Use of Primary PE and Sport Premium at Brabin’s Endowed Primary School - 2017/2018
It is the school’s vision that ALL pupils leave Brabin’s Endowed Primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.
We have long recognised the benefits of physical education for children. We also recognise that participation in sports is vital in encouraging young people to live active and healthy lives, as well as developing team skills, social skills and resilience. We believe these are attributes that we should promote for all of our pupils.
The School Sports Premium Funding is provided, in addition to the school’s budget, to support all children and their involvement in activity. The premium must be used to fund additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of PE and sport, for the benefit of primary-aged pupils to encourage the development of healthy, active lifestyles.
The aim is to improve the quantity, quality and breadth of PE and sport provision within the school. The allocation is calculated according to the intake of the school and the school must decide how to make best use of the money provided.
The school’s allocation for 2016/17 was £8,310. Below is a summary of the actions and impact of the funding.
Key priorities to date: / Key achievements/What worked well: / Key Learning/What will change next year:· To enhance development in gymnastics and raise the profile of the activity
· To employ specialist coaches to deliver high quality PE lessons to work alongside class teachers and HLTA.
· To develop extra-curricular activities; offering more clubs to pupils across the school in after school clubs
· To ensure participation in tournaments and competitions is offered
· Ensure more Y5/6 pupils have access to attend the outdoor residential week
· Reception swimming / The whole school enjoyed a ‘Gymnastics Day’ at Preston Gymnastic centre in January 2017. The pupils engaged in activity with quality coaching alongside the opportunity to use specialist equipment and resources. There has been extremely positive feedback from staff, pupils and parents and this has inspired many pupils to access local gymnastic clubs.
Some of the least able pupils who participated particularly enjoyed the activity and it was evident that some of those pupils excelled. It promoted self-esteem and confidence.
Following the day, the gym coach delivered a half term coaching at school to all KS2 pupils to build upon the skills taught; this also enabled the teaching staff and teaching assistants to observe high quality teaching to aid sustainability.
Children have been introduced to new sports and teaching staff have been trained to continue to deliver these sports in future. Increased subject knowledge in identified sports i.e cricket, dance and rugby. Increased confidence in delivering these sessions in the future.
This also gave the teachers the opportunity to observe/work alongside coaches with their own class and appropriate year group whilst avoiding supply cover.
The pupils benefitted from the specialised coaching when preparing to enter a tournament/competition.
Subsidised clubs resulted in greater commitment from families whilst ensuring that a wide range of sports clubs were on offer for all ages i.e. ultimate frisbee, cricket, rugby, summer sports, hockey and multiskills
All clubs were well attended.
A wide range of competitions and tournaments were entered throughout the year within the school cluster as well as Preston Schools’ Sports Council. Competitions included: Tag Rugby, football, cricket, hockey, netball, cross country, multi-skills.
Subsidise costs to ensure all pupils have the opportunity to participate in a residential week.
Some pupils had never been swimming and lacked confidence. By the end of the course all pupils were water confident and had made good progress. / Many of the pupils were ‘inspired’ by the day and this raised the profile of gymnastics.
As gymnastics was an area that was highlighted as a focus to develop, the CPD that was provided gave the teaching staff greater confidence and increased their subject knowledge.
To develop further, provide coaching for pupils in KS1 and their staff.
Access further CPD opportunities for gymnastics, if appropriate.
Identify sports that staff lack confidence and skills i.e. tennis
Continue to liaise closely with sports agencies to ensure the schools needs are being met.
Continue to offer a wide range of activities after school and introduce new sports, including ones to target the least active pupils.
Introduce some breakfast club sessions.
More participation for pupils in lower KS2 – take advantage of tournaments for younger pupils.
To cater for the wide range of abilities – teacher to continue to work in pool with swimming instructor.
