SJE Incoming 6th, 7th, and 8th Graders

Summer 2016 – Required Reading and Math

Required one Reading Option:

In order to prepare you for 6th, 7th, and 8th grades, you are required to read at least one book at your lexile level, either a fantasy or mystery book. Once you have read the book, complete one project from the Book Report page on the back of this flyer (Fantasy = diorama, or mystery = written book report). When you begin school in August, you will share and turn in your reading project to your homeroom teacher for your first grade in your Literature/Reading class! (See rubrics – 50 points.) Remember, this project is the first impression your teacher will have of you. Do your best. Make sure it is something you are proud to share. Feel free to email us with questions.

Required one Math Option:

1.  Complete at least 20 Simple Solutions lessons in your current workbook, or (if you ordered) in your summer Simple Solutions workbook, or

2.  Go on and complete 20 lessons, or

3.  Contact Mr. Quinlan at below email if you want permission to use another equivalent option.

Both summer Reading and Math assignments are due the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL in AUGUST!

Have a great summer Middle Schoolers of 2016-2017!!

Mr. Quinlan, Mrs. Kruse, Mrs. Sekoguchi

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GENRE: Fantasy

TASK: Create a diorama of the main setting or event.


·  Create a diorama in a box (shoe) that explains the main setting or events of the book.

·  Make the title visible on your box.

·  Decorate the inside and outside.

·  You may use and objects to help you recreate the setting or events.

·  No drawings or printed pictures

·  Write a summary of the books on note cards.

·  Present your diorama to the class.

·  Be Creative


·  Title on diorama Y N 5 points

·  Setting/events visible Y N 20 points

·  Summary on note cards Y N 10 points

·  Spoke clearly Y N 5 points

·  Creative Y N 10 points

Total 50 points



GENRE: Mystery

TASK: Write a two page, five paragraph paper describing story elements.


·  Read a mystery book.

·  Make a title page with the name of the book, illustrations, and your name.

·  Write a two-page, five paragraph paper answering the following questions:

o  Setting: Describe all the parts of the setting so clear that if you had not read the book you would be able to picture it in your head.

o  Characters: List the names of the characters and the part they played in the book. Describe any changes they made throughout the story and why they made those changes. Describe anything that surprised you about the characters.

o  Plot: Describe all the events that happened, clues that were given throughout the story, and active that helped or harmed the plot. Describe the conflict.

o  Conclusion: Describe if the mystery was solved and how it was solved. Describe if the conflict was resolved and by whom. Describe if you were surprised by the resolution or if you expected those events to happen. Would you recommend the story? Why or why not?

·  Skip only one line in between each paragraph.

·  Include an introduction, body, and conclusion.

·  Have 5-8 sentences per paragraph.

·  Be creative on the title page.

·  Be creative in the report (optional).


·  Has a title page Y N 5 points

·  Has two pages, five paragraphs Y N 5 points

·  Has an introduction Y N 10 points

·  Has a body Y N 20 points

·  Has a conclusion Y N 10 points

Total 50 points