Principal Investigator/Program Director (last, First, Middle):


Provide the following information for the key personnel and other significant contributors in the order listed on Form Page 2.
Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES.
Laurel O. Sillerud, Ph.D. / POSITION TITLE
Research Professor
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
(if applicable) / YEAR(s) / FIELD OF STUDY
University of Minnesota, Mpls, MN / B.A. / 1963-1967 / Physics
University of Minnesota, Mpls, MN / M.S. / 1968-1970 / Physics
University of Minnesota, Mpls, MN / Ph.D. / 1971-1977 / Biophysics & Physiology
Yale University, New Haven, CT / Post Doc / 1977-1978 / Biophysics & Biochemistry

A. Personal Statement.

Dr. Sillerud’s research and education are in biological magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging applied to problems of interest to human health. He is the Director of the MRI Core at the University of New Mexico’s Biomedical Research and Integrated Neuroscience (BRaIN) Center, where he leads efforts that utilize multiple modern methods for the analysis and treatment of brain diseases, including cancer, Alzheimer’s dementia, stroke, traumatic brain injury and cerebrovascular disease. He is a Physical Biochemist who specializes in the applications of multifunctional superparamagnetic nanoparticles to disease diagnosis in the areas of Alzheimer’s dementia and cancer. He has been conducting prostate cancer studies since 1985 when he was the first investigator to use MRI and MRS to study the unique citrate and lipid metabolism in the gland and how this changes during tumorgenesis. He has started several high-technology businesses, including nanoMR, Inc. ( a company dedicated to the application of nanotechnolgy to uses in the clinical laboratory. He has trained large numbers of undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, visiting scientists and Staff Members in the application of NMR and MRI to biomedical problems.

B. Positions and Honors

Professional Experience

1968-1970 Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics, University of Minnesota

1974-1976 Research Assistant, Dept. of Chemistry. University of Minnesota

1977-1978 Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, School of Medicine, New Haven, CT

1978-1982 Research Staff Scientist, Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry,

Yale University, School of Medicine, New Haven, CT

1982-1993 Director of the Biomedical NMR Facility, Division of Life Sciences, Los Alamos

National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM

1990-1994 Director of Human NMR Spectroscopy, Magnetic Resonance Facility, Department of

Radiology, VA Medical Center, Albuquerque, NM.

1993-1997 Consultant in Biophysics, Somatogen, Inc., Boulder, Colorado.

1994-1996 Visiting Scientist, The Lovelace Institutes, Albuquerque, New Mexico

1988-2001 Associate Professor (Adjunct) Department of Biochemistry, University of New Mexico

2001-2012 1. Research Associate Professor of Biochemistry Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.

2. Member of the Cancer Research and Treatment Center and Director of the Shared Resource for Human Imaging in Clinical Trials. University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque, NM.

3. Associate Professor (Adjunct), Urology, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque, NM.

4. President, Feldmatech, Inc. Albuquerque, NM, a startup devoted to optical magnetometry.

5. Director, MRI Core, UNM BRaIN Center, Albuquerque, NM.

2012- present 1. Promotion to Research Professor of Biochemistry, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.

2. Same as 2001-2012 (above)

3. Promotion to Professor (Adjunct), Urology, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque, NM.

4. Same as 2001-2012 (above)

5. Same as 2001-2012 (above)

Honors and Awards

1963 University of Minnesota Freshman Scholarship.

1963 Minnesota Academy of Science Undergraduate Scholarship.

1963-1967 Marshall H. And Nellie Alworth Foundation Undergraduate (4 years) Scholarship.

1971-1976 United States Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellowship (5 years).

1987 William H. Oldendorf Award from the American Society for Neuroimaging, shared with

Claudia F. E. Kirsch, M.D., for research on 2D NMR spectroscopy of sciatic nerve injury in the rat.

