
Overview of Studies Included in the Meta-analysis

Provides effect sizes for…
Study No. / Sample No. / Author and Year / Source / (1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5) / (6) / (7) / (8) / (9) / (10) / (11) / (12) / (13)
1 / 1 / Andaleeb 1996 / Journal of Retailing / x
2 / 2 / Antón, Camarero, and Carrero 2007 / European Journal of Marketing / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
3 / 3 / Ashley et al. 2011 / Journal of Business Research / x / x / x / x / x
4 / 4 / Ashok, Dillon, and Yuan 2002 / Journal of Marketing Research / x
5 / 5 / Aydin and Özer 2005 / European Journal of Marketing / x / x
6 / 6 / Back and Lee 2009 / Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research / x / x
7 / 7 / Bansal, Irving, and Taylor 2004 / Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
8 / 8 / Bansal and Taylor 1999 / Journal of Service Research / x
9 / 9 / Bansal, Taylor, and James 2005 / Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / x
10 / 10 / Barnes et al. 2010 / Journal of International Marketing / x / x / x
11 / 11 / Barroso and Picón 2011 / Industrial Marketing Management / x / x
12 / 12 / Barry, Dion, and Johnson 2008 / Journal of Services Marketing / x
13 / 13 / Beatson, Coote, and Rudd 2006 / Journal of Marketing Management / x / x / x / x
14 / 14 / Beatson, Lings, and Gudergan 2008 / The Service Industries Journal / x / x / x / x
15 / 15 / Beatty et al. 2012 / Journal of Service Research / x / x
16 / 16 / Bell, Auh, and Smalley 2005 / Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / x / x
17 / 17 / Bigné, Sánchez, and Andreu 2009 / International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research / x / x / x
18 / 18 / Biong and Selnes 1997 / Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing / x / x
19 / 19 / Bloemer and Odekerken-Schröder 2007 / Journal of Relationship Marketing / x
20 / 20 / Burnham, Frels, and Mahajan 2003 / Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / x / x / x / x
21 / 21 / Camarero, Antón, and Carrero 2010 / The Service Industries Journal / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
22 / 22 / Čater and Čater 2010 / Industrial Marketing Management / x / x / x
23 / 23 / Čater and Zabkar 2009 / Industrial Marketing Management / x
24 / 24 / Chang and Chen 2007 / Journal of Air Transport Management / x / x / x
25 / 25 / Chang and Chen 2008 / Computers in Human Behavior / x / x
26 / 26 / Chang and Chen 2009 / Information & Management / x
27 / 27 / Chang and Chou 2011 / African Journal of Business Management / x / x / x
28 / 28 / Chebat, Davidow, and Borges 2011 / Journal of Business Research / x / x
29 / 29 / Chih et al. 2012 / The Service Industries Journal / x / x / x
30 / 30 / Chiou and Droge 2006 / Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / x
31 / 31-32 / Chiou and Pan 2009 / Journal of Business Psychology / x
32 / 33 / Chiou, Wu, and Sung 2009 / Journal of Service Management / x
33 / 34-35 / Chiu et al. 2005 / Journal of Business Research / x
34 / 36 / Chou and Lu 2009 / Transport Reviews / x
35 / 37 / Chuang 2011 / Telecommunications Policy / x / x / x
36 / 38 / Chung, Sternquist, and Chen 2006 / Journal of Retailing / x
37 / 39 / Colwell and Hogarth-Scott 2004 / Journal of Services Marketing / x / x / x
38 / 40 / Crutchfield and Morgan 2010 / Health Marketing Quarterly / x / x / x / x / x
39 / 41 / Davis-Sramek et al. 2009 / Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / x / x / x
40 / 42 / de Matos, Henrique, and de Rosa 2009 / International Journal of Bank Marketing / x
41 / 43 / de Matos, Vieira, and Veiga 2011 / The Service Industries Journal / x / x
42 / 44 / de Ruyter, Moorman, and Lemmink 2001 / Industrial Marketing Management / x
43 / 45 / Deng et al. 2010 / International Journal of Information Management / x / x
44 / 46 / Dixon et al. 2005 / The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consume / x / x / x
45 / 47 / Dongjin, Shenghui, and Kai 2008 / Journal of Consumer Behaviour / x
46 / 48 / Edward, George, and Sarkar 2010 / Services Marketing Quarterly / x / x
47 / 49 / Eggert and Ulaga 2010 / Industrial Marketing Management / x / x / x / x / x
48 / 50 / Falk et al. 2007 / Journal of Service Research / x / x
49 / 51 / Fang, Palmatier, and Evans 2008 / Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / x / x
50 / 52 / Farn and Huang 2009 / International Journal of Computers / x / x
51 / 53-54 / Ferguson, Paulin, and Bergeron 2005 / Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / x / x / x
52 / 55 / Fuentes-Blasco et al. 2010 / The Service Industries Journal / x
