Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council

held on Thursday 14th March 2013 at 8.00 pm.


Cllr M Coombs, Cllr D Jobbins, Cllr R North, Cllr S Saunders, Cllr J Woodhouse and Cllr J Wright.

3 members of the public were also present and D.Munro, the Parish Clerk.


Apologies for absence received from Cllr C James, Cllr Y Maguire and Cllr D Stacey.




Meeting suspended at 8.05pm to allow for this item

The Chair welcomed Adrian Webster who was present as a member of the public. Adrian had expressed an interest in being co-opted to fill one of the vacancies on the council.

There were no reports or questions from members of the public.

The public session ended and the meeting resumed at 8.07pm


The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14th February 2013 were agreed and signed by the Chair.


a) The clerk reported that he had completed and submitted an application to Zurich Insurance for an Insurance quote.

b) The clerk reported that he had had a first attempt at completing our entry form for this year’s Best Kept Village Competition. This has been passed to Cllr R North and Cllr C James to review and to make any suggestions for amendments, comments etc. The closing date for entries is 10th April 2013.

c) A meeting with Local Police in Blackmore. An email was received from the clerk of Blackmore PC asking if a representative from our PC would be interested in attending a meeting with local police if this was arranged. Cllr Y Maguire had replied indicating that she would, depending on the date and time. It was agreed that the clerk should circulate details of the date and time when this has been arranged as other members may also be available to attend.

d) Pothole outside Fane Hall. The clerk reported that the pothole outside Fane Hall had again been reported to ECC Highways with up to date photographs. These had been copied to Cllr K Parker, BBC member who had indicated that he may have funding available to repair this. However, this funding was only available until the end of the month. Cllr R North undertook to speak to the Rev’d Mark James and quickly obtain a quote for the work.

e) The clerk advised that he had obtained advance notice of a temporary closure notice for the stretch of Blackmore Road from Stocks Lane to Ongar Road. This was to enable highways maintenance to be carried out. The order will come into force on 1st April 2013 and the work will be carried out within 18 months.

Other items arising are mentioned at other parts of the agenda.


a) Play Area update – John Wayper of Hayden Landscapes has replaced the two rotten benches in the Play Area. Cllr S Saunders advised that the benches were untreated. It was agreed that Kim Saunders should be asked to carry out treatment of the benches.

With regard to the funding of the possible replacement of the cable runway (zip wire), the clerk advised that he had searched the BBC website for any information about this year’s Share Fund but there is nothing yet.

b) Tree Management – The clerk advised that Andy Laing, the arboriculturist at BBC, has undertaken an examination of the Eagle Field trees and has reported that the trees are basically sound. However he has identified some relatively small dead elms that need removing. As discussed at the Environmental Committee meeting Cllr M Coombs is going to assess the work and carry out what is required.


a) Report from the Environmental Committee meeting on 7th March 2013 –

Cllr M Coomb reported on the main points discussed.

b) War Memorial seats. No update available.

c) Swan Pond.

i) Ownership. It was reported that BBC’s Policy, Projects and Resources Board meeting on 13th March 2013 had agreed to the ownership of Swan Pond being transferred to the PC. Further details are awaited.

ii) Maintenance. There was some concern that the level of water in the pond was still high, preventing access to the island by using waders. It was suggested that a small rowing boat might be the answer to enable work to be carried out on the island.

d) Eagle Lane (Byway) Green Waste. The clerk reported that clearance work was undertaken by the Volunteers on 20th February 2013. Cllr D Jobbins reported at the Environmental Committee meeting that there was still some uncleared waste at the School Road end. The clerk had since been in contact with Stuart Anderson, BBC who has now inspected the lane and the Volunteers will visit again within the next 4-6 weeks to remove the remaining waste.

e) School Road Parking. It was reported that Cllr K Parker, BBC member was making enquiries about the deployment and effectiveness of the parking enforcement officers who visit the area around the school.

Cllr D Jobbins suggested that there should be a 20mph speed limit around the school and the clerk was asked to submit a request for the Highways Panel to consider.

f) Speed Limit, Church Road. Cllr D Jobbins reported that he had exchanged several emails with ECC Highways on this subject. He advised that ECC had appeared to have changed their reasons for introducing a 40mph instead of a 30mph limit several times. At first it was because there were an insufficient number of properties on this part of the road. Then it was because the majority of the properties were on one side of the road only. Now it would appear that it is because Church Road is not regarded as being part of the main village. Cllr A Naylor, ECC member has asked for a review of the decision. Although answered in part by emails, the clerk has still not received a full reply to the letter sent to ECC on 21st January 2013. The clerk was asked to follow this up.


a) Balances / Management of Accounts

Community Account balance as at last meeting 14/2/13 £33,943.42

(less cheques issued following last meeting - £ 3,379.86)

(plus income since last meeting + £ 890.00)

(Estimated balance at 14/3/13 = £31,453.56)

3 Year Fixed Term Deposit £20,000.00

7 Day Notice Deposit Account £10,000.00

Transactions since last Meeting:

