Dalthus Sector

The Dalthus Sector is located within the Eastern UltimaSegmentum. It stakes claim to a great many populated worlds, and is a valuable - if vulnerable - sector of Imperial space


During the Great Crusade of the Emperor's Legions, the Dalthus Sector was first claimed by the Word Bearers Legion of the Astartes. During the tumultuous years of the Horus Heresy, the Sector was lost to war, riven by petty factionalism and betrayal. Imperial control was finally totally restored in .M36; in no small part due to the arrival of the Castigators in the nearby Howling Stars. Over the following five millennia, the Dalthus Sector has become a populous and industrious area of space.

Geography and Demography

The Dalthus Sector covers a large geographical area, and has been divided into seven sub-sectors in an effort to improve the efficiency of government and the collection of Administrative tithings. Each of the sub-sectors is ruled by a Sub-Sector Governor, though the Sector as a whole is governed from Dalthus Prime. On the far-flung worlds of the Borderworlds, the central seat of Imperial authority is referred to disparagingly as "Far Dalthus", which perhaps offers some insight into the difficulties of ensuring compliance.

  • Sub-Sector Dalthus
  • Sub-Sector Hyades
  • Sub-Sector Phrell
  • Sub-Sector Loidis
  • Sub-Sector Terullia
  • The Mutaran Demesne
  • The Borderworlds
  • The Howling Stars

Loidis Subsector

The games in Leeds will primarily take place in the Loidis subsector.

The Subsector is made up of 8 planetary systems consisting of a number of worlds.

  • Loidis
  • Thornwood
  • Melnet
  • Caltinus Vault
  • Ventiris
  • Thades Port
  • Brythonis
  • Keprol


The Subsector capital system. The main world is Loidis Prime. This is a hive world with a series of linked hives connected by land bridges. These bridges are seen as a source of much pride for Loidis, though there are shanty towns built beneath them which have sometimes become difficult for the Arbites to properly control.

Notable locations on the world include the Noble Hive known as the Red Palace because of the red sheen to much of the metal used to construct the structure.Other notable structures include the Cathedral Fortress and the Central Library containing actual tomes and manuscripts alongside the massivedatabanks.

It is also the location of the current HQ of the Aluris Trading Corporation, whose symbol is a stylised shadow of an upright hawk. This corporation has connections to worlds throughout the Dalthus Sector.

This system also includes Ar’qal, a very rundown and low on resources hiveworld. The hives are what left from the heights of a mercantile power, but the ancient merchant houses either move or failed as the resources on Ar’qal dried up. The planet now has one resource and that is man power and they have a lot of it, so indentured servants are found throughout the rest of the sub-sector. There is a large percentage of the population who are part of street gangs, fighting over the scraps of industry that are left.


An Arboreal world where the streets of the cities have gnarled trees that are the remnants of the once great network. The trees in the cities have been calcified to form stone which has been used by some to act as supports for buildings and other constructs. The cities on Thornwood do not rise as high as many hives usually do.

The world is seeing a rise in Sun Cult activity which is causing concern amongst some members of the Ecclesiarchy who disagree with the notion of the worship of the Emperor in this way. This is of particular concern on Thornwood given it holds the pilgrimage site of Dacre’s Crux.


Agricultural world with few large conurbations. There are scattered rural communities amongst the large croplands. Melnet has no slave labour, but servitude and conditions are starting to lead to unease.

The world is led by an elected Governor, though the elections really a formality and it has followed an inheritance system due to the various ancient edicts. The current governor Maximillan Von Stap is considered weak, but is managing to hold onto his position largely through noble patronage.

This weakness and the discontent building means this world is heading towards collapse. If the spark of revolt is lit it would quickly lead to a loss of imperial control on this world and various groups are looking to push that at the moment.

The Aluris Trading Corporation intend to step into the breach, but do not want to be seen to be involved with actually bringing down the government, but others are very anxious about that turn of events coming to pass despite no other obvious solution to the current crisis.

Governor Maximillian von Stap of Melnet

Caltinus Vault

Mining World with supply to the AdeptusMechanicus in the Mutaran Demesne being one of its primary roles. Mining Guilds have a strong grip on the world.


