Development and Application Support of Southeast Florida Regional Planning Model, Version 8.0 Progress MeetingMinutes

June 12, 2017, 3:00 to 4:30 PM EST


FDOT:Hui Zhao, Scott Seeburger, Shi-Chiang Li

RTTAC-MS: Andrew Uhlir, Wilson Fernandez, Mary Tery Vilches, Buffy Sanders, Paul Flavien

CS: Jay Evans, Marty Milkovits

CTG: Ashu Kumar

Gannet Fleming: Hoyt Davis, Naresh Kotari


  1. Review previous meeting summary / action items / project status. (10 mins)
  2. Highway count review (20 mins)
  3. Transit line inclusion criteria (15 mins)
  4. Input data review (15 mins)
  5. Other items (as needed)


Highway count review – AADT: feedback received from District 4 and Miami-Dade TPO will be applied to the count data. Miami-Dade records with only 2011 and 2012 data will be removed. Miami-Dade will provide additional count records to complement the count data from FDOT District 6.

Highway count review – TOD and Classification: TOD and classification shares will be applied to the derived AADT (trend-lined or 2015 as determined through review process). Records that are highlighted with unreasonable auto/truck splits for the classified counts or directional/time of day distributions from the TOD counts will be expunged from the dataset.

Transit Line Inclusion: Discussed inclusion of Palm Beach trolley lines that were in operation in 2015 due to the otherwise lack of transit service in the West Palm Beach CBD area. Transit line inclusion criteria needs to be refined to identify which, if any, of the trolley services elsewhere in the region would also be included.

Zonal data review: Decreases in hotel rooms in Palm Beach and Broward need to be reviewed and confirmed/revised. School enrollment shows a small net increase in K-8 School enrollment with a decrease in public enrollment and an increase in private/charter/magnet school enrollment. However, regional 9-12 school enrollment showed a large decrease across the area that suggests the 2010 school enrollment data was processed differently or other issue in the data assembly.

Action Items

CS Team

  • Update count dataset in response to feedback and develop new summary tables.
  • Refine transit inclusion criteria to be more specific.


  • Review generation of 2010 public school 9-12 enrollment to resolve large decrease seen in 2015 dataset.


  • Miami-Dade TPO to provide county count station data to complement the District 6 count data already provided.
  • Review and update zonal data to address identified issues.

Outstanding Action Items from Previous Meetings

  • T/MPOs: Update Parking Costs as identified in the parking cost checks.
  • FDOT: Determine requirements for dynamic toll representation.

Next Meeting

The next project status meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 26from3:00-4:30PM

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