Email Template- Invitation to staff to attend PRD review and goal setting meeting - Professional Staff

Dear [Staff member name],

PRD Review and Goal Setting

I will be scheduling a PRD review and goal setting discussion with you over the next few weeks. In preparation for ourdiscussion, can you please do the following:

  1. Within the [enter year] performance plan section of the PRDonline tool provide comments or upload a document which outlines your [enter year] achievements and outcomes.
  1. Within the [enter year] performance plan section of the PRDonline tool, please draft or upload a document that outlines your performance goals for the coming year. Where possible align your goals to the [enter area] corporate plan. Your position description and/or other key outcome areas may also be taken into consideration.

The staff performance review conversation formis available asa useful resource to help you prepare for and participate in our discussion.

Please complete the above steps at least two days prior to our scheduled PRD meeting, this will allow me an opportunity to prepare effectively for our meeting.

PRD Development Planning

To provide development planning with sufficient focus and attention I will schedule a separate development meeting with you in May/June. To facilitate this discussion, closer to the time I will ask you to complete the leadership framework self-assessment using the Leadership Capabilities tool available in the PRDOnline tool.Further information on the Leadership Framework is available on the PRD website.

When planning for your development you may identify other areas that you would like the opportunity to discuss including development activities, career plan, job structure, team dynamics, etc. The recently developed Performance Expectations Framework for Professional Staff may assist in considering development needs and opportunities.

Please let me know if you have any queries in relation to the above.

I look forward to our meeting.

Kind regards,

[Supervisor name]