You are probably asking......

Do I have what it takes or can I be involved in church planting?

If so, you might very well be a church planter either through your giving or going. Here are some of our objectives for church planting in Senegal:

  1. Clear visioning capacity.….Through church planting in Senegal we hope to establish a clear national visioning capacity so the nationals can take personal ownership of the church.
  2. Clear calling by God.... We seek people who knows that God has called them to particular communities to accomplish the Great Commission through people not to people.
  3. Empowering Leadership.... Our heart is to be able to empower God's people through churches/ministries that multiplies disciples. And creates ownership in ministry by the local church on a national basis. This we have already shown through several people we have released into ministry for Church planting.
  4. Community Involvement..... Creating a connection in the non churched communities outside the church walls. Through Church planting/community development projects, we are able to knows what are the hot buttons of the community and how we can take the gospel into the immediate culture.
  5. Peer Relationships with the Unchurched..... follows closely with community involvement. We teach church leaders to develop vital friendships at a peer level outside the church. A typically example of such are business people, teachers, athletes, traders, farmers etc with the aim of reaching them for Christ.
  6. Entrepreneur Ability... We send out leaders who are able to start things from scratch. Either inside the church or in the business world. Leaders who are able to build and work budget that accurately projects both expenses and income of a start up Church and community development projects etc.
  7. Responsible..... Someone who has taken responsibility in the past. Includes ability to evaluate his role in both successes and failures.
  8. Passionate Spirituality.... A leaders who thinks Jesus is cool and knows that everyone else will too.Whose life lives out what he preaches – who has a contagious passion for souls and the church.
  9. Can Do Attitude.... Sees the glass as half full and on the way to the top.An optimist sees “our God of possibilities”. Not a pessimist who sees the glass half empty.
  10. Resilience.... A leaderwhosees obstacles as opportunities. Gets up and keeps going. When you hit the wall -- you find a ladder.
  11. Commitment to the Great Commission.... A leader who has proven track record or making disciples that multiply other disciples. Also, honestly believes that people are going to spend eternity in hell if the church does not reach them.

10 Reasons Why You Should Help Plant a Church in Senegal

1 . Church Planting is one of the MOST effect evangelism tools of all time.

2. Senegal is one of the least evangelised nations on EARTH.

3. God has prepared many servants to enter the harvest in Senegal.

4. New Churches tend to grow much faster than older churches.

5. New Churches produce more ministry leaders.

6. Lost people matter to God.

7. Giving to Church planting has additional Blessing.

8. Your family's faith will grow knowing that they have helped build churches!.

9. You will have more people praying for you.

10. Finally -- you can have it your way. (see the kingdom established here on Earth)

Our Game Plan:

. . . Is to create a SAFE PLACE where individuals can examine Christianity whether in a pressured or non-pressured environment.

. . . Is to utilize SMALL GROUPS where people can share with others who are also seeking to grow in their journey in life. These small groups can be arranged by any common element, such as topic, locale or friendships.

. . . is to develop a unique SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP Servicethat incorporates a worship style that is enjoyable and inspirational to those who attend. We will try to arrange the worship/ministry time in such a way that we are mindful of contextualizing the entire worship with a blend of contemporary worship style for the young and old which will be led by a band.

Our Eight Essential Qualities

for continued church health: we seek

  • Empowering Leadership
  • Gift Oriented Ministry
  • Passionate Spirituality
  • Functional Structures
  • Inspiring Worship
  • Holistic Small Groups
  • Need Oriented Evangelism
  • Loving Relationships

You are probably asking......

How much does it cost to help build a Church in Senegal a 10/40 frontier country with more than %96 Muslims?


1. Expenses for construction of a T1 Church type in Rural Senegal

  1. Steel:300.000/FCFA
  2. Cement:150.400/FCFA
  3. Sand:(depends on distance)70.000/FCFA
  4. Gravel:(depends on distance)70.000/FCFA
  5. Latérite:(red clay soil)50.000/FCFA
  6. Labor:200.000/FCFA
  7. Housing: (depends on number of days)100.000/FCFA
  8. Ropes:40.000/FCFA
  9. Roofing200.000/FCFA
  10. Misc. bolts, food, Transport, etc500.000/FCFA


AMOUNT IN US DOLLARS = ($2,800 - $3,500)

2. Expenses for construction of a T2 Church type in Rural Senegal

  1. Steel:400.000/FCFA
  2. Cement:136.400/FCFA
  3. Sand:(depends on distance)70.000/FCFA
  4. Gravel:(depends on distance)70.000/FCFA
  5. Latérite:(red clay soil)50.000/FCFA
  6. Labor:320.000/FCFA
  7. Housing: (depends on number of days)135.000/FCFA
  8. Sacket:48.000/FCFA
  9. Tarpaulins:40.000/FCFA
  10. Roofing300.000/FCFA
  11. Misc. bolts, food, Transport, etc1.200.000/FCFA


AMOUNT IN US DOLLARS = ($4,500 - $5,500)

3. Construction Expenses for T3 Church type in urban or rural Senegal

  1. Steel (legs and trusses):

---3,7 bars of Cornier Egale 50 40.000/FCFA

---1,3 bars of Cornier Egale 25 4.500/FCFA

---Labor 45.000/FCFA

---overhead 96.125/FCFA

  1. Cement:500.000/FCFA
  2. Sand:(depends on distance)210.000/FCFA
  3. Gravel:(depends on distance)140.000/FCFA
  4. Latérite:(red clay soil)150.000/FCFA
  5. 42 x Purlins

---UAC 50 or IPM 50 96.125/FCFA

  1. Labor:900.000/FCFA
  2. Housing: (depends on number of days)200.000/FCFA
  3. Sacket:100.000/FCFA
  4. Roofing1.200.000/FCFA
  5. Misc. bolts, food, Transport, etc1.700.000/FCFA


AMOUNT IN US DOLLARS = ($6,500 - $7,500)

You can consult our website for pictures of Churches and their construction in Rural Senegal