Birthday: We have 14students in our class this year… 8 boys and 6 girls. When your child is celebrating his/her birthday, they may bring in a birthday treat to share. This can be brownies, cupcakes, cookies, etc. Please let me know ahead of time if you are sending a treat in. Students with allergies can bring in a treat bag from home. When there is a birthday, the student can take a treat out of their bag to enjoy.

Drop-Off: Riders will be dropped off at the rear of the school from 8:30 – 8:45. Teachers and staff will be there to ensure a safe arrival. Please stay in line and do not pass any cars as children may be there. Children on the bus will be dropped off at the art room door. Teachers and staff will also be there to ensure a safe arrival and Safety Patrollers will bring the children down the hall to the classroom.

Pick-Up: Riders will be brought outside through the office doors by teachers at 3:10. There are three flags. Red Riders are for students with last names beginning with A - F. White Riders are for students with last names beginning with G– M. Blue Riders are for students with last names beginning with N - Z. Please wait at the correct flag and your child will be brought there. Children on the bus will be brought to the gym where they will wait in bus sections for their bus to come. Children going to extension will be brought to the dining hall. Kindergarten and Pre-K siblings will also be brought to the dining hall.

Recess/Lunch: We will be going outside for recess every day, weather permitting. They will either be in the far parking lot or down at the field at 11:20. The students will then go straight to the dining hall to our designated spot at 11:40. Students who want hot lunch can either bring in money or put money on their lunch cards. Peanut butter is fine to be eaten at lunch as we have a peanut butter free table where students with allergies sit at.

Snacks: Students will eat snack every day around 2:00. This snack will be brought from home or students may purchase a snack at the dining hall during their lunch time.

Newsletters: All of my newsletters will be on the St. Bridget School website. Please make sure to look there in the beginning of each month for important information, the updated classroom curriculum, and special dates.

Notes: Please send in any notes for changes of dismissal or anything else that you deem important. For Dress Down Days, Scholastic Money Orders, or any other notes that contain money, please put them all in an envelope and write your child’s name on it. This will ensure that the money is accounted for and kept safe.

Home Folders: Home folders go home every day. Please make sure that you are checking them each night and taking out any corrected work as well as any notes that I might give to you.

Agendas: Students will bring their agendas home every day except for Friday. Each student will write their homework assignments, spelling words, and any other important information for you to see.

Homework: Homework is given each day except for Fridays. Please make sure your child is writing in PENCIL and remembering to put their name on it. Extra homework is also given if class work is not completed or the student needs to make corrections.

Reading: Homework also includes reading daily at home. Each child should be reading at least ten minutes a day. I suggest that you read with your child and ask questions about the story. Reading in first grade is very important and by reading at home, the students will continue to work on their fluency, their confidence, and they will realize that reading is very important. Students will receive a monthly reading calendar that I will check each Friday. Please initial and mark how long your child read for each day they do read.

Mad Minutes: Mad Minutes are an important part of gaining math fluency. Students will receive a new mad minute sheet each week in a plastic folder. Students will be able to practice their math facts using a white board marker throughout the week. Students will also bring their mad minutes home for homework. The students can do the whole sheet or they can be timed for a minute. The students will be tested each Friday.

My door is always open. If you have a question or concerns please do not hesitate to come in, call, or email me. Your child will receive the best education he or she can get when we work together. I can tell that this is going to be such a great year. I look forward to working with all of you.