Set Book Questions

Module 4 - Unit – 7 – Lesson 1 ( Finding answers )

1-"You are on a ship in the South Pacific. It is sinking, and you have to decide what to take in your raft. You are 1609 kilometres from the nearest land."

A.In your opinion , which items would you take ? why?

I would take the following items:

a-  Oars to be able to row and reach the shore.

b-  Emergency blankets to keep warm.

c-  Signal flare and signal mirror to be able to let rescuers know where we are.

d-  A compass to be able to know the directions.

e-  A shark repellent to keep the sharks away.

f-  A first aid kit totreat people who get injured or become ill suddenly.

Module 4 - Unit – 7 – Lesson 3 ( Problem solving )

2-"We all experience problems and we spend a lot of time and effort trying to solve them. We think of a problem in a negative way and also in a positive way."

A.Define it in both ways.

- In a negative way: It is a difficulty or an unpleasant situation.

- In a positive way: It is any situation where you have an opportunity to make a difference or an improvement.

3-"Our brains make patterns and routines. To think of new ideas, we need to break the patterns, but breaking the patterns and routines is not a natural activity."

A.Explain ( Thinking outside the box ).

- It means thinking beyond the limits of our habits and routine.

4- "Defining the problem , identifying it and thinking systematically about it are of the important steps of solving a problem."

A-What other steps can you use to solve a problem you have?

a-  Thinking as widely as you can about possible solutions.

b-  Listing the advantages and disadvantages of each solution.

c-  Choosing what seems to be the best solutions

d-  Testing out the solution.

Module 4 - Unit – 7 – Lesson 5 ( Interesting facts )

5-"The chances of finding of someone with exactly the same fingerprints as you are one in 64 billion."

A.  Could another person theoretically have the same fingerprints as you?

- Yes. Another person could theoretically have the same fingerprints as you.

B. How can fingerprints be useful?

-They help us to grip and handle objects.

-They help the police to identify the criminals.

2- "Fire needs oxygen so you may think it couldn't work on the moon"

A.Why do you think fireworks can work on the moon?

Many fireworks have a chemical mix that contains a source of oxygen , so they could still work and with the moon's low gravity, a firework could fly up several kilometres.

Module 4 - Unit – 8 – Lesson 1 ( Maria Montessori )

6-"Maria Montessori was Italy's first woman doctor. At the time, if women succeeded in male professions, they were looked down upon and belittled. She was, therefore, unable to find work at any of Rome's hospitals."

A. Describe the education in Italy at the turn of the twentieth century?

- It was a strict and rigid system.

B. Name some of Montessori's achievements.

-. She devised theories that allowed children learn at their own pace.

-. She invented special equipment that helped children learn by using their senses.

Module 4 - Unit – 8 – Lesson 3 ( Problem page )

7-" I had an argument with my best friend. I really want to be her friend, but I'm scared that I will look stupid if I say I am sorry."

A-  Who can help such a person?

A counselor.

B-  What's your advice for such a girl?

-I would ask her to apologise as soon as possible.

-She should explain that she didn't mean to upset her friend.

Module 4 - Unit – 8 – Lesson 5 ( Problems and puzzles )

8-"Improving your thinking skills requires you to be aware of the problem-solving strategies."

A-What are these strategies?

a-  Understand c- Plan c-Try d- Check

Module 5 - Unit – 9 – Lesson 1 ( Forces of nature )

9-"Nature has its own forces which can cause much damage."

A-Name these forces.

- Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Hurricanes and Tsunamis.

B- What is a volcano?

- It is a hole in the Earth's surface which pushes out hot, liquid rock.

C-What does a volcano cause?

-It causes changes to the weather. - It reduces sunlight and it kills crops.

D-How can volcanoes be predicted?

- By using special advanced machines by scientists.

Module 5 - Unit – 9 – Lesson 5 ( Dangerous jobs )

"There are people whose jobs need them to get into risks and go to dangerous places. They also may face death."

