Which one of the following God’s commands during creation MAINLY encourages Christians to be obedient?

A.  ‘And now we shall create human beings in our own image’

B.  ‘I have given you green plants for food’

C.  ‘Do not eat the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden’

D.  ‘You will go back to the soil because you were made from soil’

Jacob set up a memorial stone on his way to Haran at

A.  Moreh B. Bethel

C.  Peniel D. Ur

When Moses left Midian to go to Egypt, it shows that he was

A.  obedient

B.  courageous

C.  brave

D.  wise

The MAIN problem the Israelites faced near the Red sea during the exodus was

A.  lack of water

B.  scarcity of meat

C.  lack of good leaders

D.  attack by their enemies

The action of Aaron near Mount Sinai during the exodus teaches Christians to

A.  seek for advice

B.  forgive those who wrong them

C.  remain faithful in their actions

D.  repent for their sins

66.  Who among the following judges of Israel offered a human sacrifice?

A.  Ehud B. Jephthah

C.  Othniel D. Ebimelech

67.  Which one of the following happened to king Saul because of his disobedience?

A.  He was killed on Mount Gilboa

B.  His kingdom split into two

C.  He turned into an animal

D.  He \vas taken to exile in Babylon

68.  King David made Jerusalem the centre of worship by

A.  capturing it from the Jebusites

B.  building his palace in the city

C.  bringing the covenant box there

D.  building a temple there

69.  The rich woman of Shunem showed good actions to prophet Samuel by

A.  building a house for him

B.  giving him gifts of gold

C.  preparing bread for him

D.  giving her son to him

70.  What happened to Jesus when he was forty days old? He was

A.  named and circumcised

B.  taken to Egypt

C.  baptised in River Jordan

D.  taken to the temple

71.  ‘I will give you all these if you worship me’ (Luke 4:6) These words were said to Jesus when he was

A.  baptised in River Jordan

B.  in a synagogue in Capernaum

C.  in the temple in Jerusalem

D.  on a mountain

72.  In teaching about greatness Jesus used a

A.  child

B.  coin

C.  sheep

D.  mustard seed

73.  The disciples were afraid when Jesus walked on water because

A.  they thought he would sink

B.  they thought it was a ghost

C.  the sea had storms

D.  they had not caught any fish

74.  Jesus taught his disciples how to pray when he

A.  was sitting in a boat

B.  at a wedding at Cana

C.  went through a wheat farm

D.  was seated on a hillside

75.  Jesus promised his disciples that they would be filled with the Holy Spirit in

A.  Bethany

B.  Jerusalem

C.  Nazareth

D.  Jericho

76.  Which one of the following events happened on the night Jesus was arrested?

A.  The disciples defended him from the soldiers.

B.  A cloud covered him

C.  Judas received thirty pieces of silver

D.  Darkness covered the earth

77.  The appointing of Matthias by the disciples teaches Christians to

A.  accept leadership roles

B.  obey the laws of the country

C.  show fairness in their actions

D.  obey their church leaders

78.  Who addressed a large crowd ,on the day of the pentecost?

A.  Paul

B.  Stephen

C.  John

D.  Peter

79.  When Philip saw the Ethiopian official he was

A.  at the temple praying

B.  offering a sacrifice

C.  reading the book of Isaiah

D.  threshing wheat in a field

80.  Among the seven helpers, who among them was a non-Jew?

A.  Timon

B.  Nicolaus

C.  Prochorus

D.  Stephen

81.  Which Christian value lacked in Ananias when he took some money to the disciples?

A.  Unity

B.  Humility

C.  Patience

D.  Integrity

82.  The work of priests in traditional African worship sessions is to

A.  read the scriptures

B.  make herbal medicine

C.  offer sacrifices

D.  bless worshippers

83.  The MAIN value considered in a girl for marriage in traditional African societies is

A.  hard work

B.  beauty

C.  love

D.  education

84.  People reconcile with the ancestors in traditional African communities by

A.  giving dead people good burial .

B.  offering sacrifices

C.  praying to ancestors

D.  writing books about ancestors

85.  Which one of the following actions by Christian promotes conservation of the environment?

A.  Making charcoal for home use,

B.  Employing guards to protect forests

C.  Avoiding the cutting down of trees

D.  Making laws to protect trees

86.  Maina a standard seven prefect solves a dispute of two boys arguing over the ownership of a pen. He practices the value of

A.  patience

B.  judgement

C.  fairness

D.  discernment

87.  Christians celebrate the Eucharist to

A.  remember the death of Jesus

B.  mark the birth of Jesus

C.  remember the teachings of Jesus

D.  bring more members to the church

88.  Christians teach against misuse of drugs because their use leads to

A.  misuse of family resources

B.  break-up of families

C.  physical pain

D.  diseases and death

89.  Some children beg for food on the streets MAINLY because they

A.  lack parental care'

B.  dropped from school

C.  do not have parents

D.  sniff glue

90.  Which command of Jesus did the early missionaries obey when they came to Africa?

A.  ‘Love one another as I loved you’

B.  ‘Knock and the door shall be opened for you’

C.  ‘Do not take anything for your journey’

D.  ‘Go to all people and make them my disciples’



61.  Among the curses of Allah (s.w) upon

Abulahab was a misserable death of a


A.  typhoid

B.  leprosy

C.  plague


62.  “His saiaat will not be accepted, he who does not recite Kitaab”. ‘Kitaab’ as used in this hadith means

A.  Surah Ikhlas

B.  Surah Fatiha

C.  the whole Qur'an text

D.  The heart of Qur’an

63.  Surah ikhlas denies the trinity faith of God the father, God the son and God the holy spirit. According to Islam, believers in this faith pray to all these EXCEPT one. Who?

