Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine
Application Requirementsfor a Faculty Appointment
The fundamental requirement for a faculty appointment is that the potential faculty member teaches. Before any other application steps are begun, this requirement must be clearly identified.Teachingfor VTCSOMideally involves medical students; faculty teaching may be directed to residents, fellows or faculty working in VTCSOM-affiliated clinical sites, but interaction with VTCSOM medical students should at least be feasible.The potential faculty member must meet with the Department Chair to discuss the extent of teaching and clinical, service and scholarly accomplishments. At such a meeting, the potential faculty member and the Department Chair should reach agreement regarding the teaching role and possible track and rank.
The following documents are completed by the candidate for appointment and submitted to the office of the Department Chair:
- Letter of intent from the candidate seeking appointment. This letter, addressed to the Dean, should express a desire for a VTCSOM faculty appointment, note the anticipated teaching opportunities and express willingness to abide by the rules of the School and the faculty.
- Curriculum vitae in the VTCSOM format. All candidates for faculty appointment should complete a CV in the VTCSOM format and include expiration dates for board certifications and medical licenses. This should be done through Digital Measures. If the potential faculty member is being proposed as a regular faculty at a rank of Associate Professor or Professor (regardless of track), an academic portfolio might be useful but is not required. This can also be created in Digital Measures. Please refer to the Digital Measures webpage to requestuser access.
- Official transcript of the terminal degree. Receipt of the official transcriptis required and any consideration for appointment will be delayed until the transcript is received. It is the responsibility of the potential faculty member to obtain the official transcript. Please note:
VTCSOM is registered as a receiving institution for the transmission of electronic transcripts through Scrip-Safe International. If your former institution features Transcripts on DemandTM by Scrip-Safe International as a service, transcripts may be submitted electronically. Transcripts on DemandTM is a trusted agent for processing online transcript requests.
The following will be accepted from candidates of foreign medical schools who are unable to obtain an official transcript:
- A notarized copy* of an official transcript;
- A notarized copy* of an original ECFMG certificate;
- Official verification from ECFMGs Certification Verification Service (CVS); or
- Official verification from the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB).
*Any notarization of original documents must include the notarial statement certifying the document is “a complete, full, true and exact reproduction of the original document.” The notary must compare the copy with the original from which the copy is made.
- State Council on Higher Education in Virginia (SCHEV) Instructor Qualification form.VTCSOM is certified by SCHEV to operate in Virginia.
- Faculty Conflict of Interest in Student Assessment and Promotion Management form. This form is required for accreditation purposes.
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 Confidentiality Agreement for Faculty. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 is a Federal law enacted to protect the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools receiving funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Medicine.
- Faculty Information Form. The information requested on this form is primarily for our accrediting bodies, as well as the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). This information is not used for employment purposes and will only be reported as de-identified and aggregated data. Disclosure of this information is voluntary.
- Completion of VTCSOM Faculty Orientation.Candidates for appointment are required to attend a one-hour faculty orientation session. The Department Chair or Office of Faculty Affairs can provide the dates of scheduled faculty orientation sessions.Attendance at faculty orientation is required prior to submission of the appointment package to the Department Chair.
The materials described above are collected by the faculty candidate and submitted as a complete packet to the Department Chair. The Chair will prepare a recommendation letter and forward the packet to the Dean’s office.
In the case of instructional faculty and regular or secondary faculty at the Assistant Professor rank, the Dean may make the appointment without involvement of the Appointment, Promotion and Tenure (APT) Committee. Any rank of Associate Professor or Professor requires discussion with and assent by the APT Committee.
Upon agreed assignment of track and rank, the Dean seeks ratification by the VTCSOM Board of Directors, usually at their next regularly scheduled meeting. Once ratification by the Board is obtained, the Dean sends a letter of appointment to the potential faculty member. The letter of appointment includes an acceptance letter for the faculty member’s signature.Appointment to the VTC School of Medicine is officially conferred upon receipt of the faculty member’s signed letter of acceptance in the office of the Dean.
Requirements for Faculty AppointmentDecember 7, 2015