A-Mention some of these dangerous jobs.

a-  Paramedic b- Alaskan pilot

b-  Smoke jumper d- A diver in Kuwait diving team.

B- In your opinion, which one is the most dangerous? Why?

- I think the paramedic's job is the most dangerous one as he has to drive fast and go to dangerous places like , rocky mountains to help people.

Module 5 Unit 10 Lesson 1( Whirlpool )

1- I thought to myself, " We have been going round and round, nearer to the horrible edge of the whirlpool . Nothing can save us !"

A- What is a whirlpool ?

An area in a sea where water goes quickly round and round.

B- Why is a whirlpool dangerous ?

-damage of things. -death of people

Module 5 Unit 10 Lesson 3 (The Plymouth To Banjul Rally )

2- "In 2002, Julian Nowill thought of an adventure . He wondered if it was possible to drive from Plymouth ,England to Gambia ,Africa."

A-What is the aim of the Plymouth to Banjul Rally?

-It is enjoying the adventure. - Raising money for charity.

Module 5 Unit 10 Lesson 5 ( A Famous road )

3- " The Silk Road was an ancient route which connected the continents of Asia and Europe"

A- Why was travelling through the Silk Road dangerous?

-Because merchants faced freezing temperatures and the boiling deserts.

-They faced thieves.

B-What is the Silk Road?

- It is an ancient trade route which connected the continents of Asia and Europe.

4- "The journey took many months . Merchants had to go into the boiling desert, and in the mountains. It was safer to travel in a group called a' caravan"

A- What is caravan?

- It's a group of people using camels carrying goods and travelling together across the desert.

B- Why did people use to travel in caravans in the past?

- Because they were afraid of thieves.

C- People who travelled through the desert faced many dangers in the past.

- Cold - heat - hunger - thirst

Module 6 Unit 11 Lesson 1 ( A different life style )

1- " Most people think that money will make you free , but it doesn't ."

A-How can rich people help in developing the society?

- By giving some of their money to charities

B-Does money make you happy and free? Explain.

- No, because it traps you and make you worry more.

Module 6 Unit 11 Lesson 3 ( Links )

2- " Fashion is important in Japan as well as in Kuwait yet there is a difference"

A-What is a kimono?

- It is a traditional long robe that you tie around your stomach.

B-What are chopsticks used for?

- They are used for eating. - They are used for tying the hair.

3- " People can practice many sports in Japan."

A-What sports can people play and do in Japan ?

- Football - Judo and karate

Module 6 Unit 11 Lesson 5 ( Happiness )

4- " Being happy is good for you and society." " If you feel happy , you can contribute more to the community."

A- What are the main sources of happiness ?

Family - friends - money

B- 10- How does happiness contribute to the community?

A.  It makes us more sociable. B. healthy. C. keen to help others.

5- " Some psychologists have identified three elements to happiness"

A- What are the three elements to happiness?

-Experiencing pleasures in life

- Using your strengths in a positive way.

-Having a spiritual life.

B-What tips would you give to someone to lead a happy life?

-at lots of nuts and bananas b) Do exercises

- Make things with friends

Module 5 Unit 12 Lesson 3 ( Regrets )

1 – "Everyone has his own regrets ".

A-Mention two of yours.

- I wish I had studied hard last week

- I wish I had slept early yesterday

Module 6 Unit 12 Lesson 5 ( Friendship )

2. " There are many qualities of good friends such as honesty and kindness "

A-Mention some other qualities of a good friend?

- Respectful, loyal, and trustworthy.

3." Friends are very special . As long as people have lived , they have found friendships with each other ."

A-What does friendship depend on?

-Loyalty, sharing likes, dislikes and feelings, respect and love.

4. "True friends are always in heart."

A-Mention two tips for being a good friend.

- sharing likes and dislikes, hobbies and secrets.

- To be good listeners to each other.

