District Staff Officer Open Positions 2017

If you want to get to the heart of the organization and feel the need, the need for helping others now is the time to put in an application to the District Directorate Chiefs, DDC’s for the following open positions for 2017.

Here is the link to apply http://wow.uscgaux.info/Uploads_wowII/085/dsapp.pdf

Please contact each DDC to get their thoughts on the position and what is expected for your service prior to filling out the paperwork.

DSO-AV: District Staff Officer for Aviation

Job Description District Staff Officer for Aviation (DSO-AV) The responsibilities and duties of the District Staff Officer - Aviation (DSO-AV) shall include:

1. Exercise staff responsibility for administration, functional management and supervision over all matters pertaining to the District's Aviation program.

2. Keep the DCO, COS, District Executive Committee (EXCOM) and National AV Division Staff members informed of all developments in the program, making periodic written reports as required.

3. Schedule qualified Auxiliary aviators to perform specific activities in your area of responsibility.

4. Coordinate and cooperate with other DSOs in your district to encourage appropriate outreach and training efforts, particularly any required advanced or joint training.

5. Maintain such records and correspondence as may be required to effectively discharge the responsibilities of office.

6. Prepare articles for publication in the District newsletter as directed.

7. Recommend appointment of Assistant District Staff Officers needed to execute program goals. Exercise responsibility for supervision and management of appointed AV staff, including assigning tasking, requiring reports, and following up on their actions. When such staff assistance is no longer required or no longer deemed to be effective, so advise the DCO via the COS.

8. Attend all meetings of the District Board and District Staff. Give the COS prior notice when such attendance is not possible.

9. Promptly communicate information as necessary within the District.

10. Provide leadership and guidance to the members participating in the Auxiliary Aviation Program. Oversee the safe and effective execution of all aspects of district Aviation operations.

11. Be familiar thoroughly with the contents of the various publications, standards and directives pertaining to the Auxiliary Aviation Program.

12. Establish goals and measurable objectives for your area of responsibility and prepare the necessary plans to achieve them. Maintain periodic review of achievements, compare with progress made in previous years and report status to the District Board.

13. Aggressively promote and encourage the growth and value of the Aviation program. US Coast Guard Auxiliary DSO-AV Job Description National Response Department - UNCLASSIFIED Page 2 of 2

14. Maintain a close liaison with the Command Staff of the Air Stations having order issuing authority within the district.

15. Serve as the District liaison for dealing with external agencies / organizations at the district, state and local level.

16. Work and maintain close liaison with the National AV Division Staff to coordinate activities and keep them informed of District activities and program issues.

17. Maintain close liaison with counterparts in other districts.

18. Forward to National AV Staff officers, as well as counterparts in other districts, such methods, training aids, course material, or other educational or training tools which may have wide application or be of value to others in the Aviation Program.

19. Attend District Aviation planning conferences.

20. Serve as the senior member of the District Aviation Board.

21. Insure the establishment of a District Flight Examining Board as a sub-set of the District Aviation Board.

22. Supervise the District aviation standardization and training program.

23. Oversee the recruitment of Auxiliary flight crews and aircraft facilities.

24. Supervise management of District aircrew and aviation facility records, including such records maintained in electronic systems such as AUXDATA and POMS.

25. Supervise the tracking and reporting of aviation operational and flight crew data.

26. Supervise a program of accountability for all Coast Guard provided aviation equipment such as life vests, rafts, etc.

27. Supervise tracking of Auxiliary Aviation operating expenses within the District.

28. Work with the DFSO and the Air Station FSO to maintain a robust Aviation Safety program.

29. Conduct whatever workshops and training programs that may be necessary to ensure that District and National policy is followed in your program, including insuring that the required Aviation Safety Workshops and Egress and Water Survival Training are available the members of the district AV program.

30. Train a back-up for your duties.

31. Perform additional duties as may be assigned.

32. Upon expiration of your term of office, or when so directed, transfer all property and records of the office to your successor.



Series & Grade:



Eighth Western Rivers

Open Period:



Department Of Homeland Security


U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary

Position Info:

This is a Temporary appointment.

