2015 Final Vocabulary

Africa: Chapters 4 – 6

lineage consensus subsistence farmer polygamy

age-grade bride wealth abolition Triangle Trade

Middle Passage Animism African Diaspora direct rule

indirect rule Scramble for Africa David Livingstone Leopold II

Cecil Rhodes Trans-Saharan Trade Berlin Conference

Pan-Africanism Negritude Movement Atlantic Charter Mau Mau

autocratic democratization Parliamentary system socialism

Julius Nyerere Joseph Mobutu Kwame Nkrumah Jomo Kenyatta

one-party rule military rule Patrice Lumumba Organization of African Unity

Afrikaner Afrikaans pass laws Apartheid

Nelson Mandela F.W. de Klerk homeland/bantustans Stephen Biko

Desmond Tutu Albert Luthuli Sharpeville Massacre Boer War

Black Consciousness Movement Truth and Reconciliation Committee

Spear of the Nation African National Congress Boer Zulu

economic sanction Shaka divestment

South Asia: Chapters 7 – 9

subcontinent Northern Mountains Deccan Plateau Indo-Gangetic Plain

monsoon Hindi Dialect Indus Valley Civilization Dravidians Vedas Sanskrit Indo-Aryan (Aryans)

varna caste

dharma karma samsara atman

moksha Brahman Upanishad Ramayana

Mahabharata Bhagavad-Gita Sikhism Varanasi

Siddhartha Gautama Buddha enlightenment meditation

Nirvana Four Nobel Truths Noble Eight Fold Path Three Baskets of Wisdom,

Theravada Buddhism Mahayana Buddhism Jainism Dalai Lama


Asoka Sultan Mughal Empire Babur

Akbar Shah Jahan caste jati

dowry Robert Clive Sepoy shakti

arranged marriage British Raj British East Indian Company Sepoy Rebellion (cause/effect)

Indian National Congress Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Amritsar Massacre Satyagraha civil disobedience Salt March

Parliamentary democracy Jawaharlal Nehru Indira Gandhi Rajiv Gandhi

INC socialism Green Revolution Prime Minister

secular government compensatory discrimination harijan Mahatma

Mohandas Gandhi Nathuram Godse

China: Chapters 15

Confucius Lao Zi Mandate of Heaven Filial piety

Shi Huangdi Silk Road Civil Service Exam Kowtow

Opium War extraterritoriality Sphere of Influence Open Door Policy

Taiping Rebellion Boxer Rebellion Revolution of 1911 Three Principles of the People

Sun Yatsen Chiang Kai-shek Mao Zedong Guomindang

Communists Long March Treating of Nanjing unequal treaties

Gentry peasant Legalism Daoism

Open Ended Questions: Write on ONE.

A. Imperialism and modernization have brought major changes to many aspects of Non-Western culture. Analyze the impact imperialism and modernization on all of the following areas: (a) traditional patterns of life, (b) economic development, (c) education, (d) the family, and (e) women. Use specific examples from our units of study.

B. Discuss the philosophy and goals of Mohandas Gandhi. Include in your discussion your own opinion of whether he succeeded or

failed and why.