATURDAY 16TH. to which ALL members of MU are invited to be inspired, informed and to meet each other. All details for these and other events are on our website – see final page of MUCH for all addresses etc.



married, young, old, male, female, pa

In our MUCH

Magazine we deal

With all of these

aims and objects

by updating and informing you.

I wonder if, like me, you get slightly irritated by all the publicity given to the Women’s Institute especially in their centenary year? It is a great organisation, but when I hear that they are “the largest organisation in the UK “ I do question that statement. They might well be the largest SECULAR organisation but Mothers’ Union is, and always has been, not only the largest, but the oldest still functioning group. WE ARE 140 YEARS OLD THIS YEAR and there will be great celebrations, culminating in the General Council in September in Winchester where it all began. Do try and take part in this celebratory year and feel proud of all we do, not just for our own well-being but for so many families and individuals across the world. So, I thought I would remind us all of what we are dedicated to and the diagrams on Page 2 will, hopefully, start us off. I am going to comment on each of the images in turn

Starting with……….

This is very important as it lines us up with well-known charities like Save the Children, Oxfam, and many others which go to the aid and support of needy people all over the world. MU does even more than that as it provides workers on the ground from the local communities as far away as China and nearer to home in more than 80 countries.

These workers train and guide mothers and families in Christian living as well as in more practical aspects of life like health and hygiene, protection and education. We have 4 million members across the world. When disaster strikes a country, MU is often first on the scene because…….


Next –the composition of our membership. This has changed enormously over our long life of 140 years and we can never be accused of not keeping up with modern thinking.

. Look at the diagram again. Does it surprise you? The comments which come our way range from “ I didn’t know Mothers’ Union still existed “ to “ It’s not for me as I’m not married.”Certainly, in the earlies days, the organisation catered exclusively for not just married women but mothers and one heard stories of potential members having to wait until they actually had a child before they could join. That went out many years ago – and as time passed, we became completely inclusive.

Our diocese of Rochester has MALE members, married and single men and women and the only conditions for joining are that you are baptized in the Name of the Holy Trinity and subscribe to the aims and objects of the Mothers’ Union

These two diagrams illustrate our main


This is why people can join even if they do

not have children. Some of the most family

minded people are childless aunts, godparents and other friends and relatives.

One most important aspect of our Mothers’ Union work is in the involvement with projects and movements which seek to promote the advancement and liberation of women across the world who are hampered by their cultural background or other pressures to remain in poverty. We have been involved for many years in women’s literacy programmes particularly in Africa. On a number of occasions I have brought you the news that Comic Relief, a notable secular organisation, has supported MU work with women’s literacy. This support is particularly notable because we are the ONLY religious body to be given funds by Comic Relief. Clearly they appreciate all we are doing in that field of women’s advancement.Another way in which we have, over the years, supported women and families is by our “MAKE A MOTHER’S DAY” PROGAMME which has taken place for several years and we have advertised it through our MUCH magazine. It has taken place round Mothering Sunday and is a popular means by which a number of charities encourage donors to give money towards development schemes which provide livestock, materials, and by other practical means to help woman and families in particular to better their lives. We raised several hundreds of thousands of pounds by this means over the past few years.

The Mothers’ Union Prayer (This is said together by members whenever they meet)

Loving Lord We thank you for your love so freely given to us all.We pray for families around the world.Bless the work of the Mothers' Unionas we seek to share your love through the encouragement, strengthening and support of marriage and family life.Empowered by your Spirit, may we be united in prayer and worship,and in love and service reach out as your hands across the world.In Jesus' name.Amen.

Buy a Mothering Sunday gift and transform a life

Shirley Lee Stone is from Jamaica and has six boys and one girl. Sadly one of her sons was lost to gun crime. But Mothers’ Union’s Worldwide Parenting Programme has completely revolutionised the relationship she has with her children and, she believes, has prevented her from losing any more of them She says, “I never used to just sit and talk with my children. I fed and clothed them but never showed them love. But Mothers’ Union showed me how to love and care for my children and communicate with them. I now encourage them when they do not do well in school and congratulate them when they do. It has been amazing to open up to my daughter. We talk about relationships and school work – I am more involved in her life. Had I been on this course sooner I believe my boy would still be here today. I would have known how to protect him as a mother should. But I have learnt how to reach out to my other children and be there for them. Even though their father has passed, I promise to do my best for them. Thanks to Mothers’ Union I know their lives will be different.”



  • Commissioning service at the Cathedral – Saturday 2nd April at 1130 – followed by refreshments.


  • Lady Day – transferred from 25th March – Monday 4th April. Local branches and deaneries will be holding special services today for this important festival. For details of what is going on in your area check with the Administrator or one of the other contacts on Page 7
  • Spring members’ Meeting and AGM – Saturday 16 April 9.30am for a 10am start at Christ Church Christian Centre, Charterhouse Road, Orpington. 9.30am for a 10am start. Bring a packed lunch. Tea and coffee provided. THIS IS A MUST FOR ALL MEMBERS, INCLUDING MEMBERS OF “MUCH”
  • MU Quiet Day at Bromley College on Saturday 14 May. (See page 7 for contact link, Karen, for this)
  • Wave of Prayer –13-15 July- in which we remember and pray for our links overseas. Each branch will hold a meeting for prayer during this time.
  • Mary Sumner Day Pilgrimage – Tuesday 9 August . Local events will be arranged for this.
  • General Meeting in Winchester and Basingstoke to mark the 140th anniversary of Mothers’ Union

22 September in Winchester Cathedral 23 September in Basingstoke.

The MU across the entire British Isles will come in their hundreds to mark this event,

  • Autumn Members’ Meeting –29th October – Rochester Mathematical School

All of these events will be publicised nearer the time through this magazine and other means, so look out for details as the year goes by. TRY AND COME TO ONE OR MORE OF THESE OCCASIONS AND EXPERIENCE THE BREADTH AND DEPTH OF THE MOTHERS’ UNION IN COMPANY WITH MANY OTHER MEMBERS.

All of these events will be publicised nearer the time through this magazine and other means, so look out for details as the year goes by. TRY AND COME TO ONE OR MORE OF THESE OCCASIONS AND EXPERIENCE THE BREADTH AND DEPTH OF THE MOTHERS’ UNION IN COMPANY WITH MANY OTHER MEMBERS.


Any of the following people will be more than happy to help you find information or tell you what you need to know

about any of the topics we cover in MUCH. Please do not hesitate to make contact with us.

M.U.C.H. Project Manager……… Heather Sinclair

Diocesan President … Julia Jamieson

Action & Outreach Co-ordinator Wendy Swattridge

Faith and Policy co-ordinator Karen Forster-Pearce kgfp@btinternet.com

Catalogue for lovely gifts and cards….


Worldwide MU…..