Around the World in Eighty Days.

Episode One

***Read the following extracts and answer the following questions:-

1- "He was a man of regular habits, who lived his life according to a strict routine."

a- Whom is the writer talking about?

b- How did he live strictly?

c- Mention examples to show his regularity.


a- Mr.Phileas Fogg

b- He timed his life with his pocket watch and followed a timetable in everything he did.

c- He got up at exactly the same time and has his lunch and dinner atexactly the same time every day.

2- "From this moment, twenty-nine minutes past eleven on the morning of Wednesday, October2nd 1872,you are in my service."

a- Who said these words? To whom?

b- Why did he employ him?

c- Mentioning timing and dates reflects the speaker's character. Discuss.


a- Mr.Phileas Fogg - Passeportout

b- To be his servant in his journey around the world in eighty days.

c- It reflects that the speaker was a man who lived his life according to a strict routine.

3- "In fact, I will travel around the world, and I will prove you wrong. I will be back here on the twenty-first of December at eighty forty-five."

a- Who said these words? To whom?

b- How many days will he take to be back at the above mentioned time?

c- What was the speaker's friend wrongness?

- Answers

a-Mr.Phileas Fogg – To one of his friends at the Gentlemen's club.

b- Eighty days

c- His wrongness was that it's impossible to go round the world in eighty days.

4- "I will have my passport stamped in every country I visit to prove to you that I have travelled around the world in eighty days."

a- Who said these words? To whom?

b- In which occasion did he say that?

c- Do you think, it is possible to travel around the world in eighty minutes? How?

Answers :

a- Mr.Phileas Fogg. To one of his friends at the Gentlemen's club.

B- When they were arguing the possibility of travelling around the world in eight days.

c- SS' own answer.

Episode Tow

1- "He has a briefcase full of Bank of England notes."

a- Who said these words? To whom?

b- In which occasion did he say that?

c- Why did Mr. Fix talk about the owner of the briefcase?

d- From where did the intended person get the money?

e- If you have a briefcase full of Kuwaiti Bank notes, what will you do?

Answers :

a- These words were said byPasseportout, the servant. – To Mr. Fix.

b- When Mr. Fix told Passeportout that Mr. Phileas Fogg must have been a rich man.

c- Because Mr. Fix thought that Mr. Phileas Fogg is the robber of Bank of England notes.

d- He was the robber of the Bank of England.

2- "You are giving me a great gift, sir"

a- What was the great gift?

b- Who gave the great gift? Why?


a- It was an elephant.

b- Mr.Phileas Fogg, Because the no longer needed it.

Episode three

1- "We must catch the Carnatic for Yokohama. If we miss it, we will not complete our journey around the world in eighty days."

a- Who said these words? To whom?

b- Where were they before leaving for Yokohama?

c- Did they catch the Carnatic for Yokohama? Why?

Answers :

a- These words were said byPassepartout, the servant. – To Mr. Fix.

b- They were in Hong Kong on the board of Rangoo

c- No, they didn't. Because the Carnatic had sailed twelve hours early.

2- "Your master robbed the Bank of England of$55,000. If I catch him, I will get reward of two thousand pounds. I will share it with you if you help me."

a- Who said these words? To whom?

b- Why do you think he said this?

c- Did the addressed person agree or not? Why?

d- If you were the addressed person, would you accept the speaker's offer?

Answers :

a- Mr. Fix to Passepartout.

b- Because he thought that he would be never able to arrest Mr. Phileas Fogg unlessPassepartout help him.

c- No, he didn't agree. Because he was an honest man.

d- SS' own answer.

3- " Never! My master is a good, kind man and I will never betray him."

a- Who said these words? To whom?

b- Whom were they talking about?

c- Why did the speaker say these words angrily?

d-What do you think of the speaker?

e- What happened to the speaker due to his angry reaction?

Answers :

a- These words were said byPassepartout, the servant. – To Mr. Fix.