Academic Year:
A / B / C / D / E / F
PE and Sport Premium Key Outcome Indicator / School Focus/ planned Impact on pupils / Actions to Achieve – who/when / Funding / Evidence/Impact / Sustainability/
Next Steps
1. the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles / To increase regular activity within the school day / Subscribe to Cyber Coach / £100 / Pupils exercising throughout the day i.e. wet breaks, start of day/afternoon – ready to learn. / Continue to subscribe to Cyber coach – introduce before school sessions.
Increase breakfast club sessions –yoga/dance.
Lunchtime activities.
2. the profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement / Gymnastics day and coaching-
Raise the profile of gymnastics and engage pupils in quality gymnastic sessions. / RW (SL) to arrange the event – arrange for coaching for KS2 pupils and staff during Spring term. / £924 for day and coaching and costs / Positive feedback from parents and pupils.
Increased subject knowledge and skills of all staff.
Pupil feedback. / Provide coaching for KS1 pupils and staff in 2017/2018
2. the profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport / Profile of PE evident in school environment/awards for pupils.
Specialist sports coaches to work alongside pupils/teachers in curriculum time.
To develop confidence teaching dance and gymnastic. / £450
£3000 / New sports display cabinet and sports trophy, display boards, medals and trophies to raise esteem and sense of achievement.
CPD for teachers who gained skills, confidence and subject knowledge working alongside coaches in identified sports/activities.
Dance for Y5/6 – pupils performed a routine in end of year production. / Update photos etc. to continue to raise profile of sport in school.
4. broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils / Extra- curricular activities on offer for all pupils throughout the year.
Outdoor and adventurous off site opportunities for lower KS2. / Hothersall Lodge – book activities and transport. / £2200 / Registers confirm increase in extra - curricular- activities.
Subsidised transport costs for outdoor residential. / Pupil Voice activity to gauge pupils interests for future clubs to ensure high participation.
Staff feedback regarding skills to further develop.
5. increased participation in competitive sport / Opportunities for pupils to compete in cluster and Preston School competitions / RW to affiliate to Preston Sports Council – plan and book a wide range of competitions/tournaments. / £875 / Pupils have participated in a wide range of competitions including: football, netball, cross country, sports festival, multiskills, hockey, cricket and rugby. / Continue to promote whole school initiatives re pupils participating in a wide range of competitive sports.
Water confidence for EYFS pupils / Pupils become water confident at an early age. / £300
Resources and equipment / Audit equipment and resources / Purchase equipment following audit. / £460 / -appropriate resources available for quality lessons/clubs/tournaments.
The school’s allocation for sports funding for 2017/18 is £8,310. The planned priorities for the year:
Academic Year:2017/2018 / Total fund allocated:
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H
PE and Sport Premium Key Outcome Indicator / School Focus/ planned Impact on pupils / Actions to Achieve / Planned Funding / Actual Funding / Evidence / Actual Impact (following Review) on pupils / Sustainability/
Next Steps
1. the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles / To increase activities before the school day i.e. wake up, shake up and yoga and lunchtime activities. / £1000 / Registers
2. the profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement / Triathlon event.
Whole School PE Day. / Friends of Brabin’s Event June 2017/
Introduction new sports. / £500 / Pupil participation and enjoyment.
3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport / Gymnastic CPD for R/KS1 staff.
Coaching in KS2 / RW to book coaches for autumn term 2017.
Complete skills audit.
RW to liaise with teaching staff and coaching agencies. / £240
£2000 / CPD delivered and staff feedback.
Monitoring of PE lessons and pupil outcomes.
4. broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils / -Offer a wide range of extra- curricular activities for all pupils – also target less active pupils.
-Develop outdoor learning through Forest schools initiative
-Planned Outdoor and Adventurous activities off site / Pupil voice activity.
Delivery of Forest Schools initiative and resources / £3000
5. increased participation in competitive sport / Pupils participate in Preston Schools’ competitions and cluster events / Affiliate to PSSC- RW / £800 + transport costs
To kick start healthy lifestyles / -To introduce ‘Fruit Fridays’ by buying in a range of fruits for breaktime for all pupils.
-Purchase any specialist equipment required.
-Top Up swimming for Y6 as appropriate.