Minutes of the BUCS Football Advisory Group Meeting

held at 11.30 on Wednesday 9 June 2010 at


Donna McIvor FA National Football Development Manager (Education) - Acting Chair

George Carney BUCS Football Development Manager

Cai Robbins BUCS Football Development Coordinator

Rob Wadsworth University of York (North East and Yorkshire)

Pip Bell Teesside University (North East and Yorkshire)

Barry Squires Bournemouth University (South West)

Chris Knowles Bournemouth University (South West)

Gareth Wallwork Cardiff University (Wales)


John Warnock Advisory Group Chair

Ross Campbell Heriot Watt (Scotland)

Ian Pickup Roehampton University (London)

Gavin Baker University of Surrey (South East)

Jo Day University Campus Suffolk (East)

Jonathan Pace Staffordshire University (Midlands)

Laura Fisher University of Liverpool (North West)

Stan Cinnamond UCP Marjon (South West)

Patrick Craig University of Leeds (North East and Yorkshire)

James Ellis Warwick (Midlands)

Gus Williams Welsh Football Trust

1.  Minutes of last meeting dated 9th March 2010.

1.1  Approved by Chair

1.2  Matter Arising

1.2.1  Funding bid request to the FA Youth Trust submitted - men and women GB teams 2010/11 are to receive funding

1.2.2  BUCS Football will communicate with each regional chair and improve the communication process in order to give regions more ownership of meetings timings/directions - last regional meetings were held at the Football Development Conference. A review is currently taking place to ensure each region has a set up and structure that works for them.

1.2.3  A few different proposals were drafted with suggestions for the 2010/11 League/Cup format by the BUCS Sports Department. The Cup has been integrated into League set up resulting in an October to March season for all teams.

1.2.4  There are currently no additional requirements for grounds in Tier One (1) and premiership.

1.2.5  DM and GC to investigate funding opportunities for university leadership and volunteering roles - Active University Bid (See Agenda Point 4).

1.2.6  Through the Representative programmes & BUCS coaching network, produce a framework for elite coaches/mentoring programme to bring back to the next meeting – National Coaching Scholarship Programme providing mentoring training for those already in the system.

1.2.7  GC to meet with Simon Walker (The FA) to review 2009/10 and discuss ideas for a new futsal structure. A paper will then be produced and circulated to BUCS members prior to the conference, where it will be discussed in more detail with agreed outcomes – GC met with Simon Walker (See Agenda Point 8).


CR to produce full apologies list for all meetings to combat lack of attendance from some members

2.  Regional Meeting Feedback

2.1  The group fed back on the Regional Structure. A general consensus that attendance needs improving and how this is dealt with will have to be specific to each individual region.


GC and CR to conduct review of Regional Structure in conjunction with Football Development Regional Chairs and BUCS Regional Chairs as necessary, to establish a system aimed at ensuring higher attendance at Regional Football Development Meetings


GC and CR to produce a paper detailing HE priorities – to be brought to next National Meeting

2.2  Regional priorities are difficult to establish as each institution has their own needs. North East and Yorkshire suggested a focus on Leadership and Volunteering, while the South West highlighted the need for a Regional Coaching Hub for Level 3, Futsal and Refereeing courses.

2.3  National Coaching Scholarship programme currently being piloted. Dm will provide more detail at the next National meeting.


DM and GC to investigate possible support from within the FA to provide coaching courses at cost prices across the country

2.4  2009/10 Focus Universities are expected to continue their involvement in Regional meetings and support 2010/11 Focus Universities, as shown in the Service Level Agreement.


Regions to discuss if Focus Universities should continue to act as chair for Regional Football Development meetings


CR to produce paper to aid new Focus Universities in their responsibility as Chair

3.  Focus Universities Update

3.1  Application deadline for new Focus Universities was extended to the 11th June after feedback from members. There has been varied interest from institutions of different sizes and football offers. The focus for this year will be to ensure the BUCS Football Development team support those institutions who will really see the benefit from being involved in the scheme.

3.2  2008/09 Focus Universities have been asked to reapply to continue their involvement in the scheme to ensure the status is not seen as a badge of honour.

3.3  A new Service Level Agreement explains the involvement of the new BUCS Football Development Coordinator and enables both BUCS and the universities involved to be held to account.

3.4  The BUCS Football Development team will no longer be overseeing BUCS Football and Futsal Leagues and Cups. This will allow for more time to be spent servicing Focus University needs.


Focus Universities to feedback any regional or institutional thoughts on the scheme to ensure continued improvement.

3.5  Links with Focus Colleges and Focus Independent Schools should be developed.


DM and CR to investigate links and feedback at next National meeting

4.  Active Universities/Sport England

4.1  Currently there have been 10 expressions of interest. The application form will be sent out to universities on the 9th or 10th June.

4.2  The group discussed how institutions could work with the volunteers. The FA are flexible in their approach to the scheme and are happy to allow Universities to decide how best to use the funding and the role as long as methods are discussed and KPIs are met.

5.  Intra Mural

5.1  DM gave an update explaining Mars are FA partners for the adult game and the title sponsors for BUCS.

5.2  Discussions are taking place between all three parties to establish a bespoke site for adult football, to include intra mural. It is undecided what this will look like, however the benefits will include a central site which should decrease drop in participation when students leave university as the aim of Mars it to get more people playing the game recreationally.


