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Chapter 04: Plan Your Resume

True / False
1.You need a resume to apply for jobs, so you can wait until then to prepare your resume.
a. / True
b. / False
2.Because so many different people will read your resume, you should use general terms instead of specific terms to describe your accomplishments so that everyone can understand it.
a. / True
b. / False
3.A resume is read very quickly, so it is important not to clutter it up with too many keywords.
a. / True
b. / False
4.Use numbers and specific examples of your accomplishments to emphasize the credibility of your achievements.
a. / True
b. / False
5.If you have limited work experience, it’s a good idea to describe skills gained through volunteer work and school projects.
a. / True
b. / False
6.If your list of skills is long, consider grouping them into categories rather than a long, detailed list.
a. / True
b. / False
7.It is typical to list your work experience and education in reverse chronological order, with the most recent listed first.
a. / True
b. / False
8.You must prove in your resume that the qualifications you listed are valid.
a. / True
b. / False
9.It is too early in the process to order business cards. You can wait until you start getting interviews.
a. / True
b. / False
Multiple Choice
10.A winning resume:
a. / gets you an interview.
b. / follows the specific requirements for your career field.
c. / answers all the questions an employer may have about you.
11.In companies that receive numerous applications for every position, resumes are first read by:
a. / the human resources department.
b. / resume scanning software.
c. / someone in the department that has the job opening.
12.A typical resume should:
a. / never be more than one page.
b. / be one to two pages.
c. / be three to five pages.
13.Which section is not a part of your resume?
a. / Education
b. / Professional Profile
c. / Qualifications
d. / References
e. / Work Experience
14.Which definitions are correct?
a. / When your network contact speaks on your behalf to a prospective employer, it’s called a Warm Introduction.
b. / When you apply for a job opening, but it doesn’t lead to an interview, it’s called a Cold Lead.
c. / When you find a job on a job board, it is called a Cold lead.
d. / None of the above
e. / ​Both a and c
15.Which is the strongest WHI description of an accomplishment?
a. / “I helped reduce storage costs significantly for the year”
b. / “Reduced storage costs by 30% through thorough analysis”
c. / “Wrote a recommendation report that resulted in reduced storage costs”
16.When describing your work experience, it is good to include all the following except:
a. / your measurable accomplishments.
b. / your role on a team and what you and the team accomplished.
c. / the job title and dates of employment.
d. / a list of your qualifications to do the job.
17.A Professional Profile includes:
a. / your job target or objective and your Personal Brand Statement.
b. / a list of companies where you have been professionally employed, if applicable.
c. / your photo and a link to your social media website, such as your LinkedIn URL.
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