English 8 Thinking Writing 5

Everyone must respond to one of the first two questions and then at least one other question. Please add your responses to TW1-4. You will not turn in your TW again until your turn in your final TW on Thursday for B Block and on Friday for D block.

  1. Read again pages 359-365 where Rudy and Liesel compete in a track meet and Rudy is disqualified in the final race. Rudy’s hero was Jesse Owens, and like Jessie Owens at the 1836 Olympics in Berlin, he wanted to win four gold medals at the Hitler Youth Carnival. Liesel was doubtful:

“But can you really win all four events.” (p 360)

To which Rudy resolutely responded, “placing his hands on hips”:

“I have to.” (360)

When Rudy is disqualified, he confesses to Lisel “I did it son purpose” (364) Thinking about Rudy’s confession, Liesel concludes that Rudy “is truly stupid” 365. To which Max responds, “Clearly” 365, apparently agreeing with her.

Discus why you think Rudy may have deliberately disqualified himself for the final race and why the apparent agreement by Max that Rudy is “stupid may mean more than he is saying.

  1. After reading Max’s The Word Shaker, a book he wrote especially for Liesel, Liesel goes to sleep

wondering, “where Max Vandenburg was, in all that forest out there” 451. Hours later, when she wakex up, she seems to know where Max is. She says with sudden understanding, “Of course. I know where he is.”

What does Liesel know? Answer this question with at least three possible answers. Some of you may be able to think of five or more. My thought is that they will all be true.

  1. Do you have a ‘safe place’? After describing one of her safe places in detail, Megan goes on to say:

This is only one of my safe places. There are many others depending on what mood I’m in. Sometimes it’s a beach, other times it’s a tree house, and once I was even in a New York subway station. Wherever I have good memories or dreams, wherever I feel like I’ll be left alone, wherever I feel safe and untouchable, I will go. I have no idea if other people do this or if I am the only one, but when I go to my safe place, I really go to my safe place. I can see it as vividly as if I am there, I can taste the tea and hear the birds, I can feel the light breeze. Maybe I’m just over exaggerating, it does make the story sound better, but if I close my eyes, I can go wherever I need.

Megan’s description inspired the following comment from me:

Your safe place is the secret that almost nobody talks about – it’s just not as vivid and detailed as yours. Vivid, descriptive writing is itself a kind of safe place – it has a way of making it real – or so, it seems to me, for as I read your words, the ‘safe place’ seems very, very real. So yes, though my safe place, is closer, more immediate – it’s like an umbrella that resonates with the rain that would carry me off with the wind, or provide shade when the sun is beating down. You can’t see it, but I always have that umbrella with me. The truth is, Megan, I have never thought of this quite like I am now, but once you mentioned the idea, all sorts of things began buzzing around like fireflies. I think you have found a secret and everyone will want to share theirs with you and even if they don’t have a safe place, they will make one up on the spot like I did and be grateful to you.

Your turn:

4. Write about whatever is on your mind or in your heart today.