Curriculum Skill: "Communicating Needs Effectively using Speech, Gesture or Signing as Appropriate"
GLD Level: Moderate
Curricular Area: Communication and Language
Curricular Strand: Receptive and Expressive Language
Strand Unit: Competence and Confidence in using Language / Attained / Extended
Acquiring / Becoming Fluent / Maintenance / Generalisation / Application / Adaptation
Uses vocal/ gestural skills to communicate intentionally;
  • expresses a preference, indicates rejection of undesired object, chooses foods/ preferred toys, communicates ‘more’, ‘no’, ‘again’ ‘stop’

Uses individual means of communication to give information and ask questions about people, events and objects;
  • says/signs own name, points to a picture/makes sign for ‘home’ to ask about going home, makes sign for ‘bus’ to tell about journey on bus, points to swimming togs/picture of swimming pool to ask about going swimming

Responds to the use of objects of reference/gestural/ pictorial/verbal cues about objects or activities;
  • gets swimming bag when object of reference relating to swimming is shown

Attends to facial expressions, gestures and tone of voice expressing various emotions
Uses yes or no to indicate need or preference
Uses individual means of communication to give information and ask questions about events and objects;
  • asks teacher about next activity, tells news about parents and siblings

Asserts self by sometimes refusing to do things
Asks for attention
  • ‘watch’, ‘look at me’.

Combines words and gestures to indicate needs;
  • uses gesture and facial expression to assist meaning

Recognises some Lámh signs;
  • tries to use some hand signs

Responds to the use of objects of reference/gestural/ pictorial/ verbal cues about people;
  • shows anticipation when sound of familiar person’s car is heard, shows excitement when picture of favourite person is shown/that person’s name is used

Interprets and imitates facial expressions, gestures and tone of voice expressing various emotions
Communicates about things of interest;
  • indicates preferred activity / asks about next step in sequence of task, for example in a cookery/ woodwork lesson

Uses language to comment, make statements, share information, and organise thoughts and ideas;
  • sequencing events of the day or week

Uses individual means of communication to make a request: for a favourite object/ person/ activity
The Curriculum Access Tool for Students with General Learning Disability (CAT-GLD) is a framework developed by the Special Education Support Service based on the Guidelines for Teachers of Students with General Learning Disabilities produced by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment.