Name: Block: January 7, 2015

Emerging Technology Research

1 / Go to Read and copy the definition of Emerging Technology.
Emerging Technology can be divided into 6 categories. Google search and define each.
2 / Information technology
3 / Nanotechnology
4 / Biotechnology
5 / Cognitive science
6 / Robotics
7 / Artificial Intelligence

Click each of the links in this section to research emerging technologies. You will have to answer some questions from each web site as part of your research.

Website: / What is Emerging Technology? Wikipedia
Question: / Answer:
1 / Look in the History section: What is a disruptive technology and give an example.
2 / Look in the Debate over emerging technologies section: What situations are analysts like Martin Ford afraid robots will cause?
3 / What does the acronym NBIC stand for?
Website: / / Scroll down through the “most recent” articles chose any three and summarize each of them in 3 sentences each. Remember- summarizing is picking the main ideas and forming complete thoughts. Not random sentences that don’t make sense together, copying and pasting (definitely not summarizing) or just copying 3 sentences that are next to each other to get something on paper. Think.. why did they right the article and include the top 3 most important things that were mentioned or told in the arcticle.
Article Topic or Title / Summary
Website: / Gizmos and Gadgets / On the right side of the page are different “sections”. Click Around the Home. Choose three gadgets that you would like to see in your home and describe each in 2-3 sentences.
Gadget / Description
Website: / Evolta Robot: Robot Technology / Click the link and read the article: Evolta robot to tackle grueling Ironman triathlon. Summarize this article in 5 complete sentences.

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