Theme 11


Define each of the words, write a synonym, and use the word in a sentence.

Word / Definition / Synonym / Sentence

Word Study

Week 1 focuses on abbreviations

  • An abbreviation is a short way of writing a word or words.
  • Most abbreviations contain letters from the original word and may end with a period.
  • Most Math abbreviations do not use periods.
  • Using our spelling list, write the abbreviations and then write the entire word. The first two have been done for you!

Abbreviation / Complete Word
cm / centimeter
dept. / department

Week 2 focuses on pronouns.

  • A pronoun is a word that takes the place of one or more nouns.

Comprehension Strategy – Review Infer Author’s Purpose

  • Look for clues in the words and pictures to help you figure out, or infer, the author’s reason or reasons for writing.
  • Inferring the author’s purpose will help you understand what you read.

Comprehension Strategy – Ask Questions about Visuals

  • Many selections you read include pictures, charts, graphs, diagrams, or other visuals. As you read such selections, ask questions about how the visuals are related to the text.
  • Do the visuals help explain or extend the information in the text?

Literature Genres

What are the characteristics of each genre we studied this theme? Can you give examples of stories that fit into these genres? The first one has been done for you!

Genre / Characteristics / Examples
Realistic Fiction
Observation Log / Written record of a process or event.
Time and place
Object being observed
What takes place
Any changes that occur / What Comes Down
Pourquoi Tale
Persuasive Essay

Grammar – Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

Week 1 focuses on adjectives.

  • A comparative adjective compares two nouns and is formed by adder –er to the end of a one syllable adjective.
  • It can also be formed by adding more or less before longer adjectives.
  • A superlative adjective compares three or more nouns and is formed by adding – est to the end of an adjective.
  • It can also be formed by adding most or least before longer adjectives.
  • For the following adjectives, write the comparative and superlative forms.

Adjective / Comparative / Superlative

Grammar – Common and Proper Adjectives

Week 2 focuses on adjectives

  • When a word is formed from a proper noun and descries a noun, it is called a proper adjective.
  • Like a proper noun, a proper adjective is capitalized.
  • Common adjectives are adjectives that are not derived from proper nouns.
  • Common adjectives are not capitalized.
  • Create sentences that have common and proper adjectives. Underline them, and identify if they are common or proper. The first one is done for you!

Sentences / Common or Proper
Today Davy Crockett is remembered as a greatAmerican hero. / Great = common
American = Proper

Writing Process

  • What are the steps of the writing process? Explain each step.

Step / Explanation

Writing Trait – Sentences Fluency

  • Qualities of good sentence fluency include:
  • Using different kinds of sentences
  • Sentences of different lengths
  • Connect sentences using transitions
  • Reading your writing aloud helps to check your sentence fluency.

Writing Form – Observation Long

  • Tells what happens to a subject over time
  • Should include the date and time when each event was observed
  • The location of the events
  • Any change in the subject being observed