Toys “R” Us International860 Purchase Order Change Message Definition

860 – Purchase Order Change Request – Buyer Initiated

  • Set Number - 860
  • Set Name – Purchase Order Change Request – Buyer Initiated
  • Functional Group - PC

This Draft Standard for Trail Use contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Purchase Order Change Request – Buyer Initiated Transaction Set (860) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. The transaction set can be used to provide the information required for the customary and established business and industry practice relative to a Purchase Order Change. The Transaction can be used: (1) by a buyer to request a change to a previously submitted purchase order or (2) by a buyer to confirm acceptance of a purchase order change initiated by the seller or by mutual agreement of the two parties.

Message Name: / Toys “R” Us Purchase Order Change Request – Buyer Initiated
Message Version: / ANSI X12 4030
Date Released: / March 27, 2009
Message Type: / 860

860 – Purchase Order Change Request Segments

Pos / Seg / Name / Req / Max / Loop

Header Level

ISA / Transmission Control Header / M / 1
GS / Functional Group Header / M / 1
0100 / ST / Transaction Set Header / M / 1
0200 / BCH / Beginning Segment for Purchase Order Change / M / 1
0400 / CUR / Currency / M / 1
0500 / REF / Reference Identification / M / 1
0600 / PER / Administrative Communications Contact / M / 2
0800 / FOB / F.O.B. Related Instructions / M / 1
0900 / CTP / Pricing Information / O / 2
LOOP ID-SAC Loop Repeat-1 O
1200 / SAC / Service, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge Information / M / 1
1300 / ITD / Terms of Sale/Deferred Terms of Sale / M / 1
2000 / MEA / Measurements / M / 3
LOOP ID-N1 Loop Repeat-200
3000 / N1 / Name / M / 1
2300 / N3 / Address Information / O / 1
3300 / N4 / Geographic Location / O / >1

Item Level

LOOP ID-POC Loop Repeat- >1O
0100 / POC / Line Item Change / M / 1
0400 / CTP / Pricing Information / M / 1
LOOP ID-PID Loop Repeat- 1000
0500 / PID / Product/Item Description / M / 1
0900 / PO4 / Item Physical Details / M / 1
1000 / REF / Reference Identification / M / 1
LOOP ID-SAC Loop Repeat->1
1300 / SAC / Product/Item Description / O / 1
2000 / DTM / Date/Time Reference / O / 10

Summary Level

0100 / CTT / Transaction Totals / M / 1
0300 / SE / Transaction Set Trailer / M / 1
GE / Functional Control Trailer / M / 1
IEA / Transmission Control Trailer / M / 1

ISA – Transmission Control Header

To start and identify an interchange of one or more functional groups and interchange-related control segments.

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
ISA-01 / 101 / Authorization Information Qualifier / M / ID / 02/02 / “00”
ISA-02 / 102 / Authorization Information / M / AN / 10/10 / Blank
ISA-03 / 103 / Security Information Qualifier / M / ID / 02/02 / “00”
ISA-04 / 104 / Security Information / M / AN / 10/10 / Blank
ISA-05 / 105 / Sender ID Qualifier / M / ID / 02/02 / “12”
ISA-06 / 107 / Sender ID / M / ID / 15/15 / 9056602000
ISA-07 / 105 / Receiver ID Qualifier / M / ID / 02/02 / Vendor ISA Qualifier
ISA-08 / 107 / Receiver ID / M / ID / 15/15 / Vendor ISA ID
ISA-09 / 108 / Interchange Date / M / DT / 06/06 / YYMMDD Format
ISA-10 / 109 / Interchange Time / M / TM / 04/04 / HHMM Format
ISA-11 / 110 / Interchange Standard ID / M / ID / 01/01 / “^”
ISA-12 / 111 / Interchange Version ID / M / ID / 05/05 / “00403”
ISA-13 / 112 / Interchange Control Number / M / N0 / 09/09 / Sequentially Assigned Number
ISA-14 / 113 / Acknowledgement Requested / M / ID / 01/01 / “0”
ISA-15 / 114 / Production / Test indicator / M / ID / 01/01 / Test – “T”
Prod – “P”
ISA-16 / 115 / Sub-element Separator / M / AN / 01/01 / “”

GS – Functional Group Header

To start and identify functional groups control segments.

