Arts and Crafts




1. Objectives in terms of skills for the fifth year

  • To analyze forms of artistic expression, observe and identify their essential components, and appreciate their diversity. (Cultural awareness and expression)
  • To identify, distinguish and experiment with ranges of colours and textures while demonstrating a suitable use of techniques, resources and materials. (Cultural awareness and expression)
  • To produce artistic sketches in order to express ideas and proposals on your own initiative. (Sense of initiative and enterprise)
  • To design and produce two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art, which bring out the expressive potential of the materials and tools employed. (Mathematical, and scientific and technological competence)
  • To understand the concept of a panoramic view through the observation and representation of landscapes. (Cultural awareness and expression)
  • To understand the concepts of viewpoint, framing and lighting, and apply them in graphical representations. (Mathematical, and scientific and technological competence)
  • To draw human figures while respecting established graphical conventions. (Cultural awareness and expression)
  • To identify geometric forms in nature and capture their characteristics and aesthetic potential. (Mathematical, and scientific and technological competence)
  • To understand and employ systems for representing three-dimensional realities (perspective drawing and plans) while demonstrating adequate skills. (Mathematical, and scientific and technological competence)
  • To interpret textual and graphical information for the production of your art projects and to present these verbally to your classmates. (Linguistic communication)
  • To understand the concept of poetry and visual metaphors. (Linguistic communication)
  • To learn to extract information from graphical-verbal sources. (Learning to learn)
  • To use the symbolic capacity of language to represent ideas. (Learning to learn)
  • To associate images, colours and symbols with particular ideas. (Cultural awareness and expression)
  • To use language to express associations of ideas resulting from creative thinking. (Linguistic communication)
  • To develop art projects cooperatively, by applying the techniques learnt and effectively participating in communal tasks. (Social and civic skills)
  • To participate in group initiatives through cooperation in order to achieve a common goal. (Sense of initiative and enterprise)
  • To obtain and process information using digital media. (Digital skills)
  • To gain awareness of the need to develop habits for healthy living. (Social and civic skills)

2. Contents / Evaluation criteria / Learning standards

block 1. Audiovisual education
Contents / Evaluation criteria / Learning standards
Interpreting images from a range of different artistic fields: artistic appreciation and interpretation.
Expression of sensations related to the use of colour, textures and the pictorial material.
Analysis of elements of visual language in images with a range of support media: lines, points, forms, patches, colours, textures: viewpoint and framing.
Distinguishing the function of images in a range of fields: aesthetic, informative, playful, technical…
Composition and photography of ‘visual poems’, framing, lighting and viewpoint.
Design and production of labels, posters, and banners: composition of graphics and text.
Design, construction and assembly of skylines. / An approach to reading about, analyzing and interpreting art and still and moving images in their cultural and historical contexts while critically understanding their meaning and social function, and being able to produce new images by employing the knowledge learnt. / Analyzing still images in a simple way while employing suitable terminology, in regard to their size, format, basic elements (points, straight lines, plans, colours, lighting, function …).
Recognizing a range of topics concerning photography.
Taking photos using technological means, and subsequent analysis of whether the framing is suited to the original purpose.
Production of posters containing a range of different information types, taking into consideration concepts such as size, balance, proportion and colour, and adding texts in the most suitable typography for the function of the poster.
Carrying out the interactive activities proposed on the CD of the teacher: ‘Getting started: ‘explore and reflect’ and ‘Artist views’.
Surfing the Internet to research into artistic topics.
Use of IT programmes for searching, creating and publicising images: navigation with Google Earth; multimedia presentation with Open Office. / Using information and communications technologies responsibly in order to search for, create and publicize still and moving images. / Using simple IT programmes for producing and touching up digital images (copy, cut, paste, change size, colour, brightness, contrast …) for the illustration of work containing text.
block 2. Artistic expression
Contents / Evaluation criteria / Learning standards
Appreciating nature, everyday environments, your own imagination … as a source of beauty and inspiration for artists. / Identifying your real and imaginary surroundings, and explaining their characteristics using an appropriate artistic language. / Using points, lines and plans to represent your immediate and imaginary surroundings.
Drawing nature: choice of formats, viewpoints and framing.
Use of the symbolic potential of artistic language to represent ideas.
Analyzing and obtaining ranges of colours: warm and cold, contrasted and harmonious colours.
Analyzing and obtaining textures from non-pictorial materials. / Representing ideas, actions and situations in personal way by making use of elements of the visual language. / Organizing space in your two-dimensional productions by using basic concepts of composition, balance and proportion.
Understanding the symbolism of warm and cold colours and applying this knowledge to transmit a range of sensations in your artistic compositions.
Analyzing and comparing natural and artificial textures, as well as visual and tactile textures, and showing an ability to produce artistic work using this knowledge.
Planning and producing works of art: definition of the idea, production of sketches, choosing and obtaining the materials, execution.
Experimenting with two-dimensional and three-dimensional mixed techniques: appreciating their expressive potential.
Undertaking integrated tasks and artistic projects cooperatively: setting up a museum in the school, making a modernist sign, carnival troupe… / Producing works of art by following the basic guidelines for the creative process, experimenting, recognizing and distinguishing the expressive potential of a range of materials and pictorial techniques and choosing those most suited to the production of the work in question.
Imagining, drawing and producing three-dimensional works using a range of different materials. / Organizing and planning your own creative process starting from an idea, compiling bibliographical information, from the news media or the Internet, developing the idea in sketches and choosing those best suited to your purposes in the work, without using stereotypical elements and showing an ability to share the process and end product with other students.
Carrying out projects as a group while respecting the ideas of others and working together to undertake the tasks you are responsible for.
Researching into art on the Internet and visiting the websites of specialist museums. / Using bibliographical resources, from the news media and the Internet to obtain information for the planning and organization of creative processes, as well as for understanding and exchanging information with other students. / Appreciating and enjoying the documentary potential provided by the news media, the Internet and museums.
Analyzing works of art belonging to a range of artistic movements: informalism, modernism, landscape painting, art with objects…
Studying monumental architecture in world heritage cities: a legacy of the past that must be conserved.
Interest in discovering examples of artistic expression from other cultures and civilizations. / Understanding the most significant examples of artistic expression from our artistic and cultural heritage and learning to respect and appreciate this heritage. / Recognizing, respecting and appreciating the most important examples of artistic expression from Spain’s cultural and artistic heritage, especially examples awarded the status of world heritage sites.
block 3. Geometric drawing
Contents / Evaluation criteria / Learning standards
Identifying geometric shapes in elements of nature (animals and plants).
Making designs inspired in shapes taken from nature: friezes, bookplates, signs, objects… / Identifying geometric concepts in the reality around the student and linking them to the geometric concepts learnt in the mathematics area through their graphical application. / Analyzing reality by breaking it down into basic geometric shapes and creating two-dimensional compositions from it.
Identifying simple geometric shapes in a two-dimensional work of art.
Making compositions by using basic geometric shapes suggested by the teacher.
Sketching geometric figures: freehand and using technical drawing tools.
Introduction to representation systems: perspective drawing and plans.
Producing perspective drawings from three-dimensional models. / Learning about and starting to handle tools and materials used in technical drawing, and acquiring basic skills. / Continuing series with geometric motifs (straight lines and curves) using the grid provided and technical drawing tools.
Learning about and understanding the term scale and being able to apply it by changing the scale of a simple drawing by making use of a grid.
Understanding and appreciating the results of the correct use of drawing tools, and appreciating the accuracy of the results.

