Josiah V. Thompson

Uniontown, Pa

Family Record Book


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Oak Hill May 18, 1924 8:44 PM

Mrs Nellie T. Burns & her son, Robert, came Friday the 16th, a little before noon accompanied by their relative Mrs Bert M. Laird of Claysville Pa & they left at 7 PM, this evening for Claysville Pa, expecting to go on home to Senecaville O in the morning. Mrs Burns tells me that my good friend, Robert S. Thompson & Mr Gregg, the husband of Cynthia both died about two weeks ago & also that Milton Finley had died last year. I think I visited all of these people when in Guernsey Co in July 1922.

We were out at Cousin Thomas W. Finley's for dinner yesterday, a very sumptuous & good one, from 1 to 3 PM. We had gone first to the home of Miss Jane Huston Moore born 1843 & her sister Mrs Margery Core born 1841 & both of them said it was the old James Thompson home & the old house had stood just beyond the garden & an old decaying pear tree standing just beyond the garden fence was growing or standing in the old foundation. The present frame house was built in 1844 by their father, John A. Moore. We walked up in the field where Elizabeth Brown, sister (& her husband, James Brown) & Ann Downard Thompson, mother of James Thompson are buried & I told Mrs Core I would help

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pay for building a fence around it, the burial plot. We then went around by Saml H. Moore & "Jinny" Moore's to Thos W. Finley's where we met their minister, Rev Bamford, an Irishman from New Salem & also Tom's daughters Ruth, wife of Charles Gray, bookkeeper at the Nat Bk of Fay Co & son of Lewis W. Gray & Margaret whose husband Rev Moser is pastor of the Pres Ch at Pine Plains NY & who is son of J. Franks Moser. Also met Margaret's two year old son Finley Moser a sturdy boy. We then drove to Dunlap's

Creek g.y where Mrs Burn's says [are] the graves of her great grandfather, Ebenezer Finley & his four wives. We then drove to New Salem & turning to the left, north drove to Mrs Elizabeth Jane Beal born Sept 28, 1838, which is on the right hand side beyond an alley & next house beyond the one opposite a church there. She is widow of Benj. F. Beal & daughter of Jane (Finley) Hibbs & John Hibbs. She said her father was brother of Samuel C. Hibbs & Davis Hibbs (father of Jeff W.) She said her brother, Lacy Hibbs got her parents bible & his daughter Violet, wife of Wm T. McClellen living in Uniontown Pa got it & I could get the record from her. Her half sister, Olive lives with Mrs McC. Mrs Beal said she had her own bible record, which she would let me get whenever I called.

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Talking at the dinner table yesterday at Tom's, Mrs Burns showed a wonderful familiarity with the scripture & I told her about the "Thoughts on Daniel" which upon looking it over briefly this evening, she dubbed to be a Russellite publication by Cyrus. She said that was in accordance with God's prophecies 200 yrs before & referred me to Isaiah, last verse in 44th chapter & 1st verse in 45th chapter & to 11th chapter of Daniel.

Tom W. Finley had visited Mrs Burns, then Nellie Thompson 53 yrs ago when he spent a vacation there while attending Wooster College in 1871 & had not seen her since. We had a very delightful visit & she was much gratified at getting the Finley information I gave her & visiting as well the graves of three of her ancestors. We drove over to Addison Pa yesterday evening & had dinner at Jim W. Rush's at the Rush Hotel JVT

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Oak Hill May 22, 1924 10:15 PM

Last Friday night, when cousin Winnie C. Baird was here for dinner with Cousins Nellie Burns & her son Robert Burns of Senecaville O who were visiting me, she gave me the address of her sister Margaret who is now in Ohio, viz: Mrs Dr Wm McClure No 30 E. Lorain St, Oberlin O.

She also brought out a 6 inch by almost four, closely & finely printed two leaf four page leaflet or tract bearing on the front page the photograph of Martha Finley, author of the "Elsie" books & signed at the end by her, the writing of her signature being practically identical with that of her mother Cousin Margery (Finley) Baird, so Winnie said. When looking again, I see the leaflet is paged 35, 36, 37 & 38 & the photo is on 2d or 36th page & only it & the two following pages relate to her & I copy below. Winnie said Cousin Ruth E. Van Kirk gave her this, probably 30 yrs ago before she, Ruth was married & while Winnie was still living on the farm. The photo is that of a very handsome well groomed middle aged woman wearing glasses, distinguishable on close inspection with even features & a beautiful countenance. I should have it to insert in my Finley History. I copy:

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"Martha Finley The Author of the "Elsie Books" on her life & life's work.

