SYLLABUS for Contracts – Spring 2014

Professor Diane M. Sullivan & Professor Amy Dimitriadis

Instructor:Professor Sullivan- Email:
Phone: 978.681.0800 ext.120

Professor Dimitriadis – Email:

Phone: 978.681.0800 ext. 130

Text:1. Studies in Contract Law, Ayres, Klass(8th Edition);

ISBN 978-1-60930-117-0

Class Times:Monday, Wednesday & Friday 2.30 p.m. – 3.50 p.m., or

Monday, Wednesday & Friday 6:00 p.m. – 7:20 p.m.

PurposeThe purpose of this course is to introduce students to core ideas about

& Course the law. Accordingly, my basic goals include:

Description:1. Providing a forum for case analysis and synthesis in the common law tradition.

2. Also, I attempt to instill in students a desire to perform their professional studies and duties with pride. I attempt to ensure students develop good reading skills and develop habits and perspective that will remain throughout their lives.

GradingMid-Term: Worth 20 points – 90 minutes

Criteria:Final: Worth 70 points – 180 minutes

Interdisciplinary Project: Worth 10 points (up to 2 additional points will be awarded to the top 3 firms)


TopicsPage Numbers

Class 1The Consideration Requirement: Bargained For59-78

01/22and Given In Exchange

Cases Due: Kirksey v. Kirksey, Hamer v. Sidway, Langer v. Superior Steel Corp., Pennsy Supply, Inc. v. American Ash Recycling Corp.

Class 2Intent to Contract;Mixed Motives and Adequacy of 79-104


Cases Due: In re Greene, Cohen v. Cowles Media Co., Thomas v. Thomas, Browning v. Johnson, Apfelv.Prudential-Bache Securities, Inc.

Class 3Pre-existing Duty Rule, Discretion, Mutuality110-140


Cases Due: Levine v. Blumenthal, Alaska Packers’ Assoc. v. Domenico,

Angel v. Murray, Rehm-Zeiher Co. v. F.G.Walker Co., McMichael v. Price,Wood V. Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon,Onmi Group, Inc. v.Seattle-First National Bank

Class 4 Promissory Estoppel140-160


Cases Due: Ricketts V. Scothorn,Langer v. Superior Steel Corp.,

Allegheny College v. National Chautauqua Count Bank of Jamestown,

Congregation KadimahToras-Moshe v. Robert A. DeLeo

Class 5 Moral Obligation160-175


Cases Due: First Hawaiian Bank v. Zuckerkorn, Mills v. Wyman,

Webb v. McGowin,

Class 6The Agreement Process: Manifestation of Mutual 176-198

02/03Assent; Ascertaining Assent: The “Objective” Test”;

Implied-In-Fact Agreement

Cases Due: Embry v. Hargadine, Lucy v.Zehmer, Raffles v. Wichelhaus;

Wrench, LLC v. Taco Bell Corp.

Class 7Offers199-225


Lonergan v. Scholnick, J.W. Southworth v. Oliver,

Lefkowitz v. MinnneapolisSurplus Store, Leonard v. Pepsico, Inv.

Class 8Modes of Acceptance225-247


Cases Due: L.R. Bretz v. Portland General Electric Co., La Salle

National Bank v.Mel Vega, Hendricks v. Behee, Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co., Corinthian Phamaceutical Systems, Inc. v. Lederle Laboratories, Industrial America, Inc. v. Fulton Industries, Inc.

Class 9Acceptance By Performance, Acceptance By Conduct247-269

02/10or Silence

Cases Due: Glover v. Jewish War Veterans of United States,

Ever-Tite Roofing Corp. v. G.T Green, Russell v. Texas Co.,

R.L. Ammonsv.Wilson Co., Beneficial National Bank, U.S.A. v. Obie Payton

Class 10Termination of Offers269-300


Cases Due:Hendricks v. Behee, Dickinson v. Dodds, Humble Oil &

Refining Co. v. Westside Investment Corp., Marchiondo v. Scheck;

Baird v. Gimbel Brothers, Inc., Drennan v. Star Paving Co.

Class 11 Timing Issues; Counteroffers (§2-207)301-324


Cases Due: Adams v. Lindsell, Minneapolis & St. Louis Railway Co. v. Columbus Rolling-Mill Co., DTE Energy Technologies, Inc. v. Briggs Electric, Inc., Textile Unlimited, Inc. v. A..BMH and Company, Inc.

