Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held in St Matthews Church Hall, Stretton Road, Stretton on Monday
6 July 2015 at 7.30 p.m.
Councillors in attendance
L. Jones
J. Higgins
D. Buckley
T. Lyons
D. Hutchinson
Also present:
L. M. Crewe – Clerk to the Council
Ms Sharon Walls -WBC
5 residents
N31 / Apologies
Apologies received from Ward Councillor Kennedy
N32 / Minutes of Previous Meetings
The Minutes of the previous meeting (1 June 2015) were agreed and signed as a true record.
N33 / Declarations of Interest
Councillors are reminded of their responsibility to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPI) that they may have in any item of the agenda no later than when the item is reached.
The Chair suspended the meeting to accommodate a visit by Ms Sharon Walls, Highway and Environment Service Manager.
The Chair welcomed Ms Walls to the meeting. Ms Walls gave the PC an insight into her role and how the recent budget cuts have affected the services received by the Parish. There has been a delay to the weed killing programme this year which is resulting in untidy roads and verges, the amount of seasonal staff taken on this year has been cut along with the loss of manpower in the department by a third. The maintenance of the ‘gateway’ areas is improving and in general grass cutting is between 5-7 weeks. The new street lighting project is under way and the Councillors congratulated Ms Walls on the way the work is being executed. There is also a £40 million investment in road surfacing generally. The new interactive notification scheme on the Borough website is now in operation.
There followed specific discussions regarding issues which are of particular concern to the Parish.
It is acknowledged that the road is not suitable or fit for purpose regarding the use by such large vehicles. The Councillors explained the problems (which are largely documented in past Meetings). Ms Walls said that the road system is not under her jurisdiction but she would discuss the matters with her relevance colleagues.
Most of the junctions and main roads in Stretton are a magnet for litter and Ms Walls outlined the campaign over the Summer to highlight the issue of rubbish. The Councillors explained their wish for litter signs to be put up in targeted areas to combat the problem, also the fact that the PC is willing to pay for the signs out of the budget. Ms Walls was told that this fact was known to various departments within the BC but all attempts to further the issue has been met with a distinct lack of interest over the two years that the PC has been conversing with these departments. Ms Walls again promised to look into the issue.
Following the receipt of a donation by Creamfields the PC are keen to have decorative planters installed at various locations around the Parish. Attempts to gain permission from Ms Walls’ department have been ignored and this issue has dragged on for many months. Ms Walls has been given details of the locations and has promised to look into the viability of these areas.
Ms Walls was made aware of the fact that it is virtually impossible to walk along the A559 and along areas of the A49 because of overgrown hedges and verges encroaching over the pavement. Ms Walls told the PC that she had a team of just 6 people to tackle hedge cutting over the whole of the Borough. Her department has recently written to all landowners to urge them to cut their hedges to help alleviate the problem. It is acknowledged that there is a need for extra road sweeping and gulley cleaning in rural areas because of the leaves from the trees and the run off from the agricultural land, however the BC has just two gulley cleaning wagons. Areas at risk of flooding are prioritised.
The PC explained the issue of flooding in the area of A559, Well Lane, Common Lane and Hall Lane. These areas have consistently flooded over the past years and despite attempts at curing the problems they still exist. Ms Walls agreed that the flood risk team need to be engaged to investigate the problem. Ms Walls agreed to alert the team.
Other issues were discussed and these included the possibility of leasing small areas of land owned by the BC for a peppercorn rent and the hope that the A49 could be improved in appearance as it is a major ‘gateway’ into Warrington.
The Chair thanked Ms Walls on behalf of the Parish Council for taking the time to attend the meeting. The meeting recommenced at 8.30 p.m.
N34 / Planning Applications/Issues
N34.1 / Declarations of Interest
Councillor Buckley declared an interest in application 2025/25996 and took no part in the discussions
Domestic Planning Applications (3)
Application reference: 2015/25938
Description of development : Householder - Proposed single storey side / rear extension and alterations to existing garage roof.
For information only
Application reference: 2015/25996
Description of development : Householders - Proposed front porch
For information only
Application reference: 2015/26101
Outline Planning - Application for Outline Planning with some matters reserved for proposed 2 dwellings (2 plots) with shared access
The application gave very little information or detail, the PC discussed the issues which may be involved but it was agreed that it would best be decided when or if a full planning application is submitted
Commercial Planning Applications (0)
Notice of Decisions (1)
Description of development : Full Planning - Proposed two storey rear extension to existing hospital to provide a new endoscopy unit and construction of a conservatory within internal courtyard to the hospital.
Approved with conditions
Notice of Appeal (0)
Appeal Decision (0)
Cost Decision (0)
Withdrawn (0)
N35 / Finance
N35.1 / Accounts Requiring Authorisation for Payment
L. Crewe – Standing Order
Salary/Expenses £278.52
L. Crewe
Reimbursement for purchase of flowers for services
To the PC regarding audit
Cheque No. 552 £ 23.00
D. Buckley
Website maintenance
Cheque No. 553 £ 17.96
Total £319.48
It was unanimously agreed that payment be made.