When Martha Finley, whose life of pure unselfish devotion is a standard worthy the following of all womankind, was asked to name her ideal woman, she answered with sweet simplicity: "I really have no ideal woman; at least I can think of none, just now". Her replay brings her characters in fiction very plainly before us, for Miss Finley has made a great name for herself, and won a place in our hearts, not from her conception & portrayal of the ideal, but in her sweet sympathy, her gracious patience, and unfailing encouragement for the death faulty, wellloved girls & women whom we all know & love, and meet & speak with everyday of our lives. Of herself, her history & work, Miss Finley writes:

"I come of ScotchIrish stock almost entirely though my

maternal grandmother, Eleanor Butler was of AngloIrish descent. Four or

five of her brothers were prominent in the battles of the Revolution; two

of them serving on Washington's staff, two prominent among Morgan's men

at the battle of Saratoga etc. My Finley ancestors were in America years

before the Revolution, my great great grandparents coming over with a

large family, some of whom were grown up. One of the sons was Dr Samuel

Finley, an early President of Princeton College; another, Rev James

Finley, the first Presbyterian Minister of this place, (she probably

means Elkton Md). He afterwards removed to West Pennsylvania. Still

another was my great grandfather John Finley. He had a large family of

whom my paternal grandfather, Samuel, named for & educated by his Uncle,

the President of Princeton College,

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was the youngest. (My record makes him next to the youngest) He was twenty three when the Revolutionary War began & at once volunteered his services to the country, as did his brother John, two years his senior (This is the one I thought younger, but she is no doubt right). Grandpa was soon promoted to a Captaincy, but was taken prisoner at the Surrender of Fort Washington on the Hudson; had three years of dreadful captivity, was then exchanged, went South & took part in other engagements; was with Morgan in the battle of the Cowpens, having charge of the artillery, only one cannon, if my memory serves me right. Appointed by President Washington, collector of Public Monies for the Northwestern Territory, Grandpa Finley became one of the first settlers at Chillicothe O. Both he, though by that time sixty years old, and his eldest son, my father, then only eighteen, volunteered their services in the War of 1812, and were at Detroit under General Hull when he made his inglorious, disgraceful surrender to the British. Years afterward, my father, Dr James B. Finley, married his cousin, Maria Theresa Brown, daughter of James Brown & Eleanor Butler. I was their sixth child; was eight years old when they removed to South Bend, Ind. Two years later, we children were left motherless. In a little less than two years, the last one of which his daughters had spent in Philadelphia with an Aunt, my father married again and took most of us back to our Western home. I was twenty three when my father died. An earnest, Christian, always far more concerned

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about the things of the next world than those of this, he had little property to leave his children, & though in very poor health, I had to exert myself for a support. I did so by teaching and writing, beginning the latter with Sunday School books & short articles for the religious papers. That work was very poorly paid (a royalty was absolutely refused & I had always to sell out at a low figure) so that though I could readily dispose of what I wrote, I wielded the pen for sixteen years before I could gain a full support from it. I asked help of God to write something that would yield me an income & in answer to my prayer, the Story of Elsie Dinsmore was suggested, written & offered to private publishers with the stipulation that I should receive a royalty upon it. The publisher replied with an amused laugh, that a book generally died in about eighteen months, but accepted my terms and published the first half, afterwards the latter part as its sequel. Elsie Dinsmore has now been out twentyeight years and still has large sales; for which I am truly thankful to the Giver of All Good. There are now twenty one volumes in the series & the twenty second is urgently called for. sickness has prevented me thus far from getting to work upon it, but I hope to do so very soon. The Mildred Series & my novels, Wanted, A Pedigree; Signing the Contract; Cassella; Thorn in the Nest; etc have now been out a good many years some of them more than twenty, and still sell."

Very truly yours,

Martha Finley"

See Book 1 Pages 400 & 401

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[Descendant Chart]

George Carrothers married Jane Workman, were old residents of Washington Co Pa & came to this country before the Revolution. Get & see Hist of Richland Co O page 695 by A.A. Graham & Co 1885. See also Book 8 p 325, Book 9 ps 85 to 89. Look up will or settlement of estate at Washington Pa. Reported to have had but one son. See about daughters.


Samuel Carrothers born in Washington Co Pa in 1780. Married in Wash Co Pa 1802 to Miss Mary Dye who was born 1781. They removed to Richland Co Ohio in 1815. He died abt 1864.

