SFY-2008 Local Part C Contract:

Form for Submission of Comments

All additions and deletions to SFY-2007 (current) local contract language are reflected by font color and strikeout in the draft SFY-2008 local contract. This form highlights the proposed substantive changes. Please use the Comments column to record and submit your comments to the Part C Office no later than February 27, 2007. The column will expand as you enter your comments.

Section / Page(s) / Substantive Changes Proposed / Comments
1.0 Definitions / 2-7 / Added definitions for data verification, determination, eligibility, focused monitoring, public reporting, Virginia’s monitoring indicators
Revised definition of entitled services to clarify what services are required by federal regulations to be provided at no cost to families
Deleted definition of General Supervision Enhancement Grant (GSEG)
2.0 Scope of Work
2.1 Local Lead Agency
2.1.1 Fiscal / 7-9 / Revised 2.1.1.b (1) to clarify that funding will be brought up to date on the next payment once the report is received and approved/verified for accuracy and completeness
Revised 2.1.1.c (Data mandated by General Assembly) to require local lead agencies to report revenue data by source and the actual services provided to eligible infants, toddlers and families
Added 2.1.1.d requiring the local lead agency to prepare and submit data and all other information in a complete and timely manner according to the requirements established by the Office of Special Educations Programs, U.S. Department of Education for the Part C Financial Verification and all System and Program Monitoring requirements as requested by DMHMRSAS
Revised 2.1.1.e to require the local lead agency make available Part C funds to ensure access to and maintenance for all necessary resources, including equipment and personnel. This requirement previously related only to computer equipment.
Revised 2.1.1.g to require documentation not only of need, but also of specific reasons for need and efforts to secure other available funding when notifying DMHMRSAS of budget shortfalls
2.0 Scope of Work
2.1 Local Lead Agency
2.1.2 Administration / 10-15 / 2.1.2.c (4) – Please note that Virginia’s working definition for timely start of services (21 calendar days) is currently under review based on public comment received on Virginia’s revised Part C Policies and Procedures. If the definition for timely is changed in the policies and procedures, the local contract will be changed accordingly.
Changed the due date in 2.1.2.h (2)(b) to require submission of updated primary service setting data by January 15 rather than February 1 since this data must now be submitted to OSEP by February 1.
Deleted 2.1.2.h (4)(a) since GSEG pilots have been completed
Revised 2.1.2.h (5) to reflect that on-site data verification visits will occur when requested by DMHMRSAS. Not all local lead agencies will receive a visit every year.
Added 2.1.2.h (6) requiring participation in on-site focused monitoring visits when required by the DMHMRSAS based on local status on Virginia’s monitoring indicators.
Added 2.1.2.h (7), which relates to implementation of the System for Determination of Child Progress. Please note that the Part C Office is currently reviewing public comment on Virginia’s revised Part C Policies and Procedures related to Time 1 and Time 2 assessments for determination of child progress. The local contract will be changed, if necessary, to reflect final wording in the Policies and Procedures.
Added 2.1.2.h (8) requiring participation in the continued development and implementation of the Family Survey process
Added language to 2.1.2.h (9) clarifying that the local interagency agreement(s) must include agreement to provide early intervention supports and services in accordance with Part C IDEA, as amended
2.0 Scope of Work
2.1 Local Lead Agency -
2.1.3 Personnel / 15 / Revised 2.1.3 (1)(a) – Deleted requirement to complete course work within 3 years since federal Part C regulations under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (2004) removed this requirement.
Added 2.1.3 (2) requiring that all providers complete the on-line Orientation to Part C training module, passing the competency test with 80% accuracy.
2.0 Scope of Work
2.1 Local Lead Agency -
2.1.4 Service Delivery / 15-17 / 2.1.4.c – Clarifies that the statewide Infant & Toddler Connection identity and logo are used on all local system forms, documentation and correspondence, signage and caller reception
2.0 Scope of Work
2.2 DMHMRSAS / 17-18 / Added 2.2.2 requiring the DMHMRSAS to report annually to the public on the performance of the State and each Local Lead Agency on Virginia’s targets for each monitoring indicator identified in the State Performance Plan, in accordance with federal requirements
Added 2.2.3 indicating the DMHMRSAS is responsible for tracking receipt of all contract deliverables from the Local Lead Agencies in order to determine and report data on the Local Lead Agency’s compliance with Virginia’s Monitoring Indicator #10, submission of timely and accurate data
Added 2.2.4, which states that the DMHMRSAS shall make a determination, as required by federal regulations, of the Local Lead Agency’s performance based on information provided through monitoring data, annual record reviews, monitoring visits and any other public information made available.
Revised 2.2.5 to clarify that the DMHMRSAS will provide advance notice in writing when requesting additional information or data or changing established timelines
Revised 2.2.12 to indicate the on-site data verification will be conducted, as appropriate, to confirm the accuracy of selected data (rather than annually).
Revised 2.2.18 to clarify that DMHMRSAS acknowledges to the local lead agency the status of approval of the local system’s corrective action plan/services enhancement plan within 15 calendar days of the due date of the plan.
3.0 Deliverables
3.1 Local Lead Agency / 19-21 / Changes are consistent with those identified under Scope of Work (Local Lead Agency)
3.0 Deliverables
3.2 DMHMRSAS / 21-22 / Changes are consistent with those identified under Scope of Work (DMHMRSAS)
4.0 Assurances / 22-24 / Revised 4.2.d to clarify that every effort will be made to routinely and regularly consider and access all available sources of funds prior to use of Part C funds.
5.0 General Conditions / 24-28 / Modified 5.9 (Termination of Contract) to require that, in the event the contract is cancelled for any reason, the Local Lead Agency shall cooperate with the DMHMRSAS to develop and implement a transition plan for Part C eligible children and their families served under this contract that will ensure continuity of services and supports to children and families. Child Find and all other Part C local obligations will continue during both the 90 day cancellation time period as well as during the transition period itself from one local lead agency to another. The Local Lead Agency will ensure that current projects will be completed to the satisfaction of the State Lead Agency with financial compensation being provided for that work.
*Please note that language within section 5.0 – General Conditions has been approved by the Office of Administrative Services within DMHMRSAS and is, therefore, in final form.
6.0 Submission Requirements / 28-29 / None
7.0 Period of Contract / 29 / None
8.0 Compensation and Payment / 29 / None
9.0 Submission Statement / 29 / None
Attachments / 31-44 / None, although Attachment F has been updated to reflect the SFY-2008 deliverables and due dates specified in the local contract.