What is the course content?

The Cambridge English CELTA course is an introductory course designed to enable participants to acquire essential subject knowledge and a range of practical skills for teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. It consists of a minimum of 120 contact hours including 6 hours of assessed teaching practice and follows the University of Cambridge English approved CELTA syllabus. The content covers:

  • Learners and teachers, and the teaching / learning context
  • Language analysis and awareness
  • Language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing
  • Lesson planning, resources and materials
  • Developing teaching skills and professionalism

The CELTA course is now also available in a blended learning format, combining flexible self-study with online tutor support and practical teaching experience. Cambridge CELTA Course Online follows the same syllabus and leads to the same internationally-recognised certificate as the face-to-face course. It also gives equal emphasis to theory and practical teaching. For more details about the CELTA online course, please visit the following website:

What qualifications will it give me?

The Cambridge English CELTA course leads to an internationally recognised qualification for those who wish to enter the profession of English language teaching to adults, and it is often considered a minimum requirement for employment in language teaching institutions worldwide. It is accredited as a Level 5 qualification in the Qualifications and Credit Framework.

What are the course dates?

The provisional dates for the academic year 2015-2016 are:

  • CELTA Course 1 (12 weeks): 14thSeptember, 2015to 9th December, 2015. Please note that there is a one-week, half-term break in October. Induction will take place on 9thSeptember, 2015.
  • CELTA Course 2 (Blended Learning - 20 weeks): 4thJanuary, 2016 to 15th June, 2016. Please note there is a one-week Half Term break in February and May/June as well as a two-week Easter break. Induction will take place on 9thDecember, 2015.
  • CELTA Intensive Course (4.5 weeks): 27thJune, 2016to 22ndJuly, 2016.

Where will the course take place?

The courses take place at Cardiff and Vale College, City Centre Campus, Dumballs Road, CF10 5BF.

How many hours attendance at college are required each week?

  • CELTA Course 1: Mondays from 12.30 to 21.00 and Wednesdaysfrom 10.00 to 17.00.
  • CELTA Course 2 (Blended Learning): Teaching Practice will take place in college on Mondays from 16.00 to 21.00. The online component of the course can be accessed remotely at a time convenient to the candidate.
  • CELTA Intensive Course: Mondays to Fridays 8.30 to 17.00

In addition to the scheduled timetable, candidates will need to dedicate a minimum of 120 hours to the required pre-course preparation, reading, research, assignment writing, lesson preparation, record keeping, tutorials and observation of experienced teachers.

How will I learn?

The course is very practical in nature. It is divided into input sessions and teaching practice. The input sessions focus on the basic principles and theory of language learning and teaching. The supervised teaching practice sessions are an opportunity for you to put the theory into action.

You will be given guidance and supervision when planning lessons as well as written and verbal feedback on your teaching. During the course you will also have the opportunity to observe experienced teachers and will be required to complete four written assignments which will help you to develop your understanding of English language teaching.

How will the course be assessed?

All centres offering courses leading to the CELTA certificate have had their course programme, staffing and facilities approved by University of Cambridge English assessment. Course assessment is criterion referenced, continuous and integrated. There is no final exam and attendance on the course does not guarantee successful completion. The certificate is awarded to candidates who complete all course requirements and satisfy all assessment criteria.

Detailed criteria for the assessment of teaching practice and written assignments will be given to all candidates at the beginning of the course and reference is made to these criteria throughout the course. Appropriate support and guidance are given and candidates are informed of their progress during the course by written commentary on their teaching practice and written assignments, and via tutorial sessions.

The two components of the CELTA assessment are:

1. Teaching practice

By the end of the six hours of assessed teaching practice, which take place over several sessions, candidates should have demonstrated successful achievement of all teaching practice criteria.

2. Written assignments

There are four written assignments in total, focusing on the following aspects:

  • the learner
  • the language systems of English
  • an analysis of learning / teaching materials
  • reflection on lesson observation, teaching practice and the identification of teaching points

These assignments vary in length and style but the total amount of assessed written work should not be less than 3,000 words. Any written assignment which fails to meet the specified assessment criteria may be re-submitted on one occasion only.

