I.  Call to Order

●  Vice President Jamaludin called the meeting to order at 6:13 PM.

II.  Quorum Roll Call

Roll Call 6:13 PM
Name / Present / Absent / Late
Executives / President Josh Dalavai / 1
VP Adilla Jamaludin / 1
Controller Jin Zhang / 1
O/R Gurjot Gill / 1
Senators / Samantha Chiang / 1
Julie Jung / 1
Daniel Nagey / 1
Jose Meneses / 1
Anastasia Ruttkay / 1
Simran Grewal / 1
Matthew Yamaguchi / 1
Michael Gofman / 1
Khadeja Ibrahim / 1
Rahi Vijay Suryanwanshi / 1
Marcos Ismael Rodriguez / 1
Yajaira Ramirez Sigala / 1
Total / 7 / 5 / 0
Commission Chairs / AAC - Hemali Patel / 1
GASC - Alison Tam / 1
BFC - David Heifitz / 1
IAC - Nick Flores / 1
EAC - Sara Williams / 1
ECAC - Julienne Correa / 1
EPPC - Sarah Risher / 1

●  With 7 Senators present out of 12 seated, quorum was established.

III. Pro Temp Election

●  Senator Meneses nominated Senator Jung as Senate President Pro Tempore. The motion was seconded. With 7 in favor, 0 against, and 5 abstentions, Senator Jung was elected Senate President Pro Tempore.

IV.  Unitrans Report

●  Anthony Palmere, Unitrans General Manager: supported 10,000 people on picnic day and will continue on WEF. Excited for MU opening. Saturday is travel training for senior citizens, folks will go to senior citizens and teach them how to use uber and lyft. Experienced a reduction in ridership by 4%. Replacing single decker busses with double decker busses. Volkswagen cheated on their emission statement so now they are possibly funding two busses that will help reduce our carbon footprint. Will be retiring in 2017, and bringing in new recruits in about two weeks.

●  Vice President Jamaludin: thank you for coming all these years and entertaining our questions

●  Chair Risher: by 2025 all the UC vehicles will not run on fossil fuels - will that be reached by 2025 for unitrans?

○  Palmere: definitely a stretch but one of our main goals, will end up having a very small carbon footprint

V.  UndocuAlly Training

●  ASUCD Senate received an UndocuAlly training from the AB540 & Undocumented Student Center.


Roll Call 8:18
Name / Present / Absent / Late
Executives / President Josh Dalavai / 1
VP Adilla Jamaludin / 1
Controller Jin Zhang / 1
O/R Gurjot Gill / 1
Senators / Samantha Chiang / 1
Julie Jung / 1
Daniel Nagey / 1
Jose Meneses / 1
Anastasia Ruttkay / 1
Simran Grewal / 1
Matthew Yamaguchi / 1
Michael Gofman / 1
Khadeja Ibrahim / 1
Rahi Vijay Suryanwanshi / 1
Marcos Ismael Rodriguez / 1
Yajaira Ramirez Sigala / 1
Total / 7 / 1 / 4
Commission Chairs / AAC - Hemali Patel / 1
GASC - Alison Tam / 1
BFC - Alex Mirov / 1
IAC - Nick Flores / 1
EAC - Sara Williams / 1
ECAC - Julienne Correa / 1
EPPC - Sarah Risher / 1

VII.  AAC Confirmations

●  Greg Ortiz: people here are the strongest group we’ve had for students who will represent the student voice

●  ASUCD Council on Investment and Services: solely advisory committee for making long term business decisions. If we didn’t have this committee, fiduciary responsibility would go to the Chancellor’s Office.

○  Darien Poon, 3rd year managerial economics major

○  Sertan Usanmaz, 4th year international relations/political science double major, minor in managerial economics

○  Chair Flores: how comfortable do you feel talking to people who have higher authority?

■  Usanmaz: very openminded and willing to have conversations

○  Senator Meneses: how will you ensure that the enterprises we invest in are socially responsible?

■  Usanmaz: do background research to see if it's reasonable to invest in them

■  Poon: hold the people who make purchases accountable

○  Chair Mirov: how do you know where to draw the line between utility and how much it actually costs?

■  Poon: check how much the project will give back

○  Senator Grewal moved to confirm the candidates. The motion was seconded. With 11 in favor, 0 against, and 1 abstention, the candidates were confirmed.

●  Arts & Lectures

○  Helena Zittel

○  Kelila Krantz

○  Michael Montgomery

○  Amy Yip

○  Chair Flores: how will you improve visibility for arts on campus?

