Mrs. Klosterman’s Lesson Plans Dates: Week #6 2/29/16-3/4/16

Adv. Eng. 12 / UUComp:
Seniors / Adv. English 10:
Sophomores / English 10:
Sophomores / English 12:
Monday / Introduce The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
Grammar/Writing Lessons & Practice:
Sentence Structure, Clauses, Phrases, and Punctuation
Prepositional Phrases / QUIZ: Chapters 6-10 of
A Separate Peace
Half of the quiz is vocabulary-based and the other half is an extended response (writing) question. / QUIZ: Chapters 6-10 of
A Separate Peace
Half of the quiz is vocabulary-based and the other half is an extended response (writing) question. / Grammar/Writing Lessons & Practice:
Sentence Structure, Clauses, Phrases, and Punctuation
Prepositional Phrases
Tuesday / Grammar/Writing Lessons & Practice:
Sentence Structure, Clauses, Phrases, and Punctuation
Appositives & Phrases / Compose the rough draft of the research paper for next Monday. / Compose the rough draft of the research paper for next Monday. / Grammar/Writing Lessons & Practice:
Sentence Structure, Clauses, Phrases, and Punctuation
Appositives & Phrases
Wednesday / Grammar/Writing Lessons & Practice:
Sentence Structure, Clauses, Phrases, and Punctuation
Participles & Phrases
Gerunds & Phrases
Infinitives & Phrases / Continue to compose the rough draft of the research paper for next Monday. / Continue to compose the rough draft of the research paper for next Monday. / Grammar/Writing Lessons & Practice:
Sentence Structure, Clauses, Phrases, and Punctuation
Participles & Phrases
Gerunds & Phrases
Infinitives & Phrases
Thursday / Grammar/Writing Lessons & Practice:
Sentence Structure, Clauses, Phrases, and Punctuation
Absolute Phrases
Adjective Clauses
Adverb Clauses / Continue to compose the rough draft of the research paper for next Monday. / Continue to compose the rough draft of the research paper for next Monday. / Grammar/Writing Lessons & Practice:
Sentence Structure, Clauses, Phrases, and Punctuation
Absolute Phrases
Adjective Clauses
Adverb Clauses
Friday / Grammar/Writing Lessons & Practice:
Sentence Structure, Clauses, Phrases, and Punctuation / Continue to compose the rough draft of the research paper for next Monday. / Continue to compose the rough draft of the research paper for next Monday. / Grammar/Writing Lessons & Practice:
Sentence Structure, Clauses, Phrases, and Punctuation