Class 12 Shrinkwrap and Browsewrap 325-347


Cases Due: Hill v. Gateway 2000, Klocek v. Gateway, Specht v. Netscape Communications Corp., Cairo, Inv. Crossmedia Services, Inc.

Class 13Indefinite Agreements and Gaps348-369


Cases Due: Varney v. Ditmars, Lefkowitz v. Minneapolis Surplus Store,

Oglebaly Norton Company v. Armco, Inc., Blinn v. Beatrice Community Hospital and Health Center, Inc.

Class 14Precontractual Liability369-397


Cases Due: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc. v. Scheider, Joseph Martin, Jr., Delicatessen, Inc. v.Shumacher, Hoffman v. Red Owl Stores, Inc.

Empro Manufacturing Co., Inc. v. Ball-Co Manufacturing, Inc.,

Dixon v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

Class 15Recovery Without Agreement: Unjust Enrichment398-401


Bailey v. West, Kossian v. American National Insurance Co.

Class 16Formation Defenses, The Statute of Frauds 405-439


Cases Due: Professional Bull Riders, Inc. v. AutoZone, Inc.,Crabtree v.Elizabeth Arden Sales Corp.,Sullivan v. Porter, DF ActivitiesCorp. v. Brown

Class 17*MID-TERM*


Class 18 Capacity: Infancy, Mental Incompetence and Intoxication 440-456


Cases Due: Bowling v. Sperry, Heights Realty, Ltd. v. E.A. Phillips,

Ervin v. Hosanna Ministry, Inc.

Class 19Mistake456-486


Cases Due: Boise Junior College District v. Mattefs Construction Co.,

Beachcomber Coins, Inc. v. Ron Boskett, Sherwood, v. Walker, Lenawee County Board of Health v. Messerly, OneBeacon America Insurance Co. v. Travelers Indemnity Co. of Illinois, Ayer v. Western Union Telegraph Co.

Class 20Fraud and Nondisclosure, Duress and Undue Influences487-524

03/07Public Policy, Baby M

Cases Due: Laidlaw v. Organ, Vokes v. Murray, Inc., Hill v. Jones,

Rubenstein v. Rubenstein, Austin Instrument, Inc. v. Loral Corp., Machinery Hauling, Inc. v. Steel of West Virginia

* SRRING BREAK – MARCH 9, 2013 – MARCH 16, 2014 *

Class 21Unconscionability525-556


Cases Due: Williams v. Walker-Thomas Furniture Co., Jones v.

Star Credit Corp., In re Louis Fleet v. United States Consumer Council,

Ferguson v. Countrywide Credit Industries, Inc., Zapatha v. Dairy Mart, Inc.,

Coursey v. Caterpillar

Class 22Illegality and Public Policy556-612


Cases Due: Sinnar v. Le Roy, Homani v. Iranzadi, Broadley v.

Mashpee Neck Marina, Inc., Data Management, Inc. v. Greene,

Watts v. Watts, Kass v. Kass, A.Z. v. B.Z., Wallis v. Smith

Class 23Parol Evidence612-650


Cases Due: Mitchill v. Lath, Masterson v. Sine, Alaska Northern

Development, Inc. v. Alyeska Pipeline Service Co., Suburban Leisure Center, Inc. v. AMF Bowling Products, Inc.,Pacific Gas & Electric Co. v. G.W. Thomas Drayage & Rigging Co., Stolt-Nielsen, S.A. v. Animalfeeds International Corp.,

Frigaliment Importing Co. v. B.N.S. International Sales Corp.

Class 24Parol Evidence and Insurance Contracts651-668


Cases Due: In re Katrina Canal Breaches Litigation, Omni Berkshire Corp. v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

Class 25Duty of Good Faith, Prevention, Hindrance and the669-708

03/26Duty of Cooperation

Cases Due: Centronics Corporation v Genicom Corporation, Patterson v.

Meyerhofer,Market Street Associates Limited Partnership v. Frey, Omni

Group, Inc. v. Seattle-First National Bank, Billman v. Hensel, Neumiller Farms, Inc. v. Cornett, Feld v. Levy & Sons, Inc.