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
GS-01 / 479 / Functional Identifier Code / M / ID / 2/2 / “PC”
GS-02 / 142 / Application Sender’s Code / M / ID / 2/12 / 9056602000
GS-03 / 124 / Application Receiver’s Code / M / ID / 2/12 / Vendor GS ID
GS-04 / 029 / Group Date / M / DT / 8/8 / CCYYMMDD Format
GS-05 / 030 / Group Time / M / TM / 4/4 / HHMM Format
GS-06 / 028 / Group Control Number / M / N0 / 1/15 / Sequentially Assigned Number
GS-07 / 455 / Responsible Agency Code / M / ID / 1/2 / “X”
GS-08 / 480 / Version/Release/Industry Identifier Code / M / ID / 6/15 / “004030”

ST - Transaction Set Header

To indicate the start of a transaction set and to assign a control number.

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
ST-01 / 143 / TransactionSet Identifier Code / M / ID / 3/3 / “860”
ST-02 / 329 / Transaction Set Control Number / M / AN / 4/9 / Identifying control number that must be unique within transaction set functional group assigned by the originator for a transaction set.

The transaction set identifier (ST-01) used by the translation routines of the interchange partners to select the appropriate transaction set definition (e.g. 810 selects the Invoice transaction set).

BCH - Beginning Segment for Purchase Order Change

To indicate the beginning of the Purchase Order Change Transaction Set and transmit identifying numbers and dates.

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
BCH-01 / 353 / Transaction Set Purpose Code / M / ID / 2/2 / “01”- Cancellation
“04”- Change
BCH-02 / 92 / Purchase Order Type Code / M / ID / 2/2 / “CP”- Change to
Purchase order
BCH-03 / 324 / Purchase Order Number / M / AN / 1/22 / PO Number
BCH-05 / 327 / Change Order Sequence Number / M / AN / 1/8 / PO Change Number
BCH-06 / 373 / Date / M / DT / 8/8 / PO Creation Date
BCH-11 / 373 / Date / O / DT / 1/8 / PO Change Date

CUR - Currency

To specify the currency (dollars, pounds, francs, etc.) used in a transaction.

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
CUR-01 / 098 / Entity Identifier Code / M / ID / 2/3 / “VN” = Vendor
CUR-02 / 100 / Currency Code / M / ID / 3/3 / Currency code
CUR-03 / 280 / Exchange Rate / O / R / 4/10 / Conversion Rate

REF - Reference Identification

To specify identifying information.

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
REF-01 / 128 / Reference Identification Qualifier / M / ID / 2/3 / “IA” = Internal Vendor
REF-02 / 127 / Reference Identification / M / AN / 1/50 / TRU-assigned vendor

PER - Administrative Communications Contact

To identify a person or office to whom administrative communications should be directed.

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
PER-01 / 366 / Contact function code / M / ID / 2/3 / “SU” = SupplierContact
PER-02 / 093 / Name / O / AN / 1/20 / Sales Person

PER - Administrative Communications Contact

To identify a person or office to whom administrative communications should be directed.

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
PER-01 / 366 / Contact Function Code / M / ID / 2/2 / “BD” = Buyer Name
PER-02 / 93 / Name / O / AN / 1/60 / Buyer Name
PER-09 / 443 / Contact Inquiry Reference / X / AN / 1/20 / TRU-Assigned Buyer ID

FOB - F.O.B. Related Instructions

To specify transportation instructions relating to shipment.

