JANUARY 4, 2006
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Present: Chairman Bill Harlow, Vice Chair Richard Simoneau, Barry McDonald,
Alan Labbe, and Town Manager Ruth Marden
Absent: Raymond Pineau
Guests: Shiloh Ring, Code Enforcement Officer; Robert Sanders, Recycling Coordinator; Alison, Hagerstrom, Director of Greater Franklin Development Corp; John Johnson, Highway Foreman; Doug Burdo, Livermore Falls Water District; Michael Gentile, Town Attorney; Donna Perry, Sun Journal; Ellen Levesque, Richard & Charlotte Sproul, Fred Hebert, Mike Bubier, Larry Fortier, Norwood & Beatrice Farrington, Frank Farrington, Jean & Paul Gilbert, Warren & Brenda Dorey; Shannon Judd, Raymond Judd, Raymond Paul and Raymond Paul, Jr.
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Chairman Harlow opened the meeting for the Jay Development Board of Directors meeting at 6:00 P.M.
Ruth Marden stated that the Town now has permission to cross the old railroad bed behind the Jay Plaza to access land owned by the Town of Jay. This land is within the Pine Tree Zone. She also stated that two proposals have been received for the planning, engineering work and permitting fees on the property. The Board of Directors agreed to hire Maine Land Development to do the work on the Town land behind the plaza pending Town Meeting approval. M/M/S Rick Simoneau, Alan Labbe 4-0-0
The Board of Directors also agreed to include an article on the Annual Town Meeting Warrant to raise and appropriated $25,000.00 for the work on the land behind the Plaza. M/M/S Rick Simoneau, Barry McDonald 4-0-0
The meeting of the Jay Development Board of Directors adjourned at 6:10 P.M.
JANUARY 4, 2006
Pledge of Allegiance: 6:10 P.M.
Minutes of the December 19th meeting accepted. M/M/S Alan Labbe, Barry McDonald 4-0-0
Old Business
The Town has been notified that the Teamsters Union is requesting mediation. The Selectmen agreed to hire David Barrett, Maine Municipal Association for legal representation.
The Selectmen also decided to change the date of the next Selectmen/Budget meeting to January 16th from the 17th. They will also meet on the 18th to continue reviewing budgets. The budget committee will be invited to attend at the Jay Middle School Cafeteria.
Waste Management Contract Addendum
The Selectmen agreed to sign the Waste Contract Addendum with Waste Management that would increase the fees from $58.00/ton to $60.32/ton for the second year of the contract. M/M/S Rick Simoneau, Barry McDonald 4-0-0. Two copies of the contract were signed.
Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief Appointments
Scott Shink was appointed as Fire Chief and Jim Shink as Deputy Fire Chief for 2 years. M/M/S Alan Labbe, Barry McDonald 4-0-0
Update on Junkyard Violations
At the last Selectmen’s meeting Phil Hebert and John Blais were given until January 3rd to come into compliance with State Junkyard Law. Phil Hebert has one vehicle and tires left on the property located on the Maxwell Road. He may have vacated the property.
John Blais has three vehicles on the property, one meets the hobbyist requirement. Therefore, both individuals are now in compliance with State Junkyard law and further action will not be taken at this time.
Parker Pond
Bill Harlow referred to a petition that was received that asked the Selectmen to check into options on access to Parker Pond. The Selectmen have looked at nine different options. Attached is a map and a list of each option, with the exception of the Route across Raymond Paul Jr’s land.
Michael Gentile stated that the petition as presented does not require a Town vote. The Selectmen could decide to go forward or not to put it to the voters to raise money to layout and accept a road to Parker Pond. At issue, is the road now goes over land owned by the Sprouls’ and Pauls’ and there are not easements to the road giving access. Richard Sproul presented a deed which he states gives an easement for option 5 of the attached map recorded in the Franklin County Registry of Deeds in Book 422 Page 389, 390 & 391.
Richard & Charlotte Sproul stated that they have issue with giving the land for a road in fear that in years to come the Town will discontinue the road and grant public access over the property. Mike Gentile stated that a voluntary easement could be drafted with either party having the right to terminate.
It was suggested that all parties involved (Sprouls, Pauls, Farringtons, Doreys) meet to discuss the options with Ruth Marden and Bill Harlow and draft a voluntary easement. The Sprouls requested that such a document be drafted and sent to them for approval.
The Selectmen tabled the issue of access to Parker Pond until a later date until all parties involved could meet to resolve the issue. M/M/S Barry McDonald, Alan Labbe 4-0-0
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M. M/M/S Rick Simoneau, Barry McDonald 4-0-0.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday January 16th, 2006 at 6:00 P.M. at the Jay Middle School Cafeteria.
Respectfully Submitted
Ronda Palmer
Town Clerk