Intro to Environmental Science Final Study Guide

You may use this and your Interactive Notebook on the final. Final on December 19.

Chapter 3

  • Proton
  • Neutron
  • Electron
  • Nucleus
  • Atomic number
  • Atomic mass
  • Ions

Be able to calculate the mass number of an element. (pg. 62)

Know what types of elements form ionic bonds and be able to give examples. (pg. 68)

Chapter 4

  • Minerals
  • Crystal
  • Luster
  • Hardness
  • Cleavage
  • Fracture
  • streak
  • ore
  • gem

What elements comprise of the earths crust? What are most abundant? (pg. 65)

How does the rate of cooling magma affect the size of mineral crystals? (pg. 89)

Know the properties that are used to describe minerals and how they are used. (pg. 90-95)

What is the equation for density? (pg. 95) Be able to use it to calculate the density of a mineral.

How are minerals classified into separate groups? (pg. 96)

Chapter 5

  • Lava
  • Igneous rock
  • Bowen’s reaction series
  • Intrusive igneous rock
  • Extrusive igneous rock
  • Pegmatites
  • Kimberlites

What factors affect the formation of magma? (pg. 112-113)

What types of minerals are characterized by the right had side of Bowen’s reaction series? What minerals characterize the left had side? (pg. 114)

What is the difference between igneous intrusive and igneous extrusive rock? (pg. 118)

What type of valuable minerals can be found in pegmatites? In kimberlites? (pg. 122-123)

Chapter 6

  • Lithification
  • Cementation
  • Evaporites
  • Porosity
  • Metamorphism
  • Regional metamorphism
  • Contact metamorphism
  • Hydrothermal metamorphism
  • Rock cycle

How does weathering differ from erosion? (pg 134-135)

Differentiate between the two steps of lithification. (pg. 136-137)

What is the difference between conglomerate and breccia sedimentary rock? (pg. 141)

What is the grain size for the following sediments: sand, clay, pebble, silt. (pg. 142)

How do clastic, chemical and biochemical sedimentary rocks differ? In which type do we find fossils? (pg. 143-145)

The most abundant biochemical sedimentary rock is ______.

What factors are required for a rock to undergo metamorphism? (pg. 145)

What is the difference between regional, contact, and hydrothermal metamorphism? (pg. 149)

Chapter 7

  • Weathering
  • Frost wedging
  • Erosion
  • Deposition
  • Residual soil
  • Soil horizon

What factors affect the rate of weathering (pg. 165)

How do glaciers contribute to erosion? (pg. 174)

Differentiate between the 4 different soil horizons. (pg. 178)

Chapter 8

  • Mass movements
  • dunes

What factors influence mass movements? (pg. 195)

What property is used to classify sand dunes? (pg. 204)

Chapter 9

  • eutrophication

How do lakes form? (pg. 238)

What is a major cause of eutrophication in a lake? (pg. 239)

Chapter 10

  • zone of saturation
  • zone of aeration
  • permeability
  • aquifer
  • hot spring
  • geyser
  • sink hole

Chapter 17

  • continental drift
  • pangea
  • seafloor spreading
  • tectonic plates
  • divergent boundary
  • convergent boundary
  • subduction
  • transform boundary
  • ridge push
  • slab pull

What are some early observations that cartographers used to suggest that continents were once joined? (pg. 468)

What was Wegener’s hypothesis? What evidence did he gather to generate this hypothesis? (469)

Why wsa Wegener’s hypothesis rejected? (pg. 472)

What observations were instrumental in formulating the hypothesis of seafloor spreading? (pg. 473-479)

What features form at divergent boundaries? (pg. 481)

What features form at each type of convergent plate boundary? (pg. 483)

What features are associated with transform boundaries? (pg. 484)

How does matter move in a convection current? (pg. 486)

Chapter 18

  • volcanism
  • hotspot
  • conduit
  • vent
  • caldera
  • shield volcano
  • cinder cone
  • composite volcano
  • viscosity
  • tephra
  • pyroclastic flow

What are the two major zones of volcanism? (pg. 500)

What type of volcanism produces the most lava annually? (pg. 502)

How do hot spot volcanoes form? (pg. 502)

How does the silica content of magma affect its viscosity? (pg. 510)

What is the gas content of basaltic, andesitic, and rhyolitic magma?

Know the anatomy of a volcano. (pg. 505)

Be able to differentiate between shield, cinder, and composite volcanos. (pg. 506)