Class 26Modification By Agreement, Termination of Contractual709-739

03/28Relations Other Than for Breach, Warrant and Representation of Fact

Cases Due: Beneficial National Bank, U.S.A. v. Payton, Roth Steel

Products v. Sharon Steel Corp., Zapathav.Dairy Mart, Inc.,Hillesland v. Federal Land Bank Association of Grand Forks, All-Tech Telecom, Inc. v. Amway Corporation

Class 27Conditions740-763


Cases Due: Dove v. Rose Acre Farms, Inc., In re Carter’s

Claim, Omni Group, Inc. v. Seattle-First National Bank, Clark v.

West,Dynamic Machine Works, Inc. v. Machine & Electrical

Consultants, Inc.

Class 28Conditions764-798


Cases Due: Ferguson v. Phoenix Assurance Company of New York,

Palmer v. Fox, Jacob & Youngs, Inc. v. Kent, Lowy v. United Pacific

Insurance Co., Britton v. Turner

Class 29Charged Circumstances: Impracticability799-830


Cases Due: United States v. Wegematic Corp., Taylor v. Caldwell,

Canadian Industrial Alcohol Co. v. Dunbar Molasses Co.,Dills v.

Town of Enfield, Centex Corporation v. Dalton, Bolin Farms v. American

Shippers Ass’n., Kaiser-Francis Oil Co. v. Producer’s Gas Co.

Class 30Frustration of Purpose834-873


Cases Due: Paradine v. Jane, Krell v. Henry, Washington State

Hop Producers, Inc. v. Goschie Farms, Inc., Hochster v. Edgar

De La Tour, Taylor v. Johnston, AMF, Inv. v. McDonald’s Corp.

Class 31Compensatory Damages; Contract Remedies876-912


Cases Due: Sullivan v. O’Connor, John Hancock Mutual Life Ins. Co. v. Cohen, American Mechanical Corp. v. Union Machine Co. of Lynn, Inc., Lowy v. United Pacific Insurance Co., New Era Homes Corp. v. Forster, Bernstein v. Nemeyer, Glendale Federal Bank, FSB v. United States, Locks v. Wade, Inchaustegui v. 666 5th Avenue Limited Partnership

Class 32Breach or Repudiation by Supplier of Goods, Services915-938

04/11or Construction

Cases Due: Reliance Cooperage Corp. v. Treat, Rivers v. Deane,Peevyhouse v. Garland Coal & Mining Company; American Standard, Inc. v. Schectman

Seller’s Remedies Under UCC 2-708(2)

Class 33Consequential Damages: Foreseeability; Mitigation; 938-956


Cases Due: Hadley v. Baxendale, Spang Industries, Inc.FortPittBridge Division v. Aetna Casualty & Surety Co., Hydraform Products Corp. v. American Steel and Aluminum Corp.

Class34Mental Anguish and Punitive Damages957-977


Cases Due: Bohac v. Department of Agriculture, Acquista v.

New York Life Insurance Company, Boise Dodge, Inc. v. Clark,

Rite Aid Corp. v. Lake Shore Investors

Class 35Equitable Remedies for Breach of Contract: 978-1008

04/18Prohibitory Injunction and Specific Performance; Effect

of Agreement Liquidating Damages or Altering the Scope

Liability or Remedy

Cases Due: Curtice Brothers Co. v. Catts, Northern Indiana Public Service Co. v. Carbon County Coal Co., Walgreen Co. v. Sara Creek Property Co., EdBertholet & Associates, Inc. v. Ed Stefanko, American Broadcasting Companies v. Wolf


Class 36Liquidated Damages; Disclaimer; Exception and 1010-1034


Cases Due: Southwest Engineering Co. v. United States,CellphoneTermination, Lewis Refrigeration Co. v. Sawyer Fruit, Vegetable And

Cold Storage Co.

Class 37Assignments and Delegation; Assignment of Rights1077-1094


Cases Due: Allhusen v. CaristoContruction Corp., Owen v. CNA Insurance/Continental Casualty Company,Continental Purchasing Co. v. Van Raalte Co.

Class 38Delegation of Duties1095-1100


Cases Due: Sally Beauty Co. v. Nexxus Products Co., Inc.

Class 39Third Party Beneficiaries1100-1118


Cases Due: KMART Corporation v. Balfour Beatty, Inc., Hale v. Groce, Zigas v. Superior Court, Tweeddale v. Tweeddale

Class 40Contract Summary Video (2 ½ hours)


Class 41Final Exam Review


Additional Assignment:Interdisciplinary Project – Contracts and Torts

Dates Assigned. Worth10 points (+2 points)

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