Who May Apply:

All members interested in Aviation and that are in good standing with their flotilla and division.


MUST have Mandatory Training completed prior to application

Be in good standing with all requirements in relation to the Aviation community within the USCG Auxiliary aviation program

Good leadership and management skills

DSO-CM: District Staff Officer – Communications

District Staff Officer – Communications (DSO-CM) The DSO-CM is responsible for providing Auxiliary communications to the Coast Guard and other agencies and organizations devoted to life saving, boating safety disaster response, and the protection of environment. The DSO-CM is also responsible for the following duties:

1. Promote and facilitate development of radio communications assets within the District in support of the local Coast Guard, Federal, State, and local agencies.

2. Ensure that there is an ongoing training effort that is directed towards all Communications needs; Surface patrols, Air patrols, Mobile patrols, and watch standing at the Coast Guard and Auxiliary stations.

3. Establish annual communication goals with the District Bridge and DIRAUX to insure that there is total coverage of the various needs of communications for the local Coast Guard and other agencies.

4. Develop Division/District Emergency integrated communications plans for the HF and VHF spectrum.

5. Provide the necessary support to the counterpart staff officers at the Division level to insure that they are well trained and that District and National policies are followed in communications.

6. Provide complete and regular reports to the COS regarding activity and provide updated communication reports to the District Board.

7. Respond to any requests for communication information as requested by the National Communications staff.

8. Establish liaison and good relationships with the Coast Guard units in the District.

9. Ensure all members that interface with the public such as VE/MDV and PE officers have accurate and up to date information regarding radio communications, rules, equipment, and related topics.

10. Other duties as requested/assigned.



Series & Grade:



Eighth Western Rivers

Open Period:



Department Of Homeland Security


U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary

Position Info:

This is a Temporary appointment.

Who May Apply:

All members interested in radio and other various forms of mechanical communications and that are in good standing with their flotilla and division.


MUST have Mandatory Training completed prior to application

Be in good standing with all requirements in relation to the Communications community within the USCG Auxiliary Communications program. Should be TCO certified.

Good leadership and management skills

DSO-IM: District Staff Officer -Incident Management & Preparedness DSO-IM


The District Staff Officer – Incident Management and Preparedness (DSO-IM), under the general direction of the Auxiliary District Commodore (DCO), through the chain of leadership and management, shall be responsible for the following:

Facilitate the establishment or maintenance of standardized regional reports and reporting processes involving the Auxiliary in USCG Contingency Planning and any actual response/use of Auxiliarists in said plan(s) or response(s). Contingency Plans include, but are not limited to;

a.  OPLAN 9700/9800 (USCG Crisis/Contingency Plans/OPORDERS)

b.  Oil Spill/HAZMAT Release Area Contingency Plan (ACP)

c.  Area Maritime Security Plan (AMSP)

d.  Others as developed

The DSO-IM will collect, collate and distribute an Executive Briefing of these reports to a standardized distribution list to include at least the District Commodore (and any others they deem necessary) with a copy to the Q Directorate.

Manage the District’s Auxiliary Incident Management System (AIMS) components by coordinating, collecting and distributing a standardized report on usage/testing (with results), requests for training, platform troubleshooting, etc. Currently each of these platforms (Everbridge and Skills Bank) may have an individual assigned by the DCO as the point-of- contact (POC) for the operation of these platforms in their respective districts. It is now suggested that these POCs report to the DSO-IM as ADSOs for a more coordinated operation. These ADSOs will use the acronyms "ADSO-IMS" (Skills Bank) and "ADSO-IME" (Everbridge), respectively. Examples of the DSO-IM and ADSO- IMS/IME responsibilities include:

e.  Serve as the strategic subject matter experts for the District with respect to the AIMS (Everbridge and Skills Bank platforms).

i.  Everbridge:

1.  The DSO is responsible for the District’s portion of Everbridge, i.e.,

Support the Everbridge ADSO in passing requests up the chain. For example, a particular request that something be changed to improve message delivery would be well served to get back in the hands of the users with a fairly high priority, particularly as it relates to emergency notifications or call outs.

