
Global SOCIAL VALUE -empower now 20-35 year old leaders as most social the world has ever enjoyed everywhere - we have most connected, educated but how to value joy of celebrating the best 20-35 year old leaders?

Transformation to Next 0.25 billion jobs/purposes for each of

·  1 Global Health core paper mapped by kim farmer porter.

·  2 Global food, water, home (for mothers children) security -core paper where?

·  3 Global clean energy and direct towards zero waste security -core paper where

·  4 Win-win direct world trades out of open tech ihubs (eg kenyas) but they can be of many kinds as long as their financial and so social sustainability is led wizard youths of open source and the internet we need to change all the old costs of communications and heroes

·  5 Other


C How total change to open education (& financial services -post 2015 needs microeducation summit valued as more than pre=digital microcreditsummit ) to be job creating not certificate ending

job creating-3-in-one changes to education integrate 4th

Gandhi-Montessori (out of India-Bangla) - culturally change action learning behaviours of teachers, parents, children / Blecher partners out of s.africa and jamaica 9 including branson, google, maharishi) missing curriculum for all ages : literacies of finance, socially valued business, empowerment of self, ; modes such as free coding and nursing colleges / Elearning platforms such as
5 billion access yazmi e-learning satellite
, khan academy style and dashboard,
Open learning campus
on-demand coursera partners of peer 2 peer learning jobs not certificates
Cuento Comigo social value business cases as opposite to MBA
MIT greatest job creating alumni-elaptop 1.0 created 10+ practice media labs / Vision and usability of internet as smartest job creating media by and for all starting with those most disconnected by history's infrastructures and borders

B Total change: how economic and investment systems search out and microfranchise ground-up replicable solutions of sustainable jobs -multi win models, economics of peoples livelihoods not zero-sum (paper currency) bordered nations- sustainability partnerships not extraction and externalisation

3-in-one change to Global Social Value Chains back to future of human sustainabilty

Jim Kim because we need health practice leaders for #2030now to work / Soros because he is father's last living keynsian but much more has been the bottom-up billionaire:. He invested in youth s.africa 78, gorbachev peace open society and budapest (Beyond EU) uni 1992, mobile phones villages bangladesh 1996, ending macroeconomist 2009 / Sir Fazle Abed because 42 years of both pre-digital and post-digital Bangladesh miracle would have happened without him- BRAC is now largest and most collaborative partnering grassroots peoples network. Because of BRAC Bangladesh has only complete banking network grounded in W4E. His Alma mater is Adam Smith's Moral Sentiment epicentre Glasgow and oldest ally of french social valuation ENTREPRENEUR / Yunus storyteller of youth's and peace reality makers from every culture (King, Mandela, ..)1000 most exciting concepts

A Social Action Nets women4Empoiwernent can linkin AAA millenials of Americas, Asia, Africa

(for this purpose Americas eventually needs to include old world mother tongues of eg Europe). Dont forget millennials opportunity to use those nations that are already progressive as international diaspora

Personal next social actions - example macrae family and partners: World Record Job Creation Game - Catalogue replicable solution stuiukated by connecting two or more of above 12 movements forward. If there are solutions that dont fit above, who do you want to substitute?

Scout Open Space Processes we know how to win with include w4e nanocredit and telecentre, tedx and open learning of 2030now, competition continental wide and continuing process like OAS , other collaboration processes millennials including bottom-up pop stars, total open systems change of metrics and governance of ACT sustainability exponentials (A=accountability, C-Collaboration, T= Transparency) at trillion dollar global market purpose level as well as component organisations and networks. Which future capitals can we map in at most urgent crossroads 2015 - DC-West Coast Sans; Atlanta, Rome; Dhaka, Addis Ababa, Joburg - where else?