World where water is at a premium with seas and oceans cover just 25% of the planet’s surface

Thades Port

Adjacent to the Borderworlds. Run by MaerithMarienna, a former Seneschal to the Rogue Trader SancusCharan.


Not the centre of the Ecclesiarchy in Dalthus Sector which is Roiscant in the Dalthan Sub. The Cathedral world of Ecclessia however lies in this system.


Used as a hunting getaway by well to do Nobles across the subsector.This system also contains Newsam, a world kept off-limits by Inquisitorial edict. It is said to house an abandoned complex which once served as a Chapter Keep for Astartes of the Black Templars.


The Ordos Dalthusis a collective term for the Inquisition in the Dalthus Sector.

Inquisitors stand amongst the most powerful individuals within the Imperium of Man. The Inquisition guards the soul of man, fending off Daemonic corruption, witchery and Xenos influence.

Aside from their membership of an Ordo, it is customary for Inquisitors to participate in the Conclave, a regional group of Inquisitors who watch over a particular area of space. Inquisitors from all of the Ordos and from many different philosophical factions will coordinate their efforts. Pooling their resources benefits all, although it can lead to many disagreements.

The great ordos are the principal means by which the Inquisition is divided, and most Inquisitors will belong to one. Each has become a finely-crafted weapon with which to destroy those who might threaten the safety and stability of the Dalthus Sector.

Ordos DalthusHereticus

Within the Dalthus Sector, the OrdoHereticus is the largest body of the Inquisition. It is charged with rooting out the enemies within Mankind. The Hereticus fights on countless fronts, endlessly, with no warning of where fresh heresy may arise.

Ordos DalthusMalleus

The OrdoMalleus is perhaps the smallest of the Ordos, yet its Inquisitors are counted amongst the most dangerous within the Dalthan Conclave. This is because the OrdoMalleus seeks to combat Mankind's greatest threat - the Daemon.

Ordos DalthusXenos

Inquisitors of the OrdoXenos seek to combat that alien threat that assails humanity.

Recent events

Lord Mandred, the elected leader of the Helios Cabal, a powerful (yet often criticised) faction within the Dalthan Conclave was announced dead. Having died without appointing a successor, the fate of the Cabal hung in the balance, which led to a frenetic election campaign as various Inquisitors lobbied to be elected to replace him.

The Helios Succession culminated in an election which saw the first round tie between Inquisitor Tybalt and InquisitrixMadine. Tybalt stood on a platform which sought to bridge the gap between two candidates including Madine, citing examples of the need for a firm stance against radicals who cross the line though this is largely because he sees sloppy methods are causing more destruction in their wake as well as the need for the Cabal to work together.

As an avowed Amalathian, Madine’s platform emphasised the importance of stability in a time of uncertainty, preventing undue change and encouraging Inquisitors of the Cabal - whatever their philosophical persuasion - to work together in harmony. She considered that the Cabal had existed within the heart of the Dalthan Conclave for centuries, and that to damage or destroy it could lead to a dangerous power vacuum - with dire consequences for the sector and the Inquisition. Madine received a great deal of criticism from radicals and puritans for what they considered to be an overly-naive and simplistic vision of Inquisitorial politics, but her campaign carried great weight and she was eventually elected. As she ascended, Madine was assassinated by a single gunshot to the head, dividing the Cabal with recrimination and uncertainty.

More recent events

The Requiem for InquisitrixMadine saw an assault by Chaos forces on The Sealed Fate, the flagship of the BattlefleetDalthus. With the assistance of naval troopers the assembled Inquisitors were able to escort the body of Madine off the ship before it was destroyed.

Inquisitors Tybalt, Cordatus, Trask and Virasson were given a warrant to arrest Inquisitor Zuul for heretical crimes and managed to bring him in. Enroute back Inquisitor Tybalt was targeted by a Vindicare assassin and managed to stay alive due to luck. He is currently investigating matters in secret.

Within the Loidis subsector

  • Tensions continue to rise on Melnet as various forces seek to undermine or strengthen Governor Von Stap.
  • There has been increased Sun cult activity on Thornwood with some suspected Inquisitorial involvement.
  • The world of Madelgarde close to the subsector has been invaded by Orks and tensions increase in the Delvis rifts as war takes hold against the Xenos.
  • The archaeologist Shaw Durant is looking to finance an expedition to Newsam.