Team: ...... Name: ......
Team Challenge: Speech Terminology Test
1. When a person’s manner of speaking changes to match that of another speaker, this is called: ______
2. The term used to describe the level of cooperation in a conversation is called: ______
3. Timed pauses, false starts and fillers are all examples of: ______
4. ‘Shit’, ‘bloody’, ‘pissed’, ‘fuck’ are all examples of: ______
5. ‘Global warming is just a myth, isn’t it?’ is an example of a ______
6. ‘Whatsit’, ‘thingy’, ‘and that’ are all examples of ______
7. If you your utterances are too long or too short, which of Grice’s maxims have you flouted? ______
8. What is the purpose/utterance of the following utterance: ‘I love watching the sun set’: ______
9. What is the term given to pairs of exchanges that give conversation its structure? ______
10. What is the official term given to ‘small talk’? ______
11. Which of Grice’s maxim does Iago flout when he tells Othello that Cassio whispered Desdemona’s name in his sleep? ______
12. ‘kind of’, ‘soft of’, ‘probably’ are all examples of what? ______
13. What is the term given to ‘erm’ and ‘um’ in a conversation? ______
14. ‘Gonna’, ‘wanna’ and ‘kinda’ are all expels of what? ______
15. ‘You should- you might want to reconsider that’ is an example of what? ______
16. Write down an example of a contraction: ______
17. ‘What have you done today?’ is a: ______
18. What is the name given to the feedback a listener gives a speaker such as nodding or minimal responses ? ______
19. What is the difference between what these two symbols represent: (.) and (2): ______
20. Unintentional repetition due to thinking time or hesitation is called: ______
21. What would you say about the following utterance? : ‘Good afternoon Mr Jarvis’ ______
22. What term could be used to describe the following utterances?: ‘better get on with it’ and ‘Got the film, mate’ ______
23. What form of question is: ‘Do you feel better?’ ______