Welcome to Spanish Class

Dear parent

Read and sign acknowledging understanding my class expectations.

Things needed for class:

* All materials must be brought to class daily*

1)  Two pencils.

2)  Spiral notebook

3)  Charged computer.


Classroom rules:

q  Bring all required materials with you to class every day.

q  Refrain from talking when the teacher or another person is talking.

q  Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking, answering or leaving seats.

q  Respect other people’s property and opinions.

q  No outside food, gum or drinks allowed in the classroom.

q  Arrive to class on time. Be in your seat when the bell rings.

q  Absolutely NO CELL PHONES.

Failure to follow these rules will result in the following consequences:

·  Verbal Warning

·  Circle PBIS card.

·  Second signature of discipline form and phone call home to parents/guardians

·  Third signature of discipline form will result in after school detention.

·  Office referral/parent called.

·  Cell phone will be taking away if they are out.

*Depending on the behavior, some or all of these consequences may be skipped*

Success in following the class rules and procedures will be its own reward!

In addition to the classroom expectation, there are daily procedures and policies that you should be aware of.

1)  Student movement during instructional time: All students should remain in their seats during class. This means that students should sharpen pencils before class and carry more than one writing utensil daily.

2)  Homework policy: Homework will be assigned Monday thru Thursday. I will not assign homework over the weekend. Your homework should not take more than 30 minutes daily. No work will be accepted after it is 7 days late. Each day that it is late it will lose 11 points (equivalent of one letter grade). For example on day one the highest you could receive is an 89, on day two the highest score would be 79, and on day three the highest score would be 69. After day seven the grade will be a zero.

3)  Projects/Graded assignments: Students will have three or four projects throughout the semester. One of the projects will be the Learning Portfolio; this project will be started during class but will be completed at home. The other projects will be announced at a later time. Some class time may be given to work on projects but the majority of the work will be done at home. No work will be accepted after it is 7 days late. Each day that it is late it will lose 11 points (equivalent of one letter grade). For example on day one the highest you could receive is an 89, on day two the highest score would be 79, and on day three the highest score would be 69. After day seven the grade will be a zero.

4)  Test/Quizzes: There will be a few quizzes and one test every two or three weeks. Any student that has a grade of 95 or above they will be exempt from the midterm and the final exam.

5)  Cornell note: Each student is expected to take Cornell notes. Students are also expected to keep all class work, worksheets, quizzes, vocabulary etc. in their binder. (These could be good study guides). Notes will be graded every time the students have a test.

6)  Attendance: It is very important that students are in class and on time every day so that they do not get behind. Students are responsible for collecting any missed work.

7)  Tardy: Students should be in their seats writing down the homework in their agenda. On the second tardy the student will be sent to chill out for the remainder of the class. Once a student has been late three times, the parents will be contacted. On the fifth tardy, student’s will be referred to the office.

8)  Restroom passes: Each student will be permitted to use the bathroom three times per nine-week grading period.

9)  The student must ask in Spanish (¿Puedo ir al baño por favor?), or the student will not be permitted to go. Students are not allowed to use the restroom during the first ten minutes of class or the last ten minutes of class. If the student has a medical condition where they need to use the restroom more, a signed medical note from the doctor will need to be provided. It is highly recommended the student does not ask during instructional time (while the teacher is presenting material) unless it is an emergency.

10) Cheating: Cheating WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! If the student is caught cheating, it will result in a zero and a phone call to the parents will be made.

Grading Policy

Class work: 10 points each.

Projects: 100 points each.

Quizzes: 50 points each

Test: 100 points each

Homework: 20 points each.

Some topics that will be covered in Spanish class:

1.  Greetings and classroom rules.

2.  Alphabet and introductions.

3.  Calendar, schedules and numbers.

4.  Classroom objects definitive and indefinite articles.

5.  Geography and colors.

6.  Occupations, routines, likes and dislikes.

7.  Daily routines.

8.  Telling time.

9.  Family.

10.  House.

11.  Weather and Clothing.

12.  Preferences.

In this class Grammar and Sentence structure will be learnt in context. I expect them to use the class time to learn and practice the topics I present. However EACH STUDENT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ITS OWN LEARNING PROCESS. Dedication (as taking correct notes, do your best), effort (as review, reflect and bring question to class) and commitment (as taking class seriously as any other subject) are essential.

If at any time, you have questions or concerns, please feel free to call JCMS at 910 346-6888 or you can e-mail me . I will make every effort to respond to you as soon as possible.

I look forward to working with you and your child for an exceptionally successful school year.

Ms. Rogers

Sign and keep it in your binders


(Student signature) (Parent signature) (Date)