Be readily available to the ADSO/members to support whatever they want to do with the software (subject to realistic limitations).

Train those who will be sending out messages (or refer them up to Q Directorate), depending on whether a District wants to have messages sent at only the highest level (such as critical messages), or whether they wish to have it available for use at smaller organizational units. Perhaps that training would be better accomplished through BC-QIT. The DSO/ADSO would facilitate this training.

ii. Skills Bank

Oversee that the Everbridge databases are kept up to date. It is expected that this be done weekly, or as needed due to AUXDATA inputs.

Inform BC-QIT of changes in service needs as they surface, so that the Q Directorate can promptly respond to them.

The DSO is responsible for the District’s portion of Skills Bank, i.e.,

The training of leadership and members in the value and usage

The importance of current and updated information in the system.

How to input information into the Skills Bank system.

Provide staff level supervision over three ADSO-IM’s that will be selected to work in each Sector of the District. These positions will assist the DSO-IM in coordinating, collecting and distributing information on the incident management activities in each Sector. The ADSO’s will work with the Sector ASC, Sector AUXLO, the ADSO-OP, ADSO-AV, ADSO-CM, Sector Contingency Planners and the Sector DCAPT’s to insure that all activities related to incident management are reported to the DSO-IM. The ADSO-IM’s will support and assist the DSO-IM during all deployment situations should they arise within the Sector or District. The ADSO-IM will assist the DSO-IM in all special projects that are requested to be completed by the DSO-IM, i.e.

Serve as the District Commodore's staff representative to the Divisions and Flotillas for Incident Management and Preparedness, working with the ASCs to ensure Auxiliary inclusion in Sector and District Planning efforts. Additionally, the DSO-IM will facilitate the establishment or maintenance of standardized regional reports and reporting processes involving the Auxiliary in USCG Contingency Planning and any actual response/use of Auxiliarists in said plan(s) or response. These reports will be collected on a National basis by the “Q” Directorate.

Assist the District in ensuring it is prepared to meet their Sector’s needs by working in conjunction with the ASC and insuring that Auxiliary members are properly vetted for qualification, are equipped and that training is being developed. This includes but is not limited to maintaining lists of qualified (PQS completed) Auxiliarists, communicating availability of training to interested Auxiliary members, and aiding the ASCs in updating the District on Sector needs.

The DSO-IM will assist the District in ensuring it is prepared to meet USCG requests for District resources by working collaboratively, and in conjunction with, the ASC to ensure that Auxiliary members are properly vetted for qualification, appropriately equipped and trained to include development of same. This includes, but is not limited to, maintaining lists of qualified (PQS completed) Auxiliarists, communicating availability of training to interested Auxiliary members, and aiding the ASCs in updating the District on Sector needs.

It is suggested the DSO-IM will report directly to the DCO for response preparations, deployment of resources and the follow-up (after action) activities for deployed resources to any active incident. The DSO-IM will work with (and sometimes may serve as) the Auxiliary Senior Technical Specialist assigned to the Incident Command staff of an active response organization.

Serve as the Auxiliary Contingency Planner and Response Exercise Chief in response to National and/or District level Incident Management exercises.

Maintain information on District deployed assets and resources to ensure when Auxiliarists are demobilized they will have their follow-up needs met.

•  Special projects as requested.

Skills required:

The DSO-IM should have a full understanding of Incident Command System, National Incident Management System, the National Incident Management & Preparedness Framework and Homeland Security Presidential Directives. He/she must also have a thorough understanding of the USCG’s Incident Management and Preparedness policies, instructions and processes (to include ICS training). He/she must also understand the needs of their District and understand how to fill those needs. As such, great care should be taken in the selection of a member to fill the role, and the person selected will be expected to complete required Incident Management and Preparedness Department training within six (6) months of assignment. The following is suggested for appointment to the position:

Completion of ICS 100, 200, 300 or 300(a), 700, and 800 (completion of additional courses and/or relevant experience is highly desirable).

Completion of the following FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute’s (EMI) independent study (IS) courses;