The Teaching Practice and Written Assignments are internally assessed by the course tutors. Each course is also externally moderated by a CELTA assessor who visits the centre, examines the candidates’ assessment portfolios and observes teaching practice.

What are the entry requirements?

Applicants must:

  • be at least 18 although it is generally recommended that candidates should be 20 or over;
  • have an awareness of language and a competence in both written and spoken English which will enable them to undertake the course and prepare for teaching a range of levels (the recommended level is C2 on the CEFR);
  • have, as a minimum requirement, a standard of education equivalent to that required for entry into higher education. The centre may use its discretion to accept applicants who do not have formal qualifications at this level if screening suggests they would be likely to complete the course successfully.

In addition the centre must satisfy itself that:

  • applicants have the potential to develop the necessary skills to become effective teachers and to complete successfully the written assignments and the teaching practice assessment;
  • the course is suitable for applicants in terms of their experience, background and their career plans;
  • applicants are able to attend the whole course;
  • applicants have competent IT skills and will be able to communicate via email and produce word-processed assignments, lesson materials, etc.;
  • applicants have access outside college to adequate computer facilities.

How do I apply?

You will find the application documents you need on the CELTA web page at

The documents are:

  • CAVC application form
  • Language Analysis test

In addition to completing the application form and language task, we request that you write a personal statement of approximately 300-350 words, outlining your reasons for wanting to follow the course and why you think you would be a successful teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages. Details about your current occupation, previous work experience, knowledge of other languages and any teaching experience you have had as well as information about your future career plans would be useful in order for us to assess your suitability for the course.

Please email your application form with supporting statement, completed language analysis task, CV and copies of relevant qualifications (e.g. A-levels and degree) to ensure that you receive a swift reply and that your application is processed promptly.

Please note that this course is popular and the number of applications often exceeds the number of places available. Therefore, we recommend that you apply early to increase your chances of securing a place on your chosen course. Places are offered to suitable applicants on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please make sure that you state clearly on your application form which CELTA course you wish to apply for.

Once we have assessed your application, there are 2 possible outcomes:

  1. If your application is successful, you will be invited to attend an interview at the next available session.
  2. If you do not meet one or more of the entry requirements, you will be sent an email explaining why the course is unsuitable for you at this time.

Applicants will only be accepted onto the course after successfully completing a pre-interview task and attending an interview. This interview session consists of the following:

  • a brief introduction to the course;
  • a micro-teaching demonstration and a group feedback task with other interviewees;
  • a written language task;
  • an individual interview with a CELTA tutor.

The outcome of the interview session is sent by e-mail within five working days. The centre’s decision is final.

What is the cost of the course?

The fees for the face-to-face and blended learning CELTA courses are £1,500 for UK and EU nationals and £2,500 for non-EU nationals who reside in the UK. Fees include all tuition, materials, photocopying and access to college facilities such as the Learning Centre. Fees also include access to the Cambridge online component of the CELTA blended learning course.

The fee must be paid in full at enrolment. Enrolment usually takes place within two weeks of the interview. No refunds are given.

Why do the course at our organisation?

We are the longest-established Cambridge English Centre in Wales. We have been running CELTA courses at the college since 2005 and have successfully trained around250 English language teachers. Our tutors are experienced teachers and trainers; two of them are also Cambridge English CELTA assessors. If you do the course here, you will be able to access all the facilities and services that only a large college such as ours can offer.

Want to know more about the college?

You can visit our college website at further information about college facilities and our range of student support services such as careers education and guidance, personal counselling, Learning Centres, hair and beauty, fitness suite, sports opportunities and much more!

Want to know more about the CELTA course?

For further information about the CELTA course, please visit the Cambridge English website at

There is also a Cambridge English webinar available on youtube at

For more details and FAQs about the CELTA online course, please visit


I already hold a teaching qualification and have some teaching experience. Will I be exempt from some inputs and / or teaching practice?