53 / 56-58 / Fullerton 2005 / European Journal of Marketing / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
54 / 59-61 / Fullerton 2011 / Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services / x / x / x
55 / 62 / García-Acebrón, Vázquez-Casielles, and Iglesias 2010 / Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing / x / x
56 / 63 / Geiger et al. 2012 / Industrial Marketing Management / x / x / x
57 / 64-65 / Geyskens et al. 1996 / International Journal of Research in Marketing / x / x
58 / 66 / Gounaris 2005 / Journal of Business Research / x / x / x / x
59 / 67 / Gu and Wang 2011 / Industrial Marketing Management / x / x
60 / 68 / Gundlach and Cannon 2010 / Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / x / x / x
61 / 69 / Guo, Duff, and Hair 2010 / Asia Pacific Business Review / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
62 / 70 / Gustafsson, Johnson, and Roos 2005 / Journal of Marketing / x / x / x / x / x
63 / 71 / Han, Back, and Barrett 2009 / International Journal of Hospitality Management / x
64 / 72 / Han, Kim, and Hyun 2011 / International Journal of Hospitality Management / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
65 / 73 / Han, Kwortnik, and Wang 2008 / Journal of Service Research / x / x / x
66 / 74 / Hansen, Sandvik, and Selnes 2003 / Journal of Service Research / x / x
67 / 75 / Harrison and Kelly 2010 / Marketing Intelligence & Planning / x
68 / 76 / Hartmann and Ibáñez 2007 / Energy Policy / x / x
69 / 77 / Hellén and Sääksjärvi 2011 / Psychology & Marketing / x
70 / 78 / Hellier et al. 2003 / European Journal of Marketing / x
71 / 79 / Herrmann et al. 2004 / Psychology & Marketing / x / x
72 / 80 / Hur, Park, and Kim 2010 / The Services Industries Journal / x / x / x
73 / 76 / Ibáñez, Hartmann, and Calvo 2006 / The Service Industries Journal
74 / 81 / Izquierdo, Rodrííguez, and Joséé 2006 / Journal of International Consumer Marketing / x / x / x / x
75 / 82 / Jahanzeb, Fatima, and Khan 2011 / Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management / x / x
76 / 83-84 / Jap 1999 / Journal of Marketing Research / x / x
77 / 85 / Jones et al. 2010 / Journal of Services Marketing / x
78 / 86 / Jones, Mothersbaugh, and Beatty 2002 / Journal of Business Research / x / x
79 / 87-88 / Jones et al. 2007 / Journal of Service Research / x
80 / 89 / Kaur, Sharma, and Mahajan 2012 / International Journal of Bank Marketing / x / x / x
81 / 90 / Kim 2001 / Journal of Business Research / x / x
82 / 91 / Kim 2007 / Journal of Business Research / x
83 / 92 / Kim and Gupta 2012 / Psychology & Marketing / x / x
84 / 93-94 / Kim, Hibbard, and Swain 2012 / Journal of Retailing / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
85 / 95 / Kim, Park, and Jeong 2004 / Telecommunications Policy / x / x
86 / 96 / Kim et al. 2010 / Journal of Business Research / x / x / x
87 / 97 / Kim, Shin, and Lee 2006 / Information & Management / x
88 / 98 / Kim and Son 2009 / MIS Quarterly / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
89 / 99-100 / Kim, Stump, and Oh 2009 / Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / x / x / x
90 / 101 / Lam et al. 2010 / Journal of Marketing / x
91 / 102 / Lam et al. 2004 / Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / x
92 / 103 / Lancastre and Lages 2006 / Industrial Marketing Management / x / x / x
93 / 104 / Lee and Cunningham 2001 / Journal of Services Marketing / x
94 / 105 / Lee et al. 2008 / Industrial Marketing Management / x
95 / 106 / Leonidou, Palihawadana, and Theodosiou 2006 / European Journal of Marketing / x
96 / 107 / Li, Browne, and Chau 2006 / Decision Sciences / x / x
97 / 108 / Liu 2006 / Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing / x / x
98 / 109 / Liu, Guo, and Lee 2011 / International Journal of Information Management / x / x
99 / 110 / Liu, Leach, and Bernhardt 2005 / Journal of Business Research / x / x
100 / 111 / Lu, Tu, and Jen 2011 / Total Quality Management & Business Excellence / x / x / x
101 / 112 / Luo et al. 2011 / Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / x / x / x
102 / 113 / Magin et al. 2003 / Electronic Markets / x
103 / 114 / Maute 2011 / International Business & Economics Research Journal / x / x / x
104 / 115 / Melancon, Noble, and Noble 2011 / Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / x / x / x / x
105 / 116-117 / Meng and Elliott 2009 / Journal of Applied Business and Economics / x
106 / 118 / Mitręga and Katrichis 2010 / Industrial Marketing Management / x / x / x / x / x / x
107 / 119-120 / Moliner et al. 2007 / European Journal of Marketing / x / x