DM and GC to have a meeting with both FA and BUCS marketing and communications teams.

5.3  Some institutional concerns about having to double up on administration as they have their own systems in place. DM explained that the system envisaged will replace institutional set ups, as all those assigned to site will be part of one league, ceasing the need for institutions to affiliate their respective leagues to their County FAs, and unlike Fixtures Live, will be free for members.

5.4  The system will provide BUCS with greater opportunities for engagement in key areas such as Leadership and Volunteering and will put BUCS on the map as being more than the Wednesday afternoon sports programme.

5.5  Functionality of the site is important – it has to work for institutions, as such institutions will be asked for feedback when system is developed.

6.  BUCS Leadership and Volunteering – The Future

6.1  CR delivered a presentation explaining proposed developments.


Group to feedback by the end of August

6.2  Group discussed management of sign up and methods of increasing participation. General consensus was that the reasons for students to be involved have to be pushed, the group suggested a tool kit to be handed out during welcome weeks may aid the process.


CR to produce and distribute a tangible offer before the next meeting, ideally producing something to go out before the academic year.

6.3  Discussions on engagement when students have signed up to programme – it was felt students and institutions need more from BUCS. CR is to send out monthly emails informing institutions of their student’s activities; send emails to students when they have nearly reached reward targets and inform them of other volunteer opportunities and introduce ‘I Volunteered, Now I...’ section on BUCS website.

7.  BUCS Football Structure

7.1  League and Cup have been incorporated, and take place alternatively every other week, providing six (6) months of development from October to March and links into the Representative Structure. Group suggested the Cup is slightly devalued by the League.

7.2  Football Leagues and Cups are now over seen by the Sports Department: game and competition issues are directed to Aaron Campbell, events and tournaments will be overseen by Vikki Scott and Sarah Gandon and Caroline Chase will be working with the Football Development team developing a British Strategy for Football and Futsal development.

7.3  BUCS Football Development team will become part of the BUCS Development team on the 28th June.

7.4  Group fed back that Futsal needs to be a sport in and of itself.


GC to communicate to the BUCS office that Futsal should be seen and treated as a standalone sport

7.5  BS suggested a National Premiership rather than North and South split.

7.6  GC updated group on suspensions – BUCS have access to FA information and therefore allows universities to ensure players with suspensions are not playing. Suspensions will continue to run on a days basis. A possible new suspension system may come in for 2011/12 season, so suspensions do not carry over from one league to another unless a serious offence is committed. In the new system suspensions would be on a match basis.

7.7  University players with contracts should be not be playing in BUCS games, however the FA have released a contract template that players can use to negotiate with clubs, and be used as a contract between the player and club allowing them to play for the university. However, if the contract is registered at the FA the player becomes ‘contracted’ and therefore cannot play for their university

8.  Futsal Development

8.1  A new structure has been introduced, which so far has received good feedback. The structure allows elite players to play others at their level, provides more playing opportunities and there are no clashes with The National Futsal League, allowing players to be involved in both set ups and ensuring there is not a lack of referees.

8.2  RW highlighted that if teams get knocked out Championship and go on to win the Trophy they receive more points.


GC to investigate Futsal points and ensure those who win trophy to not receive more points than those who continue on in the Championship - point allocation must be on the merits of competition level

8.3  There is a lot of potential for the competition to grow now teething problems have been worked through. This should include pushing for more players to be solely futsal players, rather than football players who are called up to the futsal team.


GC and CR to work with Further Education FA staff to increase knowledge of Futsal at a younger age to increase participation when students move into Higher Education.

8.4  Level 1 Futsal Coaching Courses opened in March.


GC and CR to highlight new course to institutions and include hosting October courses in the plan for coaching and link to Leadership and Volunteering Programme.

9.  International Update

9.1  Futsal team going to World University Games. Womens Head Coach is Paul Tassle (Hartpury), Chris Welburn (Leeds Met) takes on the role of Team Manager; for men, James Ellis (Warwick) will be team manager while Mike Skubala (Loughborough) is Head Coach.

9.2  There is one more trial left for the men, taking the squad from twenty (20) to the final twelve (12). Six (6) of those players are in the FA England side.

9.3  Jo Kirk, BUCS International Manager is leaving in July. GC will be meeting with her replacement to aid in their handover.

10.  Club Links

10.1  The best way to communicate exit routes was discussed by the group. DM highlighted the search system of the FA website which provides information as to the location of clubs and relevant contacts; however there is no indication of the level at which clubs compete.

10.2  BUCS Football Development team need to be clear about their club link strategy – should it focus on exit routes or links with universities providing players with community opportunities while at University?

10.3  Greater emphasis needs to be put on women’s football, futsal and disability football exit routes and playing opportunities.


DM, GC and CR to discus and produce club links development plan for all elements of Football and Futsal, clearly stating where BUCS will focus its resources – to be brought to the next National meeting.

11.  Coaching Development

11.1  Discussed within other elements of agenda.

12.  AOB

12.1  BS raised National Premiership rather than North and South. GC explained this has been put forward to Mark Brian, BUCS Head of Sports Programmes, who has stated this is not something that will be considered until the new BUCS Sports Structure has completed its sports reviews of other sports.

Date of next meeting: November, TBC