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
FOB-01 / 146 / Shipment Method of Payment / M / ID / 2/2 / “CC” = Collect
“CF” = Collect,
Credited back to Customer.
“DF” = Defined by
Buyer & Seller
“PP” = Prepaid by Seller
FOB-02 / 309 / Location Qualifier / M / ID / 1/2 / “CI” = City
FOB-03 / 352 / Description / O / AN / 1/80 / 3-Digit FOB Code & FOB City
FOB-04 / 334 / Transportation Term Qualifier / O / ID / 2/2 / “02” = Trade Terms
FOB-05 / 335 / Transportation Term Code / O / AN / 3/3
FOB-06 / 309 / Location Qualifier / X / ID / 1/2 / “CA” = Country of Origin
FOB-07 / 352 / Description / O / AN / 1/80 / Country

CTP - Pricing Information

To specify pricing information.

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
CTP-02 / 236 / Price Identifier Code / M / ID / 3/3 / “DIS” = Distributor’s
CTP-03 / 212 / Unit Price / M / R / 1/17 / Total FOB Cost

CTP - Pricing Information

To specify pricing information.

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
CTP-02 / 236 / Price Identifier Code / M / ID / 3/3 / “TOT” =Total Invoice
CTP-03 / 212 / Unit Price / M / R / 1/17 / Total Invoice Amount Due

SAC - Service, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge


To request or identify a service, promotion, allowance, or charge; to specify the amount or percentage for the service, promotion, allowance, or charge.

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
SAC-01 / 248 / Allowance or Charge Indicator / M / ID / 1/1 / “A”= Allowance
SAC-02 / 1300 / Service, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge Code / M / ID / 4/4 / “ZZZZ”
SAC-05 / 610 / Amount / O / N2 / 1/15 / Freight amount
IF SAC-06 = “3”
SAC-06 / 378 / Allowance/ Charge Percent Qualifier / X / ID / 1/1 / “3” – Discount/Gross
“Z” – Mutually Defined
SAC-07 / 332 / Allowance or Charge Percent / X / R / 1/6 / Freight Percentage
(IfSAC-06 = “3”)
Allowance percentage
(If SAC-06 = “Z”)
SAC-12 / 331 / Allowance or Charge Method of Handling Code / O / ID / 2/2 / “02” = Off invoice
SAC-15 / 352 / Description / O / AN / 1/80 / Description

NOTE:Two kinds ofSAC segments may be sent: Freight and Allowance

1. When SAC-06 = “3”, either the SAC-05 will be the Freight Amount (per-carton weight) and the SAC-07 will be zero, or the SAC-07 will be the Freight Percentage (percentage of either FOB cost or Invoice cost) and the SAC-05 will be blank. (Only 1 Freight SAC segment will be sent.)

2. When SAC-06 = “Z”, the SAC-07 will bethe AllowancePercentage and the SAC-05 will be blank. (Up to 100 Allowance SAC segments may be sent.)


SAC*A*ZZZZ****3*1.5*****02***Freight Percentage

SAC*A*ZZZZ***595*3*0*****02***Freight Amount


SAC*A*ZZZZ****Z*2.5*****02***New Store

ITD - Terms of Sale/Deferred Terms of Sale

To specify terms of sale.

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
ITD-01 / 336 / Terms Type Code / O / ID / 2/2 / “ZZ”= Mutually Defined
“01” = Basic
ITD-03 / 338 / Terms Discount Percent / O / R / 1/6
ITD-04 / 370 / Terms Discount Due Date / O / DT / 8/8 / Used when ITD-01 = 01
ITD-05 / 351 / Terms Discount Days Due / O / N0 / 1/3 / Used when ITD-01 = 01
ITD-06 / 446 / Terms Net Due Date / O / DT / 8/8 / Used when ITD-01 = ZZ
ITD-07 / 386 / Terms Net Days / O / N0 / 1/3 / Used when ITD-01 = ZZ
ITD-12 / 352 / Description / O / AN / 1/80

MEA – Measurements

To specify physical measurements or counts, including dimensions, tolerances, variances, and weights.

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
MEA-03 / 739 / Measurement Value / M / R / 1/20 / Total Cube
(If C001-01 = “CF”)
Total Cartons
(If C001-01 = “CT”)
Total Weight
(If C001-01 = “KG”)
MEA-04 / C001 / Composite Unit of measure / M
C001-01 / 355 / Unit or Basis of Measurement / M / ID / 2/2 / “CF” = Cubic Feet
“CT” = Carton
“KG” = Kilogram

N1 - Name

To identify a party by type of organization name and code.

