Exchange Contact: / Harriet Kobutiti
Position: / International Coordinator
Address: / Umeå School of Business,
Biblioteksgränd 6
901 87 Umeå
Phone: / +46 90786 7177
Fax: / +46 90786 6674
E-mail: /
Website: /

Exchange-related information

Level of Exchange: / Undergraduate/Graduate course work only
Duration of Exchange: / Minimum: 3 months Maximum: One academic year
Restricted programmes: / -

Academic Information: (this information is specific for the current academic year)

Course Information: / From the following website the online course catalogue can be found: courses in Business administration
course syllabuses’ in Business Administration
Term dates: / Autumn term: August 30th 2010 – January 16th, 2011
Spring term: January 17th - June 5th, 2011
Summer term: June 7th – August 27th, 2010
Winter term: January 16th – February 20th, 2011
Examination period: / All courses include written and/or oral examinations. There are, however, usually no final exams covering the entire term’s coursework (i.e. grouping the sub courses together) or covering an entire general study program. Examinations take place during the terms. Exams may cover one or more credit points.
Term breaks: / Christmas Break:~ December 22nd, 2010 – ~January 7th, 2011
Number of weeks of study: / One academic term comprises 20 weeks = 30 credits
Number of required courses: / To be a full-time student you have to study 30 credits per term (e.g., 4 x 7,5 credit courses per term). Full time studies should mean approximately 40 study hours per week, including a varying number of lectures and classes.
You cannot apply for more than 45 Swedish credits per term without obtaining special permission to do so. 1 Swedish credit equals 1 ECTS credits or 0,5 U.S. credits.
Course types: / The single-subject courses available at Umeå University with instruction given in English are offered at the basic level (first cycle), and advanced level (second cycle).Specific eligibility requirements (prerequisites) are indicated on the course pages. Please note that single-subject courses cannot be combined to form a final degree.
Credit system (explain briefly): / Umeå University uses the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) as its system of credits. 1.5 ECTS credits are equivalent to one week of study. An academic term of full-time study comprises of 30 ECTS. It is important to check the "Study Period" on the individual course page to find out the duration and tempo of the course. You should not apply for several day time full time courses because that runs at the same weeks because the schedule might clash.
Number of hours per
week per course: / 1.5 credits is equivalent to one week of successful full time study.
Are there any restrictions on the types of courses our students may take? / You have to meet the prerequisites for the course in order to be accepted. The prerequisites are stated under the course descriptions. Youwill findthe course descriptions in the on-line course catalogue under Courses and Programmes.
Grading system: / ECTS grades and Swedish grades
In our Swedish study system, we have a 3-level grading scale in which "VG"=Pass with distinction, "G"=Pass, and "U"=Fail. Although the ECTS grading scale is not yet officially introduced in Sweden, many departments at the university are using it parallel with the Swedish grading scale. If required, your home university is responsible for any translation of Swedish and ECTS grades into your home country’s specific grading system.
Transcripts: / Transcripts for exchange students are sent to the host institution at the end of their study period at Umeå University.
Transcripts are usually posted:
Mid June (Spring term)
Mid January (Autumn term)

Special Needs:

Umeå University offers support for students with special needs (i.e. learning disabilities, physical disabilities etc):

Among the forms of support which may be considered for students with disabilities, the costs of which shall be charged against the grants for extraordinary educational expenses, may be mentioned:

The Forms of Support that May Be Considered:

·  note-taking help

·  course literature in alternative formats such as talking books

·  reading help

·  sign language interpretation (Swedish sign language)

·  mentors

·  modification of exams such astime extensionsfor written exams

For more information, see:

Application deadlines

Fall semester/ full academic year (2010) / May 15th, 2010 (courses and housing)
Spring semester 2011: / November 1st, 2010 ( courses and housing)
Nomination procedure / Please send your nominations by e-mail, preferably no later than 2 weeks prior to the application deadline, including:
-First name
-Family name
-Date of Birth
-Period of exchange (fall/spring/full academic year)
-Level of study (Bachelor/Master)

Arrival/Orientation Information:

Orientation dates: / Autumn term 2010: August 24th – 27th, 2010
Spring term 2011: January 17th – 19th, 2011.
Where: / University Campus (more information will be sent to the admitted students)
Recommended arrival dates: / Autumn term 2010: August 23th or 24th, 2010 (arrival days)
Spring term 2011: January 16th (after 4 pm. or 17th, 2011 (arrival days)
Is Orientation mandatory for exchange students? / No, but we recommend students to attend the orientation.
Is there a charge for Orientation, if so, how much? / There is no charge for the Orientation

Accommodation Information:

Exchange Student Housing: / Student residences close to the University.
For more information, see the website:
Cost: / Prices vary from 10 500-15 500SEK per term depending on area. See Area information for more information. Included in the rent is a total service fee ofaround 1 300SEK for one term (in total ca
2 000SEK for a two term stay).
Meal plan: / No. Students prepare their own meals in the common kitchen in the student residences.
Off-Campus Accommodation: / If you do not like the type of housing we have to offer, you are of course welcome to make your own housing arrangements. More information on the website:
Just remember that if you have trouble finding housing on your own you can not count on getting housing through the International Housing Office, unless you applied for it before the deadline passed.

Insurance Information:

Health Insurance

/ All exchange students that enter Sweden must be covered by a valid medical insurance. Well in advance you have to find out to what extent your domestic insurance policy is valid in Sweden. All EU citizens should make sure to bring the E 106 form or a European Health Insurance Card from their home country in order to ensure that they get the proper benefits if they have to visit the hospital.


Employment opportunities for exchange students:
/ Students outside of EU need a residence permit if they are staying for longer than three months. EU citizens just need to register with the migration board (if they are staying for longer than three months).
A separate work permit is not necessary, students are allowed to work during the term dates.
Nordic Citizens can work and study in Sweden without permits and do not need to register.


Language facilities & support
/ Single subject courses are given, taught in English.
Two Basic Swedish Language Courses; beginners’ level and continuation level, (15 credits each) are offered the students as afternoon- or evening courses during both Autumn and Spring term.
Contact: / The students apply to the Swedish Language Course/-s by putting Swedish course beginner’s level or Swedish course continuation level on the application form.
Overview of Costs
Books/Supplies / ~ SEK 400 per month
Food / ~ max. SEK 2.000 per month (depending on individual life style)
Laundry / ~free of charge in the Student Residences
Phone / (incl. TV, newspapers) = ~SEK300
Residence/Rent / ~ from SEK 2.100 per month to SEK 3.100 per month
Transportation / ~ SEK350 per month (by bus)
Other (specify) / ~Medical care and hygiene: SEK 250. Clothing, hobby/leisure: SEK 750. Total budget per month: SEK 7,070