Louisiana Seafood Board Meeting Minutes, February 11, 2010

  1. Motion to adopt amendment changes, motion by Pete, second by Dexter
  2. Motion to approve minutes by pete, second by Dexter
  3. James Beard Event-March 21, Sunday 3-7 p.m.

Ewell asked that we give $5,000 towards advertising for the event.

Stephen moves to fund event, second by Tommy. LouisianaCookery.com

Wesley Noble

Jay gave report on Web site. Address to view is

  1. David Guilbeau-Second Safety Taskforce-bill looks at imported seafood. Charged with the way imported seafood is tested in Louisiana. Federal government currently does all inspections. They are recommending that we take some of the federal regulations and adopt some of those in the state sanitation code. Requiring that people bringing imported seafood into the state have a plan. To continue to promote Louisiana seafood through funding to LSPMB and Agriculture.
  2. Executive Directors Report- Increased funding from Louisiana Seafood Cook-Off/Great American Seafood Cook-Off. John Folse will be doing co-emcee. Trying to get Sig Hansen to come back down.

Bill board going up in March

Seafood Festival-Happening in June. There will be a board set-up this time. Ewell has three board members.

Rouses ad-needs to not say certified Louisiana shrimp because it waters down the actual program.

Kim made a motion that we contact Rouses regarding the use of our logo and the words “certified shrimp” together. Motion second by Pete Gerica.

Kevin made a motion that we develop a policy for use of the logo in advertisements and that he has the right to implement that policy and Kim made a second. Motion carries.

Shrimp Education Day—need to plan one of those.

Ewell asked that someone form a fundraising committee

Pete made a motion to accept report and Tommy Williams second.

  1. Secretary /Treasurer Report- Ewell gave an update on the current budget. Motion by Pete to accept report and approved by Bob.
  2. Board Member Items

A. Kim-D.C. Sending a chef up for April LRA event. Send up shrimp committee.

B. Iphone application-Rene still has information from January

  1. Other Business
  1. Ewell and Harlon didn’t go to D.C. to talk crop insurance due to the snow storm
  2. Talk to sugar cane industry about CAT and NAP programs – Kim?
  3. Harlon – forgiving SBA loans working with Sen. Cao on legislation
  4. Feb. 25th and night of 24th sustainability meetings
  5. Can we video tape or audio tape these meetings?
  6. Discuss Executive Director Protocol
  7. Setting up meeting with Gov. and Mazetta. Kevin made a motion that Ewell can introduce people to others. Gary second. Motion carries.
  1. April 21 next meeting, 9 a.m.
  2. Motion by Miriam to adjourn, second by Steve.