Rebekah: “A Good Marriage Goes Bad”

Genesis 24-28

Rebekah was a grand-daughter of Abraham’s brother, Nahor who had accompanied Abraham and their father Terah when the family left the fabled city of Ur and settled in Haran.

I A Marriage Made in Heaven 24:1-26; 25:19-26

On what quest does Abraham send his servant? 24:1-9What is the servant’s prayer? v.10-14

How does God answer his prayer? v.15-25

How does he respond? v.26,27

How is he received by Rebekah’s family? v.28-50What does Rebekah choose to do? v.51-61

What does Isaac do? v.62-66

“Isaac’s bride must have reminded him of his mother. Like Sarah, Rebekah was intelligent, energetic, strong-willed and very lovely. She was everything he could desire in a woman. He loved her and she loved him.”

For 20 years, what is Rebekah’s disappointment? 25:19-21

What does Isaac pray? v.21

Why does Rebekah pray? v.22

What is God’s word to Rebekah? v.23-26

II A Good Marriage Goes Bad 25:27 – 27:17


What happens when the twins grow up? 25:25-34

Why does Isaac favor Esau? v.27,28

What does favoritism do to relationships?

Does this become a wedge between Isaac & Rebekah?

How would their favoritism affect Jacob & Esau?


Why does Isaac go to Gerar? 26:1-6

What is he afraid of?

Why does he lie about Rebekah? v.7-9

How would a wife feel when her husband protects himself

at her expense?

Does this become a wedge in their relationship?

What did Isaac permit Esau to do? v.34

How did it affect Isaac & Rebekah? v.35


What does Isaac choose to do in his old age? 27:1-4

What is Rebekah afraid of?

What does Rebekah choose to do? v.5-17

Was she expecting this to happen?

What does a wife do when her husband wants to do wrong?

Why does Rebekah do what she does?

What are the consequences of Rebekah’s action?

For Isaac? 27:33

For Jacob? 28:1-5

For Esau? 28:6-9

“. . .deceit creates barriers, even between persons who have had a loving and intimate relationship with each other. The consequences of dishonesty can tear loved ones apart and have an impact on the rest of their lives.”

“Every Woman in the Bible” Sue & Larry Richards p.46

“Rebekah was unable to foresee the far-reaching effects of her deeds. The hatred kindled in Esau’s heart continued to future generations. For many centuries the Edomites, Esau’s descendants would be the enemies of Israel. Herod the Great, the man who murdered the children in Bethlehem, and his son Herod Antipas, the man who ridiculed Jesus at His trial, were both Edomites, men from Idumea.

Rebekah, the woman who had been so carefully selected to be Isaac’s wife, a woman chosen by God, had not fulfilled the promise expected of her. Her beginning was good, but her end was disappointing, because she couldn’t wait upon God. She took her lot in her own hands and didn’t allow God to fight for her.”

“Her Name is Woman” Gien Karssen p.53

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“The wise woman builds her house,

but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.”

Proverbs 14:1