Minutes for March Board Meeting

March 4, 2012


Bill Collins

Bob Palazzo

Byron Frank

Chris Caccamo

Chuck Welsh

Corey Wuller

Dan Stepeck

Dave Conrad

Doug Caneday

Jake Battiston

John Calcavecchia

Ken Brickner

Kevin Quigley

Kirt Rasmussen

Larry Green

Mark Benham

Mark Plickys

Matt Guglielmo

Michael Mihalek

Michael Malario

Mike Dunst

Mike Gulino

Paul Ficks

Rico Chiarillo

Russ Arnold

Tom Engle

Tony Sardilli

1)  Meeting called to order at 7:06 pm

2)  Motion made to accept February, 2012 meeting minutes. Motion seconded and accepted.

3)  Matt Guglielmo, Treasurer, presented the February, 2012 month-end statement. Income from the month included registration fees ($5,305), merchandise ($235) and sponsorship ($500). $3,000 of registration fees still need to be collected. A refund of $1,162 was paid to us by the Plainville LL for 2011 softball all star uniforms. Expenses included merchandise ($497), Paypal / bank service fees ($122), and tryout committee ($301).

4)  Safety plan will be submitted to District in early March. Safety Clinic will be held the same night as Coach’s Clinic.

5)  Fields & Facilities has a general budget of $9,350 for this year which

a)  Turfus: $4,000

b)  Field Equipment: $1,500

c)  General Repair: $1,000

d)  Dumpster: $900

e)  Batting Cages: $875

f)  Port o Let: $600

g)  Gates: $475

The capital improvements are estimated at $12,900 ($10,000 for fencing; $1,500 for picnic tables, $700 for Grouten backstop and $700 for spotlights).

6)  Spring Program – still need volunteers

7)  12 Year Old Spotlight – Russ Arnold will lead committee

8)  Umpiring / Rules

a)  Drop 3rd Strike will be used during District Tournaments, American League needs to decide if rule is used for regular season.

b)  All bats will be checked and stickered during April.

9)  Fundraising – application needs to submitted for raffle

10)  Managers have been picked for all leagues and list to be sent out.

11)  Tryout sessions ran very smoothly this year. Great work by the committee.

12)  American League draft will be held on March 15th. National League and AAA drafts will be held the weekend of March 17th/18th.

13)  Clean Up Day is scheduled for Saturday, March 31 (Rain Date April 7th).

14)  Concession Stand – still need a solution for the 2012 season

15)  Conversation on joining the Little League structure for Junior/Senior/Big Leagues.

16)  Need to clean up the advisory board on the website

17)  The Next FYBL Meeting: Sun., April 1 @ 7 pm

18)  Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm