1261 Golden Gate Drive, #2E

Papillion, NE 68046

Phone (402) 593-2156 Fax (402) 593-4335

Ken Tex, Planning & Building Director

November 21, 2007DRAFT

Sarpy CountyBoard of Commissioners

SarpyCounty Courthouse

1210 Golden Gate Drive

Papillion, Nebraska 68046

To The Sarpy CountyBoard of Commissioners:

The Sarpy County Planning Commission held a regular meeting on November 21, 2007 in the County Board Room at the Sarpy County Courthouse, Papillion, Nebraska. Chairman Wear called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. with the following members present: Susan Bliss, Courtney Dunbar,Don Fenster, Alan Wear, Tom Wees and Doug Whitfield. Absent were: Mechele Burry, David Fanslau,Greg Gonzalez, Stacey Gross andBill Krebs,. Also in attendance and introduced were the staff members: Nicole O’Keefe, Deputy County Attorney, Ken Tex, Planning & Building Director and Cindy Gilbert, Recording Secretary.

Chairman Wear noted that a copy of the Open Meeting Law is posted in the Board Room.

Chairman Wear asked for a motion to approve the agenda.

Wees moved, seconded by Fensterto approve the agenda as submitted. Ballot: Ayes- Bliss, Dunbar, Fenster, Wees, Whitfield and Wear. Nays – none. Abstain – none. Absent - Burry, Fanslau, Gonzalez, Gross and Krebs. Motion carried.

Chairman Wear asked for a motion to approve the minutes.

Fenster moved, seconded by Bliss to approve the minutes as submitted. Ballot: Ayes- Bliss, Dunbar, Fenster, Wees, Whitfield and Wear. Nays – none. Abstain – none. Absent - Burry, Fanslau, Gonzalez, Gross and Krebs. Motion carried.

I. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS: Note: All consent items are automatically approved when the consent agenda is approved unless removed by a board member. Removed items will be placed under Regular Agenda Items for action by the Planning Commission. None.

Cindy Gilbert read into record the letter from Mr. Pat Sullivan, Attorney, to withdraw his client’s application for a clay and trap shooting facility.


A. Tom Dickerson and Patty Shanahan (with the Wachiska Audubon Society), Papillion, Nebraska request approval of a “Conservation and Preservation Agreement” on the following described property, to wit: Part of Tax Lot 5, located in Sec 23, Twp 13N, Rng 12E of the 6th P.M., Sarpy County, Nebraska. (87th Street, approx. one mile south of Platteview Road)

Ken Tex stated this property has approximately 20 acres. The applicants wish to put almost 14 acres of this parcel into a conservation and preservation easement. Ken also noted this area lies in the “Platteview South” district of the Comprehensive Development Plan and will unlikely be served by any municipal sewer or water. It is a good use of the land and it meets the intent of the comp plan.

Tom Dickerson stated there were eight or nine acres of virgin prairie and they would like to see this and the rest of the easement area forever protected. The Wachiska Audubon Society has agreed to maintain and protect this ground.

Ken noted there are a couple of mistakes that will need to be corrected on the final copy of the easement. When the easement is submitted to the CountyBoard, the Exhibits should fall in this order:

1) Legal description, 2) Government approval (resolution), 3) Design and specifications on signs, and 4) Species List.

**Public Hearing Closed at 7:10 p.m.**

  • Bliss moved, seconded by Dunbar to recommend approval of the conservation and preservation easement with the corrections as stated by the Planning Director regarding exhibits as the easement meets the comprehensive plan. Ballot: Ayes – Bliss, Dunbar, Fenster, Wees, Whitfield and Wear. Nays – none. Abstain – none. Absent – Burry, Fanslau, Gonzalez, Gross and Krebs. Motion carried.

B. Woodlands Ridge, LLC, 9001 S. 216th Street, Gretna, request approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a clay and trap shooting facility on the following described property, to wit: Tax Lots 3 and 6 and Tax Lot 1, south of the railroad right-of-way and the E1/2 of the NW1/4 of Sec 24, Twp 14N, Rng 10E of the 6th P.M., Sarpy County, Nebraska. (216thGiles Road)

The applicant withdrew his application with a letter from his attorney.


Chairman Wear asked for commissioner reports.

Don Fenster said the Planning Commission had agreed to contact their respective CountyBoard members on the selection of a Planner. He indicated he would like to see Ken stay and call on a consultant if need be.

Tom Wees noted the County Administrator, Mark Wayne, had contacted a couple of consulting firms to get prices on a contract basis. He also feels that, as the cities annex, it will be them who need planners, not the County.

Further discussion included planning for the County and parks and recreation in the county.


Being no further discussion, Wees moved, seconded by Dunbar to adjourn the meeting. By a unanimous oral vote, Chairman Wear declared the meeting adjourned at 7:32 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Alan Wear, Chairman

Cindy Gilbert, Recording Secretary