Objections to Outline Planning Application 16/00151/AOP for 170 houses to be built on land belonging to Vitalograph Ltd. in Maids Moreton Parish.
Date: 16 Feb. 2016
Objections to this application must be submitted to AVDC before 15 March 2016.
The following suggests a range of issues that you may like to consider if you wish to object
1) The application for 170 houses represents an increase of almost 50% of the existing housing stock of Maids Moreton which will change the character of the village substantially.
2) The Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) produced by AVDC in Oct. 2015 considers the proposed site as “unsuitable” for residential development for the following reasons:-
Development would not relate to existing pattern of development of the village and there is no suitable access to the land. Would extend village significantly north east into open countryside.
3) Proposed Traffic access to the site.
The proposal provides confusing statements : The Walnut Drive access is to be an emergency access and at the same time it is to be a linking access to the rest of the village.
In practice the Walnut Drive will become the Main Access for traffic.
The existing constraints of Walnut Drive /Main street intersection make Walnut Drive unsuitable for the following reasons:
a) the visibility issue at the junction
b) the ever-increasing traffic from Vitalograph Industrial Park.
c) the predicted traffic from 170 new houses with associated cars.
d) the only pedestrian access from north of the junction to to south of the Public House along Main street is in Main Street itself ; there are no footpaths or pavements.
The proposed modifications to Main Street within the application would not solve the problem of many extra cars at peak periods, nor the existing access and parking problems and destroy the livelyhoods of the Public House and the local blacksmith.
The Foscott road access is deemed to be unsuitable because of the nature of Foscott Road , the design of Mill Lane , and the intersection of Mill Lane with the A 422.
Mill Lane is not suitable for increased traffic. Changing width restrictions there will encourage both heavy lorries and greater speeding. NB: Maids Moreton Residents and Parish Council have lodged complaints with AVDC about HGVs using Mill Lane as a short cut.
4) The excessive number of 170 proposed houses does not comply with the sustainable development of the village eg. insufficient schools, no local surgery and amenities. The argument that this need will be met by Buckingham is illogical as Buckingham has accepted large housing developments in Lace Hill and Moreton Road without upgrading its own resources.
5) The size of this proposed development exceeds AVDC's draft Local Plan's allocation for larger villages of approx.120 houses over the next 20 years.
Maids Moreton disputes being defined as a large village by AVDC as it does not accept the criteria put forward. Maids Moreton is in reality a small village physically close to Buckingham and therefore should have a lower figure of housing development over the next 20 years.
6) The Moreton Road housing development of over 300 houses in 2015, adjoining Maids Moreton parish boundary, has already had a detrimental effect on Maids Moreton in terms of traffic density, visual impact and local character of housing.
7) The proposed development is on a prime greenfield site, being good agricultural land and having exceptional views from neighbouring Stowe parish across to the Great Ouse Valley and as such should not be used for residential housing..
8) Environmental factors : The Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey submitted report does not take an overview that the imposition of 170 houses will have an impact on the insect life which in turn will have an impact on other life forms , birds , bats that are hoped to be preserved by tree planting . The land area in question is inhabited by ranging deer at present . By introducing 170 houses to this area will banish the deer to smaller areas .
9) Submitted Report on Landscape and Visual Assessment Dec 2015
P19 of this report gives details of long term negative visual effects for the local people which should not be brushed aside .
To lodge an objection go on-line to AVDC Planning & Licensing Applications or write to:
The Planning Dept , AVDC, The Gateway , Gatehouse Rd., HP19 8FF
before 8th March 2016.