The Green Man, Toot Hill / Village News Advert / 15.00
H L Fordham (new) / Village News Advert / 50.00
Maguire & Sons Ltd (new) / Village News Advert / 75.00
Richard Bull Upholstery / Village News Advert / 150.00
Mrs P Steggles (new) / Village News Advert / 30.00
J Kirrane (new) / Village News Advert / 30.00
David Felon Village Taxis / Village News Advert / 75.00
KDH Garden Maintenance / Village News Advert / 75.00
Daniel Wheeler HPS / Village News Advert / 125.00
The Green Man, Toot Hill / Village News Advert / 15.00
Platinum Hair & Beauty / Village News Advert / 75.00
Keith Ashton Estates / Village News Advert / 125.00
Chandler Removal Co Ltd (new) / Village News Advert / 50.00
Total / 715.00
Cheques issued since last meeting / nil
Cheques prepared for this month’s expenditure
Evergreen Assessments / Litter picking - February / 336.00
K J Saunders / Spring plants & planting / 62.00
J E Dobre / Village News editor & Village Correspondent / 180.00
D Munro / March salary / 822.09
HMRC / March Tax & NI / 317.80
Total / 1717.89

b) To consider and approve payment of invoices received and cheques prepared.

Payment of invoices and cheques prepared as listed above was proposed by Cllr R North, seconded by Cllr J Wright and approved unanimously by members. Signatories were instructed by the Chair to sign the cheques.

c) Parish Councillor Vacancies. The Chair advised that no election had been requested to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of David Loten. We therefore had two vacancies to fill by co-option. Two people had put their names forward for consideration.

Before they can be co-opted however it is necessary for BBC, Electoral Services to carry out suitability checks. Cllr R North proposed that we proceed with the necessary checks for both candidates. This was seconded by Cllr S Saunders and agreed unanimously by members.

d) Nominations for Citizenship Awards. It was reported that only one nomination had so far been received for this award. The deadline for nominations to be received by the clerk is 31st March 2013.

e) To set a date for the Annual Parish Meeting. It was decided that this year’s Annual Parish Meeting should be held on 21st May 2013 if the Village Hall is available on that date. If this was unavailable a second date of 22nd May 2013 was agreed.

f) Capable Guardian Scheme Cllr R North advised that an email had been received from Tony Ellis the Crime Prevention Officer at Brentwood and Epping Forest Police District asking for assistance in promoting this scheme. After discussion it was agreed that a separate article should publicise this in the Village News.

g) A request to provide flowers for St Nicholas Church. It was reported that a request to provide flowers for St Nicholas Church had been received. Cllr J Woodhouse proposed that £40.00 should be paid to provide these in 2013/14. This was seconded by Cllr S Saunders and agreed unanimously by members.


a)  Kelvedon Hatch Village Hall Charitable Trust - nothing to report

b)  Community Primary School – no progress to report

c)  BBPCA – Cllr R North reported that a meeting had been held on 6th March 2013 when there had been a talk on emergency planning, flooding caused by blocked drains and whose responsibility these were.

d)  Asset, Infrastructure & Localism Panel - no meeting It was reported that this has been renamed as the Assets Panel.


Cllr M Coombs reported that he continues to survey footpaths to list the work that needs doing


a) Village News – Nothing to report.

b) Website – It was noted that Bob Moser will be taking over management of the website from 1st April 2013. The Parish Council wished to record their thanks to Philip George who created the website and has managed it since then. Cllr R North proposed that a letter of thanks should be sent to Philip. This was agreed unanimously by members.


Cllr D Jobbins reported that the VAS sign at Crown Corner was not working properly. The clerk was asked to report this.

Cllr S Saunders reported that road signs at Crown Corner and near the camping shop had fallen over. The clerk was asked to report this.

Cllr S Saunders reported that the litter bin outside the Play Area was no longer there but the base, which was not being cleared, was still being used by dog walkers and others. The clerk was asked to contact BBC about this.

Cllr S Saunders reported that there was some litter in Swan Pond that could not be reached from the bank.

Cllr S Saunders reported that the bus shelters needed freshening up with a coat of paint. It was agreed that this maintenance should be undertaken.

Cllr S Saunders also reported that the telephone box which lost us many points in last year’s Best Kept Village Competition didn’t even have a telephone in it and BT should be asked to remove it urgently. Members agreed and the clerk was asked to contact BT.

Cllr J Woodhouse reported that he had read reports in the newspaper implying that all Parish Councils had increased the Parish Precept. He felt that this gave out the wrong message to residents as we had been careful not to increase ours. It was agreed that this should be pointed out in the Parish Pump article in the Village News.


Cllr R North updated the meeting on Planning Applications received and dealt with since the last PC meeting:

07/03/13 / 13/00166/FUL / 33 Glovers Field, KH, CM15 0BD / Two storey side and rear extension and single storey rear extension. New bathroom window to first floor side elevation. / Under Consideration
07/03/13 / 13/00185/EXT / 36 Ongar Road, KH, CM15 0AA / Renewal of Planning Permission 10/00006/FUL for conversion of garage and first floor side extension. / Under Consideration


The meeting was suspended at 9.42pm to allow for the above item.

There were no questions from members of the public.

The public session ended at 9.42pm


The next PC meeting will be held on Thursday 11th April 2013 at 8.00pm in the Committee Room, The Village Hall, School Road, Kelvedon Hatch.