2009 Society of Eagles award for Alzheimer’s research.

2012 Elected as a Fellow in the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

C. Selected Peer Reviewed Publications (Selected from 106)

1.  Sillerud, L. O. and Richard S. Larson, “Design and Structure of Peptide and Peptidomimetic Antagonists of Protein-Protein Interaction.” Current Peptide and Protein Science 6(2005) 151-169. PMID: 15853652

2.  Sillerud LO, McDowell AF, Adolphi NL, Serda RE, Adams DP, Vasile MJ, Alam TM. 1H NMR Detection of superparamagnetic nanoparticles at 1T using a microcoil and novel tuning circuit. J Magn Reson. 181(2006 )181-90. PMID: 16698297

3.  Sillerud LO, Larson RS. “Nuclear magnetic resonance-based screening methods for drug discovery. “ Methods Mol Biol. 316(2006)227-89. PMID: 16671407

4.  Averna TA, Kline EE, Smith AY, Sillerud LO. A decrease in 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopically determined citrate in human seminal fluid accompanies the development of prostate adenocarcinoma. J Urol. 173(2005)433-8. PMID: 15643195

5.  Hall PR, Malone L, Sillerud LO, Ye C, Hjelle BL, Larson RS. Characterization and NMR solution structure of a novel cyclic pentapeptide inhibitor of pathogenic hantaviruses. Chem Biol Drug Des. 69(2007)180-90. PMID: 17441904

6.  Rita E. Serda, Natalie L. Adolphi, Marco Bisoffi, and Laurel O. Sillerud, Targeting and Cellular Trafficking of Magnetic Nanoparticles for Prostate Cancer Imaging. Molecular Imaging 6(2007)277-288. PMID: 17711783

7.  Serda RE, Bisoffi M, Thompson TA, Ji M, Omdahl JL, Sillerud LO. 1alpha,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D(3) down-regulates expression of prostate specific membrane antigen in prostate cancer cells. Prostate. 68(2008)773-83. PMID: 18247401

8.  Sillerud, L. O., and Larson, R. S. “Advances Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for Drug Discovery.” In Methods in Molecular Biology: Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery. R. S. Larson, Ed. (Humana: New Jersey) 910(2012)195-266. PMID: 22821598

9.  Taylor RM, Huber DL, Monson TC, Ali AM, Bisoffi M, Sillerud LO. Multifunctional iron platinum stealth immunomicelles: targeted detection of human prostate cancer cells using both fluorescence and magnetic resonance imaging. J Nanopart Res. 2011 Oct 1;13(10):4717-4729. PMID: 22121333

10.  Taylor RM, Severns V, Brown DC, Bisoffi M, Sillerud LO. Prostate cancer targeting motifs: Expression of α(ν) β(3) , neurotensin receptor 1, prostate specific membrane antigen, and prostate stem cell antigen in human prostate cancer cell lines and xenografts. Prostate. 72(2011)523-532. doi: 10.1002/pros.21454. PMID: 21748756

11.  Kaini, R.R., Sillerud, Laurel O., Zhaorigetu, S., and Hu, C.A. Autophagy regulates lipolysis and cell survival through lipid droplet degradation in androgen-sensitive prostate cancer cells. Prostate 72(2012) 1412-1422. doi: 10.1002/pros.22489. PMID: 22294520.

12.  Chenguang Zhao, Patrick J. Bolan, Melanie Royce, Navneeth Lakkadi, Steven Eberhardt, Laurel Sillerud, Sang-Joon Lee, and Stefan Posse. Quantitative Mapping of Total Choline in Healthy Human Breast Using Proton Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging (PEPSI) at 3 Tesla. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging (2012) Jul 10. doi: 10.1002/jmri.23748. PMID: 22782667

13.  Taylor RM, Huber DL, Monson TC, Esch, V., and Sillerud, Laurel O. Structural and Magnetic Characterization of Superparamagnetic Iron Platinum Nanoparticle Contrast Agents for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. J. Vacuum Sci. Tech. B 30(2012) 2C101-2C1016. doi: 10.1116/1.3692250. PMID: 22872817

14.  Laurel O. Sillerud, Ryan Chamberlin, Nathan O. Solberg, Lorraine M. Deck, John E. Heidrich, David C. Brown, Christina I. Brady, Robert A. Orlando, Thomas A. Vander Jagt, Michael Garwood, and David L. Vander Jagt. SPION-Enhanced MRI of Alzheimer’s Plaque Formation in Transgenic Mouse Brain. J. Alzheimer’s Disease (2012) DOI 10.3233/JAD-121171. PMID: 23229079