Susan Carrothers, B. 1807 ob. M.1. Dye, m.2. Lake. In 1880 was a resident of Linn Co Iowa. Had issue by Lake & also others by Dye.

Col Wm McE. Dye, B in Wash Co Pa 1831

Elizabeth Carrothers, B Jany 24, 1809 ob about 1880 m. 1834 at Mansfield O Edwin Grant who was born Fairfield Conn 1797 & died 1845 Mt Carmel Ills. He had a tannery. In 1880, she lived on 4th St, Mansfield O. Left but one child. She had a wonderful memory sd there had not been a death in family for 74 yrs.

Esther Grant, B. M. 1858 to R.R. Smith

Jane Workman Carrothers, B 1811 ob. M. Jacob Hoffman or Huffman. Had a descendant located in San Diego Calif who was an officer in the U.S. army

Rebecca Carrothers B (1811) or 1813 ob Oct or Nov 5, 1879 at Olney Ills. M. John McCollough. Had a big family, marked "my line" by the California party who sent this to Mrs Manley (see book 8 p 325) a cousin of Frank L. Carrothers, Kansas City, MO, my informant. See book 9 P 88 bottom.

George Washington Carrothers, M.D.,, Born Jany 3, 1815 inHarrison Co Ohio. ob Nov 8, 1892 at 11 PM at Olney Ills at Fairfield Ills & buried at Olney Ills. M. Dec 8, 1836 in Richland Co O to Catherine Hales who was born Dec 27, 1818 in Richland CO O & died Apr 5, 1898 at 4 AM in Fairfield Ills. See Book 9 Pages 86 & 87. Their first four children born in Mansfield O, the next, or fifth, in Wayne Co Ohio & the last two at Olney Ills. The five sons listed below all died at Olney Ills.

Samuel Hales, B Oct 3, 1837 ob Mch 12, 1863

Mary Elizabeth, B Nov 9, 1839 m. June 24, 1868 to to Allen Humes Baker & had two children born at Olney Ills

Geo Carrothers Baker, B Dec 16, 1869 m.1. Apr 8, 1891 to Miss Callie Borah, sister of U.S. Senator Borah of Idaho. She died in 1891 on July 30, aged 22 yrs. m. 2d in Carthage MO, a Fleming. He lives in Omaha Neb.

Katie Baker, Born Mch 30, 1874 m. Law N. Manley & live at 4227 Locust St Kansas City Mo. He is in R.E. business.

John K., B Aug 10, 1841 ob Dec 23, 1861

Geo Washington, B Oct 4, 1844 ob May 13, 1857

Lake Ware, B Nov 22, 1847 ob July 1, 1867

William Gaylord, B June 9, 1851 m. Sept 28, 1871 at Olney Ills to Sarah Rebecca Walker & had 8 children all born at Fairfield Ills. Their 3 chil died at Fairfield Ills. Sarah

R. Walker was born Aug 23, 1851 in Mt Carmel Ills dau of Ebenezer Walker & his wife Abigail Reed.

Frank L. B Nov 29, 1872 m. 1st Oct 1, 1896 at Kinmundy Ills Margaret Hollister. She died Mch 26, 1906? M.2d Nov 10, 1909 at Fairfield Ills Anna Jessop dau of Robt N. Jessop & wife Joe [sic] Hand who was born Apr 21, 1874. No issue by 2d wife. Lives Kansas City Mo & is mgr for A.C. McClung & Co

William Gaylord Carrothers, Born Aug 4, 1900

Jennie Hale, B May 26, 1875 m. Jany 10, 1906 at Fairfield Ills Clyde F. Stanley

Mary Belle, B Sept 5, 1877 m. Nov 1906 at Boulder Colorado Theo L. Strawn.

Susie Reed, B Aug 26, 1879 m. Mch 11, 1900 at Fairfield Ills Chas H. Archibald

William, B Mch 11, 1882 ob Oct 18, 1884

Lizzie Baker, B Oct 13, 1884 ob Apr 30, 1899

Robert Donald, BMay25,1887

Ethyl Catharine, B Dec 28, 1893 ob Aug 7, 1894

Hugh Edmund, B Sept 12, 1853 ob Sept 12, 1857

Mary (or Polly) Carrothers [dau of Samuel] born 1817 m. Dr Edwin Ridgway & lived at Olney Ills.

George Carrothers Ridgway, oculist. Lives Evansville Ind. Is a fiend for genealogy.

