U.S. History: The Nation Grows 1801-1817

Name ______

•  Vocabulary: Louisiana Purchase, Lewis and Clark, Sacagawea, war of 1812, Aaron Burr, Impressment, Embargo Act of 1807, Non-Intercourse Act, Tecumseh, Tippicanoe, Harrison, Tyler, war hawks, Treaty of Ghent, Rush-Bagott Agreement,

1. Louisiana Purchase

Why was the United States concerned with the French purchase of Louisiana?

Why did Jefferson feel expansion westward was more important than eastern shipping?

What des Robert Livingston do?

How much did Jefferson offer France for just New Orleans and West Florida?

How much did the United States pay for all of Louisiana?

Why did France have need to sell Louisiana?

Why was Louisiana Purchase called "an act beyond the Constitution"?

Why did the Federalists in Congress object to the Louisiana Purchase?

What year did the Louisiana Purchase become part of the United States?

2. Lewis and Clark

May 14, 1804



September 23, 1806

3. Zebulon Pike

4. Thomas Jefferson: What 3 acts did Jefferson ask Congress to repeal?

Why did Jefferson ask for the army and navy funding to be cut?

What 2 ideas of Alexander Hamilton’s was Jefferson forced to "live" with?

5. Election of 1804 (candidates and results)

6. Who supported Burr in his attempt to run for governor?

How did Alexander Hamilton hurt Burr in his loss in the election?

Who won the duel between Hamilton and Burr?


What 2 schemes did Burr get involved with after the duel?

General James Wilkinson


What was Burr charged with?

invasion of New Orleans

What was the result of the trial?

End of Burr

travels to Europe


American and Europe

7. Orders in Council

Who was a major source of supplies for both Britain and France?

Who objected to American aid to France?

Orders in Council

8. Napoleon’s Orders


freedom of the seas

blockade running

9. Impressment

10. Embargo Act of 1807

Why did the merchants and farmers not like the Embargo Act?

repeal of the Embargo Act?

11. Election of 1808 (candidates and results)

12. Madison’s Dilemma

The dilemma is what?

3 solutions are what?




13. Non-Intercourse Act

14. The Madison Cabinet can be summed up as what?

War of 1812

15. Macon’s Bill

Nathaniel Macon

Napoleon’s word

16. "War Hawks"

17. Tecumseh

The Prophet

What did Tecumseh ask of the white settlers?

What was the concern about the alliance between the Indians and the


Battle of Tippecanoe

General William Henry Harrison

18. Declaration of War

June 18, 1812

5 reasons






19. War Preparations

4 areas the U.S. was not prepared for war





20. Armed Forces

William Hull

Surrender of Detroit

21. Success at Sea

USS Constitution

USS United States

22. Conquest of Canada

Chief military goal of the United States is what?

Troops commanded by ______- are what? ______

23. Election of 1812. who wins?

24. Military Setbacks

British blockade

Winfield Scott

25. Naval Successes in Great Lakes are of New York

Commodore Perry does what?

26. Military Failures

Who gets into a fight?

invasion of New York

27. Military Reforms

Who brought reforms to the military and what were they?

28. What happens at Ft. McHenry?

29. Washington Burned by whom and who escapes ?

30. A Divided Country

Why were the Federalist merchants against the war?

Why did New England militia refuse to fight?

Compulsory draft

Daniel Webster

"Mr. Madison’s War"

31. Treaty of Ghent

Who negotiated the treaty?

British demands

Lord Castlereagh





32. Battle of New Orleans occurred when?

General Andrew Jackson

33. Rush-Bagot Agreement

34. Results of the War of 1812