■  Zittel: use social media

■  Krantz: have more posters regarding the Mondavi center events

■  Yip: marketing definitely needs to be improved, will work with folks on the table to collaborate

○  Senator Meneses moved to confirm the candidates. The motion was seconded. With 11 in favor, 0 against, and 1 abstention, the candidates were confirmed.

●  Child & Family Care

○  Julia Yu, 2nd year human development major, minor in communications

○  Senator Ibrahim: what previous experience do you have?

■  Yu: was a camp counselor, has two young cousins so love for children grew

○  Senator Grewal: what is one asset you bring to this position?

■  Yu: is a very positive person

○  Chair Tam: what is one of the issues folks might face?

■  Yu: often times folks don't find enough time to devote to family, studies, work

○  Senator Nagey: what accommodations are there for single parents for mandated attendance and child emergencies?

■  Yu: there is a child development center and we need to work with professors to help accommodate single parents

○  Senator Grewal moved to confirm the candidates. The motion was seconded. With 11 in favor, 0 against, and 1 abstention, the candidates were confirmed.

●  Disability issues

○  Kris Mata

○  Jordan

○  Ekaterina

○  Craig Peach

○  Senator Chiang: what experience do you have for disability advocacy?

■  Peach: advocating for veterans as a former veteran

■  Ekaterina: felt that something was wrong with her but maybe it's really the rules are wrong. Has been doing peer advocacy as of right now

■  Kris: communication is a big part of it, worked with group in high school to raise awareness between teachers and student aids, professors here don't understand accommodations

■  Williamson: substitute for k-12, sees students who have disabilities and has had the opportunity to make situations better for then

○  Controller Zhang: where do you see a lack of disability accommodation and what will you do?

■  Williamson: comes from an out of state university and here at UC Davis we don't have a testing center

■  Ekaterina: expansion of campus will definitely be an issue

■  Kris: there's a lack of ramps, working with professors to accommodate attendance issues

○  Chair Tam: how do you all intend to be an ally and advocate for communities that you're not a part of?

■  Ekaterina: create support groups, work with transfer class

■  Kris: work with QTPOC groups, make communities more inclusive

○  Senator Grewal moved to confirm the candidates. The motion was seconded. With 11 in favor, 0 against, and 1 abstention, the candidates were confirmed.

●  Course Materials & Services Fee

○  Jordan Siccardi

○  Alex Robertson

○  Chair Williams: why did you choose this committee?

■  Robertson: as a sciences major labs are expensive and have a lot of textbooks

○  Senator Grewal moved to confirm the candidates. The motion was seconded. With 11 in favor, 0 against, and 1 abstention, the candidates were confirmed.

●  Media Board

○  Anita Yu,

○  Jaytuon A

○  Alice Argueta

○  Senator Chiang: waht do you think about Aggie staff’s high pay?

■  Yu: as long as they can increase their ad revenue and increase diversity, it’s ok

○  Chair Correa: The Aggie has been problematic at times; how will you work with them to fix any issues?

■  Yu: usually always aware of problems, and media board will take responsibility so feel free to come to media board meetings

○  Senator Grewal moved to confirm the candidates. The motion was seconded. With 11 in favor, 0 against, and 1 abstention, the candidates were confirmed.

●  Staff Diversity

○  Rosy Martinez, human development major

○  Jung: can you go more into detail about ideas you had for staff diversity?

■  Martinez:

○  Grewal: how will you get more people of color teaching stem?

■  Martinez: work with administration

○  Senator Nagey moved to confirm the candidate. The motion was seconded. With 11 in favor, 0 against, and 1 abstention, the candidate was confirmed.

●  Status of Women

○  Grace Katzenson

○  Jessica Sandoval

○  McKenna Nolan

○  Senator Grewal: how will you work to increase women in stem fields?

■  Katzenson: getting them more involved

■  Sandoval: knowledge is power, give them access to resources

○  Williams: how comfortable are you asking questions when you don't know what’s going on?

■  Mckenna: big proponent of asking questions

■  Grace: was on senate at community college, and has experience with working with folks

●  Transportation & Parking

○  Jason Hsu

○  Matthew Ramirez

○  Zachary Bouchard

○  Suryawanshi: what experience do you have with transportation?

■  Zac: sat on the committee last year

■  Matt: working with Taps, events, and planning

○  Ruttkay: how will you use this expensive video to teach people how to bike safely?

