November 25-26, 2009

Minutes prepared by: Noreen Cotton


Shelter Directors:

Brigitte Baradoy, Discovery House

Brenda Brochu, Peace River Regional Women’s Shelter

Noreen Cotton, Columbus House of Hope

Jean Dunbar, YWCA Sheriff King

Lisa Falkowsky, Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter

Dianne Finch, Medicine Hat Women’s Shelter

Jennifer Gullage, Safe Haven Women’s Shelter Society

Marj Luger, Yellowhead Emergency Shelter

Sister Lucinda May Patterson, Lurana Shelter

Karen Pease, Community Crisis Society

Kerri Potvin, YWCAHarbour House

Linda Ruryk, Wellspring Family Resource & Crisis Centre

Kathy Sheppard, Odyssey House

Carol Tabone, Brigantia Place

Pat Vargas, A Safe Place

Ian Wheeliker, Central Alberta Women’s Emergency Shelter

Darlene Lightning-Mattson, Sucker Creek Women’s Emergency Shelter

Pat Garrett, Wings of Providence

Janet Gladue, Bigstone Women’s Emergency Shelter

Joy Johnson-Green, Sonshine Community Service

Tess Gordey, The Brenda Strafford Centre

Pam Desjarlais, Mountain Rose Women’s Shelter

Tanya Moulun, Grande Cache Transition House

Kathleen Nakagawa, Crossroads

Delia Poucette, Eagle’s Nest

Mary Ellen Proctor, Unity House

ACWS Staff/Board:

Carolyn Goard, Alberta Council of Women’s Shelter

Christie Lavan, Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters

Jan Reimer, Alberta Council of Women’s

Dorothy Sam, Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters

Barbara Young, Board President ACWS

November 25th, 2009

GUESTS: Val Campbell- Director I-TRAC, John Ratcliff- Assistant Director I-TRAC,


  1. Meeting called to order by acting chairperson Ian Wheeliker at 8:45 a.m..

Welcome, introductions, Directors were invited to make a brief statement of what’s “energizing” them lately.

Directors were requested to fill out the HOMES needs survey and hand it in to Carolyn by Noon the first day.

  1. I-TRAC (formerly ARTAMI): presentation by Val Campbell, Director of I-TRAC and assistant Director John Ratcliff. Handout given. PowerPoint Presentation will be available on the ACWS website. Referrals must come from the local police, but Directors are encouraged to contact John for assistance with engaging local police – contact information in the handout. I-TRAC’s newsletter is on the ACWS website. H.E.A.T. Risk Assessment form can by used by shelters, no specific training required.
  2. PORTAGECOLLEGE: presentation by Bonita Decaire, PortageCollege about the Women’s Shelter Crisis Worker Certification Program. Information handed out, contact information included. I.O.D.E. Bursary available, contact ACWS for more information on the bursary.
  3. OUTCOMES CONFERENCE: Proposal/suggestion from Jan to host an outcomes conference in late March or early April so shelters can present the good work they are doing. Shelter Directors and select staff should attend. Keynote speakers could be brought in, shelters could do presentations.. Purpose of the conference would be 1. education: become better informed about outcomes based funding 2. share what is working in shelters. ACWS has funding from the Province to host the conference, but not for participants’ travel and accommodation costs. Jan will call for abstracts from shelters for input in different areas, suggested categories: outreach, interventions, residential, 2nd stage, community response.
  4. ENSEMBLE UPDATE: Information presented by Jan. Next Tuesday morning the Minister will make an announcement regarding an action plan over the next 3 years to form a National Canadian Shelter Network – Ensemble.
  5. 1:11pm : Sister Lucinda asked if everyone read the September 10, 2009 minutes- affirmed. Pat Vargas motioned to accept the minutes. 2nd by Karen Pease, carried.
  6. Additions to the Agenda: 1. Funding 2. Possible Sub Committee for Data.
  7. Kerri Potvin motioned to accept the Agenda. Tanya Moulon 2nd. Carried.
  8. H1N1 update: Jan: Shelter workers are an essential service, should be immunized on a priority basis. In spite of efforts put forth by ACWS, Health Canada did not recognize this. Jan spoke of listerserve, e-mail replies available for all to read, works well.
  9. CHILD WELFARE SUBMISSION TO PROVINCE: Jan: invited roundtable discussion, input from Directors. Consensus of recognition of ACWS’ efforts to put forth this powerful document. General agreement that shelters can do more. Suggestions: shelter staff document difficulties experienced with Children’s Services. (change names to protect privacy). Should also document scenarios when things went right. When shelters are not in agreement with a decision of Children’s Services, write a letter to the manager.
  10. ACWS UPDATE: Christie Lavan: communication plan: working on finding better ways to communicate with shelters. Christie asked that Directors e-mail her with any ideas or suggestions. Consensus Friday Files are well received, e-mail alerts on time sensitive issues would be helpful Jocelyn: Domestic Violence in the Workplace: Health Sciences Association is funding this 5 year project. Discussion regarding using the 1-800 ACWS shelter line for referrals from employers. Discussion on whether or not a small work group should be formed. Motioned by Marj Luger to develop a working group. 2nd by MaryEllen Proctor, Carried. Working group formed: Kerri, Pam, Brigitte, Joy, Lisa, Linda, MaryEllen.
  11. Meeting adjourned at 4:28pm

November 26th, 2009

Guests: Kathleen Gorman, Senior Manager, Services and Support Prevention of Family Violence and Bullying Division, Alberta Children and Youth Services; Pat Hagemann, Analyst, Prevention of Family Violence and Bullying Division; Hindsight Group – Sue Mcintyre and Judy Hoad

  1. Judy Hoad presented Outcomes and Indicators developed to date by the LTWG requesting feedback from the membership.
  2. 1:00 PM Membership discussion: contracting model. Roundtable input from Directors Good which will inform the LTWG’s meetings over the next two months in preparation for a larger meeting with ACYS, Shelter Directors and Shelter Board representatives tentatively scheduled for sometime in February.
  3. 1:20 : ACWS update Jan attended the WHO 4th Milestones Meeting Violence Prevention Alliance and the W.A.V.E. (Women Against Violence Europe) conference in Vienna. Jan’s powerpoint presentation will be available on the ACWS members only website. Jan announced that the next WORLD CONFERENCE OF WOMEN’S SHELTERS will be March 6,7,8 , 2012 in Washington. Overview of the Bannister Survey. Summary provided to all present.
  4. 2:10pm Carol: HR toolkit update: handout contains information for directors, everyone should familiarize themselves with information, go to the website(link on the ACWS website). Karen officially resigned for the HR committee, Doreen volunteered starting January.
  5. 2:15pm Pension working group update: Written report coming, will be available to all Directors
  6. Meeting adjourned at 2:28pm.
  7. Next meeting: Wednesday, Thursday February 25, 25, 2010