A.  Gautama Budha B. Allah (S.W)

C.  Nabii Issa (A.S) D. Angel Jibril (A.S)

64.  The two Surah for protection and are recited mostly before going to bed are called

A.  Qualbul Qur’an

B.  Musnad

C.  Thuiuthil Qur’an

D.  Muawidhatein

65.  According to Surah Dhuha, the best way to reinforce what we learn is by the use of

A.  recitation

B.  a book

C.  a pen

D.  teaching others

66.  In the prophets traditions, we learn that Al- Aajizu. (a stupid man)

A.  judges his soul

B.  follows the desires of his soul

C.  spends most of the time on worldly wealth.

D.  does only what benefits him after death

67.  The M AIN sources of knowledge in Islam are four. Which one of the following is not among them?

A.  Internet

B.  Prophets

C. Allah ; D. Man

68.  Which of the following character led to the Sheitwaan to be called “Iblis” by Allah?

He was

A. too big B. pious

C.  proud D. brave

69.  Translate this piece of Advice from the prophet (p.b.u.h), “Al-IIm Nuur.” Knowledge is

A.  light

B.  a must

C.  a key to paradise

D.  a source of life

70.  All the following are example of ilmul Ghaib (unseen) EXCEPT one. Which one?

A.  Trust in the last day of Qiyama

B.  The rewards of paradise and Hell

C.  The cover up by the Angels of Allah

D.  The burial in the inner grave

71.  The respect attached to the dead in Islam is together with when a coffin is passing.

A.  praying two rakaats

B.  having a minute of silence

C.  rolling tears

D.  standing

72.  Wudhu purification may be destroyed by all these EXCEPT

A.  eating slightly beyond satisfaction

B.  loosing sense

C.  falling asleep

D.  natural discharge from two ways

73.  Which one of the following is NOT an Attribute of Allah?

A.  Al-Mubdii

B.  Al-Mustafa

C.  Al-Qaadir

D.  Al-Muhyii

74.  Ulul-Azm were the five prophets of Allah who were steadfast in faith. Who among the following was NOT among them? Nabii

A.  Nuh

B.  Issa

C.  Ibrahim

D.  Swaleh

75.  In which stage of life process is a human being’s life, Rizk, fortunes and qadr planned and written into account?

A.  On Earth

B.  In the mother’s womb

C.  In there grave

D.  There after

76.  There is no specific time on the Islamic calendar set for one of the following festival. Which one?

A.  Nikah B. Idd-ul-Hajj

C.  Isra wal miiraj D. Milad-un-Nabii

77.  Which part of the mosque is WRONGLY

A.  Muswalla B. Mimbar

C.  Munaara D. Mihraab

78.  Yusuf the son of prophet Yaaqub served in the following responsibilities in his lifetime, EXCEPT one. Which one?

A.  A minister B. A slave

C.  A prophet D. As a iron monger

79.  For how long did the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) preach secretly?

A.  Ten years B. 13 years

C.  23 years D. three years

80.  In which one of the following pillars of Salaat does Allah (S.W) highly feel honoured by his servant in prayer?

A.  Julus B. Sujuud

C.  Rukuu D. Qiyam

81.  The following are all optional rites of Hajj, EXCEPT one. Which one?

A.  Drinking from a spring of Zamzam

B.  Uttering talbia glorification

C.  Taking optional bath before Arafa

D.  Standing at Arafa

82.  The following is one of the clothings that complete the shroud of a woman corps. It is called the

83.  Which of the following forms of impure states recquires cleaning seven times and even using sand?

A.  Najis Mughalladha

B.  Women Nifas

C.  Najis Mukhaffafa

D.  Woman Heidh

84.  As much as he received very harsh persecution, Bilaal bin R-abbah stack with word •\Ahad” meaning ‘Allah is one'. This gives muslim the best example of in faith.

A. hospitality B. tolerance

C.  love D. joy

85.  Which of the following is the correct response to someone who sneezes in Islam? Tell him

A.  Astaghafirullah

B.  Alhamdulillah

C.  Yarhamkallah

D.  Yaahadiiqumullah

86.  Who among the following groups of people will receive purnishment from the bottom most part of the Hellfire? The

A.  Ahlil Kitaab

B.  Dayuths

C.  Kaumu Luut

D.  Munaafiquuns

87.  Lady Khadija died in the year of sorrow at the age of years.

A.  65

B.  63

C.  69

D.  61

88.  When lady Khadija was asked about the character of the prophet, she answered a

A.  true honest person

B.  living Qur’an

C.  humble fost of heart

D.  handsome charming man

89.  Which of the following property have same fraction payment of Zakkatul Mall?

A.  Money and Gold

B.  Sheep and Camels

C.  Cows and Goats

D.  Vegetables and Silvers

90.  The Islamic Sharia recognizes three major forms of inheritable relationship. Which one is NOT among them? By

A. blood B. marriage

C.  fostering D. neighbourhood