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
N1-01 / 98 / Entity Identifier Code / M / ID / 2/3 / “ST” = Ship-To
“VN” = Vendor
N1-02 / 93 / Name / O / AN / 1/60
N1-03 / 66 / Identification Code Qualifier / M / ID / 1/2 / “92” = Assigned by
N1-04 / 67 / Identification Code / M / AN / 2/80 / TRU Store/Warehouse
(If N1-01 = “ST”)
TRU Vendor Number
(If N1-01 = “VN”)

N3 - Address Information

To specify the location of the named party.

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
N3-01 / 166 / Address Information 1 / O / AN / 1/55 / Ship-To Address 1
N3-02 / 166 / Address Information 2 / O / AN / 1/35 / Ship-To Address 2

NOTE: A second N3 segment may be used whenever Ship-To Address 3 information is available.

N4 - Geographic Location

To specify the geographic place of the named party.

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
N4-01 / 19 / City name / O / AN / 2/30 / City
N4-02 / 156 / State or Province Code / O / ID / 2/2 / Province
N4-03 / 116 / Postal Code / O / ID / 3/15 / Postal Code
N4-04 / 26 / Country Code / O / ID / 2/3 / Country Code

POC - Line Item Change (Purchase Order Change)

To specify changes to a line item.

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
POC-02 / 670 / Change or Response Type Code / M / ID / 2/2 / “AI” = Add Item(s)
“CA” = Change to Line
“DI” = Delete Item(s)
POC-03 / 330 / Quantity Ordered / M / R / 1/15 / Number of Units
POC-04 / 671 / Quality left to Receive / M / R / 1/9 / Quality left to Receive
POC-05 / C001 / Composite Unit of Measurement / M
C001-01 / 355 / Unit or Basis for Measurement / M / ID / 2/2 / “EA”= Each
POC-06 / 212 / Unit Price / M / R / 1/17 / Unit Cost
POC-08 / 235 / Product/Service ID Qualifier / M / ID / 2/2 / “IT” = Buyer’s Style
POC-09 / 234 / Product/Service ID / M / AN / 1/48 / TRU SKU
POC-10 / 235 / Product/Service ID Qualifier / M / ID / 2/2 / “VA” = Vendor’sStyle Number
POC-11 / 234 / Product/Service ID / M / AN / 1/48 / Vendor’sStyle Number
POC-12 / 235 / Product/Service ID Qualifier / M / ID / 2/2 / “UP” = UPC Code
POC-13 / 234 / Product/Service ID / M / AN / 1/48 / UPC Code/ EAN Code
POC-14 / 235 / Product/Service ID Qualifier / O / ID / 2/2 / “TP” = Product Type
POC-15 / 234 / Product/Service ID / O / AN / 1/48 / Ticket Type
POC-16 / 235 / Product/Service ID Qualifier / O / ID / 2/2 / “OT” = Internal Number
POC-17 / 234 / Product/Service ID / O / AN / 1/48 / Category
POC-18 / 235 / Product/Service ID Qualifier / O / ID / 2/2 / “ZZ” = Mutually defined
POC-19 / 234 / Product/Service ID / O / AN / 1/48 / Sub-Category
POC-20 / 235 / Product/Service ID Qualifier / O / ID / 2/2 / “CZ” = Country from which procured
POC-21 / 234 / Product/Service ID / O / AN / 1/48 / Country of Origin Code

NOTE:Only items that were Added, Changed or Deleted will be sent in the 860 transaction.

CTP - Pricing Information

To specify pricing information.