15.  Robert M. Taylor and Laurel O. Sillerud. Paclitaxel-Loaded Iron Platinum Stealth Immunomicelles are Potent Magnetic Resonance Imaging Agents that Prevent Prostate Cancer Growth in a PSMA-Dependent Manner. Int. J. of Nanomedicine 7(2012)4341-4352. PMID: 22915856

D. Research Support

Ongoing Research Support

2006-2013: National Cancer Institute Award R01CA123194 “Development of Agents for Specific NMR and Squid Imaging of Prostate Cancer.” Laurel O. Sillerud, PI

2012-2013: University of New Mexico, Brain and Behavioral Health Institute, “Superparamagnetic FePt Contrast Agents for Non-Invasive MRI of Neuroinflammation in vivo.” Laurel O. Sillerud, PI

2012-2013: University of New Mexico, Cancer Research and Treatment Center, Focussed Interactive Group grant “Therapy, magnetic resonance imaging, and computed tomography of brain metastatic breast cancer using blood brain barrier permeable, multifunctional, iron platinum, stealth immunomicelles.” Laurel O. Sillerud, PI

Completed Research Support

2002-2004: U. S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, Grant PC010571 “Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Androgen Sensitivity in Human Prostate Tumors.” Laurel O. Sillerud, PI

2004-2005: Sandia National Laboratory LDRD award “A Portable, Miniature, NMR Detection System Using Nanoparticle Signal Amplification for Biowarfare Agents.” Laurel O. Sillerud, PI

2004-2005: U. S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, Grant PC030377 “Prostate cancer diagnosis by NMR spectroscopy of semen.” Laurel O. Sillerud, PI.

2008-2009: NanoMR (Albuquerque, NM) award for “Chromatography of Nanoparticles.” Laurel O. Sillerud, PI.

2009: New Mexico Fraternal Order of Eagles. Award for “Immunohistochemistry of Alzheimer’s Brain”. Laurel O. Sillerud, PI

2009-2010: National Institutes of Health, NCI, SBIR, “Nanotechnology for NMR detection of bladder cancer cells in urine.” (E. Fukushima, PI) Laurel O. Sillerud, Co-PI

2011-2012: University of New Mexico Brain and Behavioral Health Institute, “Novel superparamagnetic MRI contrast agents for non-invasive detection of Alzheimer’s pathology in vivo.” Laurel O. Sillerud, PI


Laurel O. Sillerud, D. B. van Hulsteyn and R. H. Griffey. Issued May 1, 1990

"Polarization Transfer NMR Imaging."

U. S. Patent Number 4,922,203

Laurel O. Sillerud Issued August 13, 2002

Sorin A. Popa, and Mosen Shahinpoor

“Smart Fiber Optic Magnetometer.”

United States Patent Number 6,433,543

Richard S. Larson and Laurel O. Sillerud U.S. Patent Pending

“Tertiary Structures of ICAM-1/LFA-1 Modulators”

Application # 10/886,407.

Laurel O. Sillerud

“Early Detection of Prostate Cancer by Metabolic Signature” U.S. Patent Pending

Application #310.00180160.

Laurel O. Sillerud U.S. Patent Pending

“A Portable, Miniature, NMR Detection System Using Nanoparticle Signal Amplification for Biowarfare Agents”

Laurel O. Sillerud U.S. Patent Pending

“Molecular MR Imaging of Human Prostate Cancer Cells Labeled with Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles Conjugated to anti-PSMA Antibodies”

Laurel O. Sillerud “Magnetic Nanoparticles for Alzheimer’s Diagnosis” patent disclosure filed 12 January 2011.

Laurel O. Sillerud "Biological Detector and Method "Utility application no. 12/720,499 filed March 9, 2010 (STC.UNM ref. 2007-021-03 / MC-0353.CON) U.S. Patent Granted 22 August 2012.

Laurel O. Sillerud "Microcoil Magnetic Resonance Detectors "Utility application no. 12/257,238 filed October 23, 2008 (STC.UNM ref. 2011-014-01 / MC-0487) U.S. Patent Granted 22 August 2012.

Taylor, R.M. and Laurel O. Sillerud “Anticancer Immunomicelle Compositions, Methods of Treatment, and Diagnostic and Drug Screening Methods” patent disclosure filed 22 January 2012.

Sillerud, Laurel O., et al., “Alzheimer's Disease Detection with SPIONs” patent disclosure filed 2 February 2012.