108 / 121 / Morgan and Hunt 1994 / Journal of Marketing / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
109 / 122 / Mukherjee and Nath 2007 / European Journal of Marketing / x / x
110 / 123 / Nusair, Parsa, and Cobanoglu 2011 / Tourism Management / x / x / x
111 / 124 / Odekerken-Schröder and Bloemer 2004 / Journal of Relationship Marketing / x
112 / 125 / Pae and Hyun 2006 / Omega / x / x
113 / 126-127 / Patterson, Mandhachitara, and Smith 2001 / Journal of International Consumer Marketing / x / x
114 / 128 / Patterson and Smith 2001 / International Journal of Service Industry Management / x / x / x
115 / 129 / Ping 1993 / Journal of Retailing / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
116 / 130 / Ranaweera and Prabhu 2003 / International Journal of Service Industry Management / x
117 / 131 / Ray, Kim, and Morris 2012 / Information Systems Research / x / x / x / x
118 / 132 / Ren, Oh, and Noh 2010 / Industrial Marketing Management / x
119 / 133 / Robson, Spyropoulou, and Al-Khalifa 2006 / Industrial Marketing Management / x / x / x
120 / 134 / Sajtos and Kreis 2010 / Journal of Business Market Management / x / x / x
121 / 135 / Scheer, Miao, and Garrett 2010 / Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / x / x / x / x / x
122 / 136 / Sharma 2003 / Journal of Retailing and Consumer Service / x / x
123 / 137 / Sharma and Patterson 2000 / International Journal of Service Industry Management / x
124 / 138 / Shen and Chiou 2009 / Internet Research / x
125 / 139 / Shi, Zhou, and Liu 2010 / The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunication / x
126 / 140 / Shin and Kim 2008 / Technological Forecasting & Social Change / x / x / x
127 / 141 / Tellefsen and Thomas 2005 / Industrial Marketing Management / x / x
128 / 142 / Thatcher and George 2004 / Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce / x / x
129 / 143 / Tsai and Huang 2007 / Information Management / x / x
130 / 144 / Tung, Kuo, and Kuo 2011 / Australian Journal of Business and Management Research / x / x
131 / 145-146 / van Birgelen, de Jong, and de Ruyter 2006 / Journal of Retailing / x / x
132 / 147 / Vázquez-Carrasco and Foxall 2006 / Journal of Consumer Behavior / x / x
133 / 148 / Vázquez-Casielles, Suárez-Álvarez, and Del Río-Lanza 2009 / Journal of Applied Social Psychology / x
134 / 149 / Venetis and Ghauri 2004 / European Journal of Marketing / x / x / x
135 / 150 / Verhoef, Franses, and Hoekstra 2002 / Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science / x
136 / 151 / Verhoef, Langerak, and Donkers 2007 / Journal of Retailing / x / x
137 / 152 / Viera, Monteiro, and Veiga 2011 / Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing / x
138 / 153 / Wang and Head 2007 / Information & Management / x / x / x / x
139 / 154 / Wang et al. 2010 / International Journal of Information Management / x / x
140 / 155-156 / Wathne, Biong, and Heide 2001 / Journal of Marketing / x
141 / 157 / Wetzels, de Ruyter, and van Birgelen 1998 / Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing / x / x
142 / 158 / Whitten, Chakrabarty, and Wakefield 2010 / Information & Management / x
143 / 159 / Woisetschläger, Lentz, and Evanschitzky 2011 / Journal of Business Research / x / x
144 / 160 / Wong and Mula 2009 / IBIMA Business Review / x
145 / 161 / Wu, Zhou, and Wu 2012 / The Service Industries Journal / x / x / x
146 / 162 / Yanamandram and White 2010 / Australasian Marketing Journal / x / x / x / x
147 / 163 / Yang and Peterson 2004 / Psychology & Marketing / x / x
148 / 164-165 / Yen 2011 / African Journal of Business Management / x
149 / 166 / Yen, Wang, and Horng 2011 / Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing / x / x
150 / 167 / Zeng et al. 2011 / Industrial Marketing Management / x / x
151 / 168-169 / Zhang et al. 2009 / Decision Support Systems / x / x / x / x / x
152 / 170 / Zineldin and Jonsson 2000 / The TQM Magazine / x / x

Notes –

(1) Quality of relationship à Switching costs

(2) Quality of offerings à Switching costs

(3) Seller investment à Switching costs

(4) Negative incidents and experiences à Switching costs

(5) Customer involvement/investment à Switching costs

(6) Alternatives and competition à Switching costs

(7) Quality of relationship à Switching

(8) Quality of offerings à Switching

(9) Seller investment à Switching

(10) Negative incidents and experiences à Switching

(11) Customer involvement/investment à Switching

(12) Alternatives and competition à Switching



Andaleeb, Syed Saad (1996), "An Experimental Investigation of Satisfaction and Commitment in Marketing Channels: The Role of Trust and Dependence," Journal of Retailing, 72 (1), 77-93.