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
CTP-02 / 687 / Price Identifier Code / M / ID / 3/3 / “RTL” =Retail
CTP-03 / 236 / Unit Price / M / R / 1/17 / Retail Price

PID - Product/Item Description

To describe a product or process in coded or free-form format

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
01 / 349 / Item Description Type / M / ID / 1/1 / “F”= Free format
05 / 352 / Description 1 / M / AN / 1/80 / Item Description

PID - Product/Item Description

To describe a product or process in coded or free-form format

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
01 / 349 / Item Description Type / M / ID / 1/1 / “F”= Free format
05 / 352 / Description 2 / M / AN / 1/80 / Brand Name

PO4 – Item Physical Details

To describe a product or process in coded or free-form format

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
PO4-01 / 356 / Pack / O / N0 / 1/6 / Packaging
PO4-05 / 187 / Weight Qualifier / O / ID / 1/2 / “G”=Gross Weight
PO4-06 / 384 / Gross Weight per Pack / M / R / 1/9 / Weight
PO4-07 / 355 / Unit or Basis for Measurement Code / M / ID / 2/2 / “KG” = Kilogram
PO4-08 / 385 / Gross Volume per Pack / M / R / 1/9 / Cube
PO4-09 / 355 / Unit or Basis for Measurement Code / M / ID / 2/2 / “CF” = Cubic Feet
PO4-14 / 810 / Inner Pack / O / N0 / 1/6 / Inner Packaging

REF - Reference Identification

To specify identifying numbers.

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
REF-01 / 128 / Reference Identification Qualifier / M / ID / 2/3 / “TS” = Tariff Number
REF-02 / 127 / Reference Identification / M / AN / 1/50 / Tariff Number
SAC - Service, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge

To request or identify a service promotion allowance or charge; to specify the amount or percentage for the service promotion allowance or charge.

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
SAC-01 / 248 / Allowance or Charge Indicator / M / ID / 1/1 / “A”= Allowance
SAC-02 / 1300 / Service, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge Code / M / ID / 4/4 / “ZZZZ”
SAC-06 / 378 / Allowance/ Charge Percent Qualifier / X / ID / 1/1 / “Z” – Mutually Defined
SAC-07 / 332 / Allowance or Charge Percent / X / R / 1/6 / Allowance percentage
SAC-15 / 352 / Description / O / AN / 1/80 / Description

DTM - Date/Time Reference

To specify pertinent dates and times.

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
DTM-01 / 374 / Date/Time Qualifier / M / ID / 3/3 / “011” = Shipped
“038” = Ship No Later
“193” =ETA Period
“194” = ETA Period End
DTM-02 / 373 / Date / M / DT / 8/8 / CCYYMMDD format

CTT - Transaction Totals

To transmit a hash total for a specific element in the transaction set

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
CTT-01 / 354 / Number of Line Items / M / N0 / 1/6 / Total number of line items in a transaction set.

SE - Transaction Set Trailer

To indicate the end of the transaction set and provide the count of the transmitted segments (including the beginning (ST) and ending (SE) segments).

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
SE-01 / 96 / Number of Included Segments / M / N0 / 1/10 / Number of segments in transaction set
SE-02 / 329 / Transaction Set Control Number / M / AN / 4/9 / Sequentially assigned

SE is the last segment of each transaction set.

GE – Functional Set Trailer

To indicate the end of a functional group and to provide control information.

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
GE-01 / 97 / Number of Transaction Sets Included / M / N0 / 1/6 / Number of transaction sets in Group
GE-02 / 028 / Group Control Number / M / N0 / 1/9 / Same as GS-06

This segment will occur once per GS segment.

IEA – Interchange Control Trailer

To define the end of an interchange of zero or more functional groups and interchange-related control segments.

Elem / ID / Name / Attribute / Description
IEA-01 / 116 / Number of Included Functional Groups / M / N0 / 1/5 / Number of Groups in Interchange
IEA-02 / 112 / Interchange Control Number / M / N0 / 9/9 / Same as ISA-13

This segment will occur once per transmission

Sample 860:Only items that were Added, Changed or Deleted will be sent in the 860 transaction.

ISA*00* *00* *12*9056602000 *01*123456789 *140424*1002*^*00403*000000003*0*P*>






PER*BD*TRU BUYER*******061





SAC*A*ZZZZ****Z*1.5*****02***RETURN GOODS





N1*ST*TOYS 'R' US LTD.*92*3501





































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