Samuel Leet Carrothers, youngest son, b 1819 m. Hannah. They lived at Mansfield O where he was a builder & contractor & where descendants still live. He had a dau Emma married Le(Emminger)? [sic]

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Oak Hill Pa June 8, 1924 9:40 AM

I have letter dated Mch 21, 1924 from Mr & Mrs Luke P. Welsh Portland Oregon, Genl Delivery & I cannot locate them & have not time to look through my records. Think the connection comes through Mrs Welsh & in the letter they speak of coming west when very young (meaning, I think Mrs Welsh) & says "my parents died, the family separated my grandparents died before I was born" & then gives record on a separate sheet as follows:

"1. Date of marriage Sept 1, 1918

2. Date & place of Mr Welsh's birth Mch 17, 1866 Octonagon, Michigan

Father: James Welsh

Mother: Mary Kennedy

3. No children"

Later June 10, 1924 See Book 5 page 379

A letter dated Jany 31, 1924 from Mrs Katherine Markle Follmer Noll RD No 2 Milton Pa says she wants a book. She says too that she has an old sheep skin deed dated Nov 16, 1751 from Christian Merkle (my great great grandfather) of Richmond Tp, Phila Pa wheelwright to Peter Merkle of the same place, his son for 196 A part of 350 A tract (1745 Recorded in patent Book A vol 12 page 217 etc) This deed recorded Dec 8, 1758 at Reading, Berks Co Pa in Book A vol 1 Pages 301303. I am writing her that I will want to get it & make a photostatic copy.

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Oak Hill, June 9, 1924 7:30 PM

I have just returned from a 70 mile drive in our auto with Pallini driving. We left town at 9:20 AM & detoured by New Salem, Republic, & Allison to Brownsville, arriving at Natl Dep Bank, now first in the U.S. on the roll of Honor with Seven million deposits & met Saml E. Taylor, the Prest who recently returned from Europe where he waited a week to get an audience with the Pope, talked with Mussolini, Premier, who is ruling Italy wisely & has it under absolute control. Says France is bitter at us, growing out of Prest Wilson going over & getting the armistice signed up, whereas if they had gone on, they would have carried the war into Germany give them some of their own medicine & been done with them instead of having now to impoverish themselves maintaining a standing army of one million men. England too is bitter at us because they must deny themselves living as they used to, in order to raise money to pay America on their four billion dollar debt. E.G. Smith of Clarksburg WVA & at 11 AM, Allen D. Williams & Andrew came in & I gave evidence in the suit of Nelson Rogers vs Jas R. Barnes in their effort to recover back the $10,000 & int paid out of

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I.W. Semans collateral on the J.R. Barnes note of Oct 27, 1914 given to lift the A.J. Cochran note. A.D. Williams appeared ostensibly as Atty for Barnes, but told me that he actually represented his brotherinlaw, Harry Whyel & John Husband, to whom J.R. Barnes conveyed all his WVA coal subject to the liens against it. I then got shaved & at 12:05 PM met W.V. Winans opposite the bank & talked 10 minutes & told him of his descent from the Indiana Co Pa Thompsons. Pallini & I then started for West Newton Pa detouring at Fayette City & arriving at West Newton at 1:30, got our lunch at Angelo's Rest. just across the bridge & across the street from Cousin John C. Carothers of John's old Hotel site & at 2 PM went to the Chapel in West Newton Cem & met Geo W. Brown & wife & Alva Rothermel who had just arrived in an auto, also Sallie Brown, her son & two grandsons & Emily B. Brown her daughter. Mrs A.B. Rothermel of No 326 27th St 11th Ward, McKeesport Pa & her son & daughter Mrs Clark, whose husband is a photographer at McKeesport. I told Mrs Rothermel I was expecting to call to see her next month. Also met Tom Frease, Millard F. & Allieann Scholl, Hannah E. Lawther & her Evalyn, Luther Keck & wife & her sister & mother & many others. By reason of

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the lack of initiative or dumbness of the sexton, the grave was not dug, so they had services & left the body in the chapel & Tom Frease, her old neighbor, promised to see to the burial tomorrow. The trouble was that they commenced digging the grave immediately above the monument & came on a rough box & stopped. It developed that two of Cousin Kate's sisters were buried just above the monument & her father Andrew Smith 17931875 immediately below & her mother Julianna Smith 18041875 just below him & another sister just below the mother, so the only place left to bury Cousin Kate was at the extreme upper edge of the lot & the men were digging at it when we left at 3:30 PM to bury Miss Catharine Smith born in West Newton Pa Jany 3, 1832 & died in Dormont Pa June 6, 1924.