3. Skills Profiles


Areas / Description
NS / Describes how simple objects and devices work.
NS / Describes how to use simple objects and devices carefully.
NS / Asks appropriate questions to obtain information from observations.
SS / Recognizes, identifies and gives simple examples of the main professions of people around them.
SL&L / Participates in conversational situations in the classroom.
SL&L / Respects rules for linguistic exchanges.
SL&L / Expresses events, experiences and ideas in an organized way orally.
SL&L / Captures the meaning of a commonly used oral text.
SL&L / Identifies the most important information in an oral text.
SL&L / Makes direct inferences when reading texts.
SL&L / Relates information obtained from written texts with own ideas or experiences using specific examples.
SL&L / Rewrites texts related to childhood experiences with regard to clear models, and plans and reviews these.
SL&L / Understands texts from the oral tradition and children’s literature.
SL&L / With guidance identifies some changes to words, statements and texts when segments are made, the order is changed, or deletions and insertions are made to improve understanding and oral and written expression.
SL&L / Understands elementary grammatical and linguistic terminology in activities involving the understanding of texts.
SL&L / Uses elementary grammatical and linguistic terminology in activities involving the understanding and production of texts.
MAT / Describes the location of an object in a nearby space in relation to oneself using the concepts of left-right, in front-behind, above-below, near-far and close-distant.
MAT / Describes the location of an object in a nearby space in relation to other points of reference using the concepts of left-right, in front-behind, above-below, near-far and close-distant.
MAT / Describes the movement of an object in a nearby space in relation to oneself using the concepts of left-right, in front-behind, above-below, near-far and close-distant.
MAT / Describes the movement of an object in a nearby space in relation to other points of reference using the concepts of left-right, in front-behind, above-below, near-far and close-distant.
MAT / Explains the process employed to solve a problem orally.



