Prayers of Intercession: Time After Pentecost

August 7, 2016

With the words, God of endless imagination, you are invited to respond Hear us and bless us.

As people challenged by divine imagination, we pray for our church, for those in need, and for all of creation.

a brief silence

God of the wisdom of the ages and the imagination of the here and now, work among us as we forge relationships that add meaning and purpose to everyday life. Make faith a constant journey into the unexpected connection, especially in our partnership with the Anglican Church of Canada. Bless Bishop Logan, Bishop Greg and the congregations of our synod. We pray especially today for St. Paul in Maple Ridge and Pastor Roland Ziprick, Matsqui Lutheran, and all the institutions in our church that care for elderly people.

God of endless imagination

Hear us and bless us.

Come to us in our hopes and dreams, our pain and our potential, whispering that we are beloved, that we are yours now and forever. Make us passionate stewards of our earth, that its bounty and beauty nourish us today and remain healthy for our children and our children's children.

God of endless imagination

Hear us and bless us.

Anoint us with the fervent desire to understand and to practise compassion, even when our first impulse is to attack and judge because of our own fear. Give us the courage to listen and a heart attuned to understanding. Make our example a model for government leaders, that models of cooperation and reconciliation take over in our often-fractious world.

God of endless imagination

Hear us and bless us.

Help us as we develop new ways to speak of old truths, calm and peaceful minds amidst anxious times, and values that positively alter the fabric of our families, our communities, and our world. Let us look into the bullying face of fear, and say, "We are God's people, let us go forward unafraid, confident of the grace that is ours.

God of endless imagination

Hear us and bless us.

Give us the courage and desire to look into face of suffering and say to those in pain: we pray that you may be well, that blessings will come to you, and healing will find you even amidst difficulty. We pray especially for those we name aloud or in the depths of our being. Bless those who have requested your care and strength (name those on the prayer list)

God of endless imagination

Hear us and bless us.

Help us to hear the old stories of faith and of faithful people with new ears, that we might live the tale forward in a multi-faith, often very secular world. We remember Dominic, founder of the Dominicans, who created the order to use kindness and gentle argument rather than judgment to bring back those who had strayed from lives of faith.

God of endless imagination

Hear us and bless us.

Liberate us from the fear and sense of failure that can cripple us, so that we face the future with quiet joy and participate in a legacy of unconditional love that changes life for individuals, societies, countries, and the world.

We join our prayers and the entire deep yearning of soul with people near and far who call on the name of the Resurrected Christ.
