
Please read the instructions on the reverse side; complete the form and submit with supporting documentation to the appropriate Department Chair (i.e., Mathematics Department Chair, English Department Chair, etc.). You will receive notification within five working days. This form must be submitted to the Department Chair at least ten days before the start of the semester.

ELAC Course Requested to Enroll: Semester/Year:

I hereby challenge the prerequisite or corequisite requirement for the above course for the reason indicated below.

Check appropriate box:

[ ] I have completed an ELAC assessment and wish to appeal the placement level. (Scores must be attached).

[ ] I have the appropriate documented knowledge, experience or ability to succeed in the course for which the prerequisite

or corequisite is specified.

[ ] Requirement (prerequisite or corequisite) was not established by an adopted L.A.C.C. District process, or it was established

in violation of Title 5.

[ ] Requirement is unlawfully discriminating or applied in an unlawful discriminatory manner.

[ ] I will be delayed in fulfilling the requirements for a degree or certificate because the prerequisite course has not been

made reasonably available.

a.  I have specified an educational goal after having completed 15 units of college work with a GPA of C or better;

b. Have filed an educational plan 90 days after completing the said 15 units; and

c. Alternate courses to fulfill degree or certificate requirements are not available.

[ ] I have the appropriate documentation to show that I do not pose a health or safety threat to others or myself in courses for

which a health or safety prerequisite is specified.

[ ] I will be delayed in fulfilling the requirements for a degree or certificate because course enrollment was limited to students

judged more qualified in intercollegiate competition, honors, or public performance, or enrollment was limited to a

particular cohort of students. I filed an Educational Plan and specified an educational goal after having completed 15

units of college work with Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Student’s Signature: Date: ______

For Office Use Only

Course Denied: Decision Date

Course Approved:

Chair Signature: Data Entry:


Department: Notice Date:


After review by Department Chair and student notified, please return to Admissions & Records for processing.

Prerequisite/Corequisite Challenge Procedures – Content Knowledge

1.  Student submits Challenge Petition and any other necessary documents to the appropriate academic discipline department.

2.  Department accepts the Challenge petition and documents.

3.  Department will provide the student with a dated/time stamped & signed receipt and documents will be dated/time stamped & signed.

4.  Department resolves petition in 5 working days. Student is notified by the department of their decision.

5.  Department forwards resolved Challenge Petition to Admissions and Records. If the Challenge Petition is approved A&R will update the prerequisite/corequisite DEC screen for that student.

Content Knowledge Challenge Petition Student Appeal Process

1.  Student appeals will be directed to the appropriate Dean of Academic Affairs.

2.  Dean will have to inquire on how the specific Challenge Petition decision was reached by the department in question.

3.  Dean will have to notify student of the appeal process decision.

Discrimination Challenge Petition Student Appeal Process

1.  Student appeals will be directed to the Vice President of Student Services.

2.  Vice President will have to notify student of the appeal process decision.

East Los Angeles College

Department Chairs 2009 – 2010

/ Chair Name /


Administration of Justice
/ Patrick Hauser / C2-2B
Anthropology, Geography, & Geology / Dr. Robert West / H5-103


/ Derek Hamner / E7-136
Art / Jim Uyekawa / AA-2
Automotive Technology / Adrian Banuelos / P1-107
Business Administration / Faramarz Larizadeh / E5-101
Chemistry / Dr. Gayane Godjoian / H8-127
Chicano Studies / Sybil Venegas / C2-5
Child, Family, & Education / Angelica Toledo / A-5
Computer Applications & Office Tech. / Elaine Shibata / E7-435
Counseling / Daniel Ornelas / A-2
Electronics / David Retig / E7-314
Engineering / Jose C. Ramirez / E7-110
English (Humanities, ESL, & Reading) / James Kenny / F5-110
Foreign Languages / Sara Maga / E5-113
Journalism / Jean Stapleton / E7-307
Library / Choonhee Rhim / C1-128
Life Sciences / Alison Davis / H6-126
Mathematics / Dr. Joe Kazimir / E5-102B
Music / Robert Dawson / K7-105


/ Lurelean Gaines / F9-104


/ Michael Sigman / C2-6


/ Robert Lyle / E7-B41
Physical Education-Men / Richard Browne / C1-135E
Physical Education-Women / Margaret Galvan / E9-112A
Physics / J.V. Ramirez/V. Kiledjian / G6-118
Psychology / Sherrie Davey / E3-111
Social Sciences / Dr. Consuelo Rey Castro / E5-118

Speech & Theatre Arts

/ Michael Kasnetsis / G5-111B

Student Services, Vice President

/ Oscar Valeriano / A-8

It is the student’s responsibility to submit the challenge petition with supporting documentation directly to the appropriate Department Chair at least ten days before the start of the semester. If the appropriate office is closed, students may also submit challenge petitions to the Office of Academic Affairs in A6.

Revised 11/19/2009