N36 / Correspondence
The Clerk circulated a list of correspondence and it was resolved that the same be noted and discussed by the Council.
Marston Parish Council – support for de-classification of A559
Antrobus Parish Council – de-classification of A559
Whitley Parish Council – de-classification of A559
The above emails were in response to the PC’s request for support for the possibility of de-classifying the A559. Marston supported the possibility and as such the Councillors asked the Clerk to try to arrange a meeting so the matter could be discussed ‘face to face’. The other PC’s whilst sympathetic felt it wold not be in their residents best interests to pursue.
WBC and resident – Issues on A559
A resident catalogued more issues with traffic on the A559 and pointed out that our the speed sign, currently situated in Lower Stretton had not been functioning. The Clerk will contact the PCSO’s to ask if the purchase of a second battery would benefit them, to avoid spells when the sign is non-operational..
John Holt Cancer Support Foundation – request for help
A link to the email will be posted on the PC website.
Corido – commemorative benches
The PC has received a brochure featuring benches which display a commemorative plaque paying tribute to the sacrifices made by Parishioners in the past. The PC thought this would be a good use of precept funds and will look at the brochure over the recess and a discussion on appropriate styles will take place in September.
Resident – For sale boards on Bower Crescent
The Clerk received an email regarding damaged sign boards on the above road. The PC think it is appropriate that the resident contacts the Estate Agents in the first instance. If there is no response then the Clerk will ask for their removal.
Whitley residents – problems encountered by farmers because of plainings dumped by WBC
Both the Chair and the Clerk have received complaints by two separate farmers regarding the storage of WBC equipment on the lay-by adjacent to the Hollow Tree, the plainings are obstructing the passage of the tractors into the fields. The Clerk will contact WBC to ask for a clear up of the site.
Email from resident – issues on A559
The Chair has received an email from a resident explaining how he had been approached whilst out by a PCSO who asked about issues of speeding on the A559. The resident has passed on the contact number of the PCSO who mentioned a scheme whereby residents are trained in the use of speed gun and the details of the offending vehicles are passed on to Cheshire Police. The PC discussed the matter and felt that the speed gun may not be appropriate as some of the roads in Stretton are very narrow and it is difficult enough walking around the area without standing on the narrow pavements using the gun. The PC has also recently purchased a speeding sign which it is hoped would be a deterrent. The PCSO’s also use their speed check equipment on the larger roads such as Stretton Road.
Email regarding vacancy for Parish Councillor
Following an application for the vacancy it was agreed that the candidate should be invited to attend for an informal chat prior to the meeting in September. The Clerk will make the necessary arrangements
Help by Thorn Cross inmates
The Clerk has heard from the above institution regarding help with work around the Parish. The Chair will be liaising with them and will report back when there are more details.
N37 / Project – Signage
The signage issue was discussed as previously stated, with Ms Walls, the PC await an outcome.
N38 / Annual Newsletter
Cllr Higgins is compiling the newsletter. It was decided that there should be an emphasis on the current vacancies. Cllr Higgins will ask each Councillor for their views on the job from a personal perspective. The newsletter will be printed in the same format as previous years.
N39 / Issues on A559
Again the ongoing problems were discussed with Ms. Walls. It is hoed a visit to Marston PC can be arranged shortly.
N40 / Project 2015
Although several suggestions have been put forward by residents it is felt that there may be more to gain with ideas if the matter is added again to the annual Newsletter.
N41 / Casual Vacancies
The vacancies will be highlighted in the newsletter as previously stated.
N42 / Councillors Issues
Cllr Buckley
Cllr Buckley reported oil seepage on the verge adjacent to the Ring O’Bells garage which is encroaching onto the road. The Clerk will inform environmental health at WBC
Cllr Hutchinson
Cllr Hutchinson attended a meeting on behalf of the PC at the Town Hall. The meeting was to explain the upcoming Electoral Boundary review being conducted by WBC. He explained that Warrington is to have 58 Council members instead of 57. There is a staged consultation period, the open consultation stage is to run from 25 August to 19 October 2015 when the draft recommendations will be published. The final recommendations will be published by the Boundary Commission on 2 December 2015.
The intention of the review is to equalise the number of voters in each Ward. As the population increases and moves the number of people within Wards becomes out of date or exceeds or falls short of the norm for the area. Parishes cannot be abolished or created by the Boundary Commission.
Cllr Jones
Cllr Jones reported the state of the ground around the Christmas tree at Pewterspear Green, it is full of weeds and is looking very unkempt. The tree at Summit Close is also looking untidy. The Clerk will inform the gardeners and ask that they clear the weeds and do a general tidy when next in the area.
Cllr Higgins
At the last meeting the Clerk omitted to report the fact that Cllr Higgins had once again raised the issue of the drains on the A559 causing problems. It is hoped that following Ms Walls intervention the problem will be looked at as a flood risk.
N43 / Public Forum
Members of the public took part in a discussion about matters in the Parish.
The meeting closed at 9.25 p.m.
N44 / Date and Time of Next Meeting
The next meeting will take place on Monday 7 September at 7.30 p.m.