Administrator Survey – WITH Breakfast Program
(to be filled out once parent/student surveys are returned and then sent to your State Agency)
- Record your enrollment here: ______
- How many students took the survey? ______
- Of the students who took the survey, how many recognized the importance of eating breakfast? ______
- How many had breakfast at home that included at least one of these components?
_____ Milk/Soy Milk_____ Juice/Fruit/Vegetable
_____ Meat/Cheese/Yogurt/Beans_____ Cereal/Bread/Muffin/Bagel
- How many had breakfast at school? ______
- How many students bought foods from store/fast food restaurant/vending machines for breakfast? ______
- How many students spend more than 30 minutes getting to school? ______
- Of those students not getting to school early enough to eat breakfast, how many are riding the bus? ______
- How many students arrive at school at least 20 minutes prior to school starting? ______
- How many students participate in before-school activities? ______
- Are you able to add any of the foods the students indicated they liked to your breakfast menu? YES/NO
If yes, which foods?
If no, why not?
- How many students said they would participate in the School Breakfast Program if more food choices were offered? ______
- What were the primary reasons students gave for why they do not/would not eat school breakfast?
- How many parents took the survey? ______
- How many said their children did not have time to eat breakfast at home? ______
- How many parents were aware of breakfast as an option at school? ______
- How many parents reported their children ate breakfast at school? ______
- What were the primary reasons parents gave that their children did not eat breakfast at school?
- How many parents reported their children ride the bus to school? ______
- What was the minimum/maximum length of time children spent on the bus?
Minimum ______Maximum ______
- Are there foods parents listed that could be added to your school breakfast menu? YES/NO
If yes, what foods?
If no, why not?
- What did these answers reveal to you about ways you can make your school breakfast program more appealing to students and parents?
23. Based on this assessment, your State Agency can help you develop new ways to expand
your School Breakfast Program.
What is the best way to contact you?
Who is the lead for your school on food programs?
Contact Lead: ______Contact Information: ______
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