There is no accreditation of prior learning or experience for candidates who wish to follow this course. All candidates must attend and complete the whole course in order to attain the award.

What are my chances of passing the course?

Our centre’s grades reflect or exceed national and international comparitors.

Please find the most recent grade statistics at:

Will I be able to get a teaching job with just the CELTA or will I need to do other teaching qualifications as well?

You will be able to find EFL and ESOL teaching jobs in the UK and abroad with a CELTA certificate. However, for more permanent and / or senior posts, you may be required to do additional qualifications such as a PGCE / PCET, the Cambridge English DELTA or an MA in Applied Linguistics / TESOL, depending on the sector of education you work in. Candidates usually start with the CELTA and do one or more of the other qualifications at a later point in their careers.

Are there plenty of job opportunities? Will I be able to find full-time work?

There are plenty of part-time, temporary and full-time posts abroad and you should be able to find work fairly easily in a range of countries. Permanent, full-time posts in the UK are more difficult to find. Candidates usually find seasonal employment during the summer and / or hourly paid work during the academic year first; they gradually build up their hours until more permanent opportunities arise.

Where have your recent CELTA graduates found work?

Some have gone on to work in private organisations abroad in South America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Others have found work locally in private language schools, FE colleges, adult community learning, universities and charities. A few graduates have decided to do a PGCE in primary or secondary education. A minority have remained in their previous employment. Very few candidates are still seeking employment or education placements.

Will I find a job if I have a CELTA certificate but I do not have a degree?

The CELTA graduates we have had who did not hold an undergraduate degree have found work in private language schools and FE in the UK and abroad. However, without a degree you may find it difficult to find work in HE or in an organisation in the UK which is accredited by the British Council. Some countries expect teachers to have a degree, including Greece and Spain.

I have booked a week’s holiday during the course. Will I be able to miss some sessions?

The Cambridge English requirement is that candidates attend 100% of the course. Any sessions missed must be made up. If you need to miss one or two sessions during the course, you will need to discuss this with your CELTA tutor at the interview stage. We will do our best to be flexible within Cambridge English guidelines. However, there are circumstances, e.g. during a full-time intensive course or at the beginning of a part-time course where this will not be possible.

I do not have my own computer at home. Will this be a problem?

Our college Learning Centre is open Monday to Friday during term time from 8.30 till 17.00 and you can book out computers there. However, Learning Centre opening hours are very restricted during holiday periods. The Learning Centre is closed at weekends. Therefore, you will need to have access to a computer outside college as well. Access to a computer outside college is an admissions requirement if you intend to do our CELTA blended learning or intensive summer courses.

I have a disability / health condition. Will I get additional support and / or help during my course?

If you have a disability of any kind or a health condition which may affect your progress on the course, you need to disclose this to us as soon as possible so that we can arrange for you to be assessed by one of our learning support experts who will put in place the necessary support for you before your course begins. Early disclosure will help us to ensure that reasonable adjustments are made to ensure that you have every chance of success on the course.

Are there any discounts, grants or bursaries available for CELTA candidates?

If you have been made redundant recently, there is REACT funding available. Please see for details.

If you are a UK national and have graduated from university in the last three years, you may be eligible for a grant via the British Council’s English teaching graduate scheme. For further details, please visit:

The college is not able to offer discounts to any candidates applying for the CELTA course.

Will I need to buy any books before or during the course?

All course handbooks and EFL / ESOL supplementary materials can be found in the college Learning Centre, which you can borrow during the course. However, you may wish to purchase your own copy of the most recent edition of Jim Scrivener’s Learning Teaching as candidates find it very useful. The course books you will use during your teaching practice sessions will be loaned to you. Any photocopies you need to make for your Teaching Practice students can be made in college and are included in the course fee. All the college facilities and resources you will need to use during your course are also free.

For further information about the CAVC CELTA course, please contact: