April 2008 edition, Dress April 2015

( All previous rules rescinded )

1. The Name of the Section.

The Section shall be known as Egerton Park Indoor Bowls Club Men’s Section.

2. Aims and Objectives of the Section.

To promote the playing of the game of bowls, under the Laws of the English Indoor Bowling Association (EIBA).

To maintain total harmony between all male bowlers.

To arbitrate and resolve all matters of dispute relating to the playing and allied activity within the club and on the bowling green.

To liaise with the Ladies’ Section on matters of common interest relating to the playing of the game of bowls within the club.

To liaise with the Board of Directors on all matters concerning the male playing membership.

To support and encourage all junior players.

To promote adherence to all Club Rules as defined in the amended rule book published April 2008.

3.  Membership.

The Section shall embrace all fully-paid up male playing members of Egerton Park Indoor Bowls Club Ltd., of whom no more than six shall be Life Members of the Section. Life membership may be conferred by members at the Annual General Meeting.

4.  Dress Code.

To maintain Standards, the following minimum requirements apply


Brown - White - Grey smooth soled bowls shoes must be worn.


Below the Waist - Grey Tailored Trousers . Above the Waist - White Collared Shirt A Predominately White approved Sports Shirt or the approved Club Shirt. White slip-over or long sleeved jumper or cardigan.


Below the Waist - Grey - Tailored Trousers White - All County League games or when advised. Above the Waist - The Approved Club Shirt

White Collared shirt with Club Tie. Blazer or Club Fleece to and from Match.

5. Equipment.

Members are required to supply their own regulation bowls appropriately stamped, together with the sundry bowls equipment of suitable type and non-injurious to fellow bowlers. Touching bowls should only be marked with "Blackboard" chalk or "Chalk" Sprays as designated by the club. It is in the Members own interest to treat the green carpet with the utmost respect for the benefit of all bowlers.

6. Management of the Section.

Management of the Section shall be a Committee of Officers elected for one year, at the Section’s Annual General Meeting.

A quorum of the Committee consists of five members.

The financial year to run from 1st March to the last day of February.

7. Elected Committee of Officers.

The Officers shall be:-

President Captain

Chairman Senior Vice-Captain,

Hon. Secretary Junior Vice-Captain

Hon. Treasure Immediate Past Captain

Team Manager Hon Competition Secretary

County Delegate Two Committee Members

After a member has been elected to the position of Junior Vice-Captain he will proceed unopposed through the office of Vice-Captain to Captain.

8. Rotation of Office.

The Immediate Past Captain shall be President for the year following his term of Office as Immediate Past Captain. In the event that the Immediate past captain is unable to succeed to President, then nominations will be in accordance with Rule 11.

9. Selection Committee.

An Ordinary Selection Committee shall consist of:-

Captain Senior Vice Captain

Junior Vice-Captain Immediate Past Captain

A Special Selection committee for League and Inter-club Championship shall consist of Team Manager and Two other Members elected at the AGM.

10. Signing of Cheques.

A Bank or Building Society Account shall be operated by any two of :- Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary.

11. Annual General Meeting.

The Annual General Meeting of the section shall be held during the month of April each year.

A notice convening the Annual General Meeting shall be displayed at the club not later than twenty eight days prior to the date of the meeting, incorporating a form for nomination of Officers and Committee members.

Nominations and proposals for consideration at the meeting must be

made not later than fourteen days before the meeting. A copy of the agenda for the meeting, including the financial statement and a list of the nominations received will be available, within the club, not later than ten days before the date of the meeting.

Any one member may not propose or second more than two Officers or Committee Members.

The assent of all nominees must be obtained.In the event of a ballot being necessary, a voting paper will be made available to every member attending such a meeting.

The voting paper will clearly indicate how to vote.


Two or more scrutineers, who are not Committee Members, shall be appointed to count the votes and report the result to the meeting.

Quorum. Twenty members are required to form a quorum.

12. Special Meetings.

The Hon. Secretary shall convene a Special General Meeting at any time during the year, on instructions of (a) the Committee or (b) on receipt of a requisition demanding such a meeting, setting out the matter(s) to be resolved, signed by not less than thirty members.

The Committee will decide the date and time of the meeting but must give at least fourteen days notice to members, such a notice must set out the business to be considered.

13.  Committee Vacancy.

Should a vacancy arise on the Committee, the Committee shall have the power to fill such a vacancy.

14. Matters Arising.

The Committee shall have the power to deal with any matter arising, which may not be provided in these rules but which in their discretion, they deem to be in the best interests of the section.

15. National and County Competitions.

All National and County Competitions must be sent through the section

Hon. Secretary.

16. Match Procedure.

Team(s) selected for each match will be displayed on the notice board.

Any member who has not "ticked" his name two days before the start of a match is liable to be regarded as "not available and be substituted by a reserve member.

Members selected for matches must report to the Captain at least fifteen minutes before the start of the match.

Members selected for matches who are unable to play, must inform the Captain immediately.

If unable to play on the morning of the match, every endeavour must be made to notify the Captain by 9 am.

Members selected for a match must pay the total match fee. A substitute called in to play as a late replacement may be excused the cost of the meal.

Players requiring a special meal must make the necessary

arrangements with the Caterer two days before the match.

During severe winter weather, Members selected for a match must telephone the club captain or match secretary, to ascertain if the match has been cancelled.

Members should not expect to be notified.

17. Junior Members.

Junior Members shall observe all the requirements of these rules as applicable.


All junior members shall be governed by the Child

Protection Legislation as defined by the E.I.B.A. together with the

national policy and procedures for protecting children and

vulnerable people issued by the English. Bowling Association

(EBA), the E.I.B.A. copies of which are displayed on the club notice board.

18. Alteration to Rules.

Except those relating to junior members, which are by direction of

the governing bodies, rules may only be altered or amended at an

Annual General Meeting or a special General Meeting convened for that purpose.


In addition to these rules, each member is bound by the Club Rules issued

by the Board of Directors of Egerton Park Indoor Bowls Club Limited.