■  Zac: it's a joint effort between bikers, city of davis

○  Senator Grewal moved to confirm the candidates. The motion was seconded. With 11 in favor, 0 against, and 1 abstention, the candidates were confirmed.

VIII.  HAUS Unit Director Confirmation

●  Vice President Jamaludin introduced Julianna

●  Senator Grewal: what have you learned in your previous year, and what is something you'd like to see be different?

○  Julianna: timing is important, focus energy on other projects that would do better. Make HAUS the resource for housing. Create a resource guide for housing for incoming students.

●  Senator Grewal moved to confirm the candidate. The motion was seconded. With 11 in favor, 0 against, and 1 abstention, the candidate was confirmed.

IX.  Emergency Legislation

●  Senator Sigala: we need to make the May 1st deadline for the cap and gown deadline before prices increase. There have been efforts from DREAM Committee to find funding from other sources, and one place said they were not able to support. Will be renting instead of buying. This is a huge accomplishment for these students

●  Senator Chiang: Yajaira ran on undocumented student issues so please keep that in mind when voting

●  Senator Yamaguchi: was there an application?

○  Angeles: it was open to all students, we went from 30 to 18 to 16. Looking to institutionalize this in the upcoming years

●  Chair Correa: we just had an undocually training in this meeting, so we learned about the challenges that undocumented community faces, so please remember this while voting

●  Senator Sigala: we are aggie pride is helping so any unused funds will go back to senate reserves

●  Senator Meneses moved to call this bill into question. The motion was seconded. With 11 in favor, 0 against, and 1 abstention, this bill passed.

X.  Public Announcements

●  Senator Jung: looking to get a tent for ASUCD

●  Controller Zhang: budget summit is may 6th

○  Vice President Jamaludin: if you can't make it to the summit you will carve out an hour-hour and half to go over the budget with either VP or Controller

XI.  Status of Legislation Previously Passed

●  Vice President Jamaludin: all legislation has been signed; will be seeing flag bill next week as Josh’s veto message was not processed correctly

XII.  Introduction of New Legislation

●  ASUCD bills going to committees next week:

○  An ASUCD Bill to clarify the process to reserve a room through the Student Government Administrative Office (SGAO).

○  An ASUCD Senate Bill to allocate $632.24 from Entertainment Council’s Equipment Reserve to purchase a Snake.

XIII.  Consideration of Old Legislation

A.  SB #84

●  Vice President Jamaludin: there is no codified training for committees, so it's hard for them to do their work if they don't know what to do. We need to set a precedent

●  Senator Grewal: Abhay didn't do this so thank you to Adilla for doing this

●  Senator Chiang: we need to create a space to specify what the VP and Pro Temp and need to do

●  Senator Nagey moved to call SB #84 into question. The motion was seconded. With 11 in favor, 0 against, and 1 abstention, this bill passed.

B.  SB #88

●  Chair Correa: Gurjot is doing a forum every couple weeks regarding different issues. This money will go to reserving rooms and snacks

●  Chair Flores: dont know why we aren't taking it out of DOR’s budget considering they have $800 in their budget

●  Senator Jung moved to call SB #88 into question. The motion was seconded.

SB #88
Name / Yes / No / Abstain
Senators / Samantha Chiang / 1
Julie Jung / 1
Daniel Nagey / 1
Jose Meneses / 1
Anastasia Ruttkay / 1
Simran Grewal / 1
Matthew Yamaguchi / 1
Michael Gofman / 1
Khadeja Ibrahim / 1
Rahi Vijay Suryanwanshi / 1
Marcos Ismael Rodriguez / 1
Yajaira Ramirez Sigala / 1
Total / 0 / 11 / 1

●  With 0 in favor, 11 against, and 1 abstention, SB #88 failed.

XIV.  Ex-Officio Reports

●  Chair Risher

○  EPPC held PEACE training on Tuesday, 7:00-8:30pm. Focused on intersectional organizing and environmental justice. Held office hours, no one came per usual. Set up a meeting with CoHo Director, Darin to help set up a program/option in which student groups can purchase Biodegradable dishware and cups from the CoHo. This will help cycle more money in ASUCD as well as promote sustainability and decrease single use plastic. Our Toilet Talk flyers will be hung up next week, so keep a look out for that :)

●  Chair Correa

○  MHAM events

○  Pass the Plate: Event page, Catering, Meeting etc

○  Met with Sunny from SCCC

○  PEACE training Pre-meeting for ASUCD