Areas / Description
SS / Orders some events relevant to family life and the local area in time.
NS / Uses tools to obtain information from observations.
NS / Makes clear records of the information obtained.
MAT / Counts numbers up to 999.
MAT / Reads and writes numbers up to 999.
MAT / Formulates simple problems using numbers up to 999.
MAT / Compares small quantities of objects, events or familiar situations.
MAT / Interprets the results of a comparison.
MAT / Expresses the results of a comparison.
MAT / Rounds off to the nearest ten.
MAT / Makes basic numerical calculations using addition and subtraction operations.
MAT / Employs different personal procedures and strategies for making basic numerical calculations.
MAT / Measures objects and spaces using conventional and non-conventional measuring units.
MAT / Measures times using conventional measurement units.
MAT / Uses the non-conventional and conventional measuring tools available most suited to the situation.
MAT / Describes the location of an object in a nearby space in relation to oneself using the concepts of left-right, in front-behind, above-below, near-far and close-distant.
MAT / Describes the movement of an object in a nearby space in relation to oneself and other points of reference using the concepts of left-right, in front-behind, above-below, near-far and close-distant.
MAT / Recognizes rectangular, triangular and circular shapes in objects in the immediate surroundings.
MAT / Recognizes spaces with rectangular, triangular and circular shapes.
MAT / Recognizes bodies with cubic and spherical shapes in objects in the immediate surroundings.
MAT / Makes elementary interpretations of data presented in bar charts.
MAT / Formulates simple problems involving the interpretation of graphs.
MAT / Solves simple problems involving the interpretation of graphs.
MAT / Selects addition and subtraction operations to solve simple problems.
MAT / Uses the corresponding addition and subtraction algorithms to solve simple problems.
MAT / Uses a range of procedures to solve simple problems.
MAT / Explains the process employed to solve a problem orally.


Areas / Description
SS / Gives examples of essential elements and resources in the physical environment.
SS / Links essential elements and resources with the lives of people.
SS / Gains awareness of the need to use essential elements and resources responsibly.
NS / Recognizes the most important animals and plants in the surroundings.
NS / Classifies animals and plants in the environment according to criteria.
NS / Gives examples associated with hygiene as a way of ensuring the body works correctly.
NS / Gives examples associated with balanced diet as a way of ensuring the body works correctly.
NS / Gives examples associated with physical exercise and rest as a way of ensuring the body works correctly.
NS / Identifies differences between the elementary properties of materials.
NS / Links the elementary properties of materials with their uses.
NS / Recognizes the visible effects of forces on objects.
NS / Assembles and disassembles simple objects and devices.
NS / Describes how simple objects and devices work.
NS / Describes how to use simple objects and devices carefully.
NS / Asks appropriate questions to obtain information from observations.
NS / Uses tools to obtain information from observations.
NS / Makes clear records of the information obtained.
MAT / Measures objects and spaces using conventional and non-conventional measuring units.
MAT / Measures time using conventional measuring units.
MAT / Uses the non-conventional and conventional measuring tools available most suited to the situation.
MAT / Describes the location of an object in the surrounding space in relation to oneself and other points of reference using the concepts of left-right, in front-behind, above-below, close-far and near-distant.
MAT / Describes the movement of an object in the surrounding space in relation to oneself and other points of reference using the concepts of left-right, in front-behind, above-below, close-far and near-distant.
MAT / Recognizes rectangular, triangular and circular shapes in objects in the immediate surroundings.
MAT / Recognizes spaces with rectangular, triangular and circular shapes.
MAT / Recognizes bodies with cubic and spherical shapes in objects in the immediate surroundings.
MAT / Makes elementary interpretations of data presented in bar charts.


Areas / Description
NS / Assembles and disassembles simple objects and devices.
NS / Describes how simple objects and devices work and are used.
NS / Asks appropriate questions to obtain information from observations.
NS / Uses tools to obtain information from observations.
NS / Makes clear records of the information obtained.
SL&L / With guidance identifies some changes to words and texts when segments are made, the order is changed, or deletions and insertions are made to improve understanding and oral and written expression.
MAT / Interprets the results of a comparison.
MAT / Expresses the results of a comparison.
MAT / Makes elementary interpretations of data presented in a bar chart.
MAT / Solves simple problems involving the interpretation of graphs.


Areas / Description
NS / Classifies animals and plants in the environment according to criteria.
NS / Gives examples associated with hygiene, diet, physical exercise and rest as a way of ensuring the body works correctly.
NS / Assembles and disassembles simple objects and devices.
NS / Describes how simple objects and devices work and are used.
NS/SS / Asks appropriate questions to obtain information from observations.
NS/SS / Uses tools to obtain information from observations.
SL&L / Expresses events, experiences and ideas in an organized way orally.
SL&L / Locates specific information when reading texts.
SL&L / Makes direct inferences when reading texts.
SL&L / Rewrites texts related to childhood experiences with regard to clear models, and plans and reviews these.
SL&L / Writes simple texts related to childhood experiences with regard to clear models, and reviews these.
SL&L / With guidance identifies some changes to words and simple texts when segments are made, the order is changed, or deletions and insertions are made to improve understanding and oral and written expression.
SL&L / Understands elementary grammatical and linguistic terminology in activities involving the production and understanding of texts.
SL&L / Uses elementary grammatical and linguistic terminology in activities involving the understanding of texts.
MAT / Employs personal strategies for making basic numerical calculations.
MAT / Measures objects using non-conventional measuring units.
MAT / Uses the measuring tools available most suited to the situation.
MAT / Explains the process employed to solve a problem orally.